extends /templates/base block content //- DO NOT localize / i18n div span *UNDER CONSTRUCTION, send feedback to a.spl(href='mailto:team@codecombat.com') team@codecombat.com div(style='border-bottom: 1px solid black') if state === 'declined' || state === 'unknown_error' p .alert.alert-danger ERROR #{stateMessage} if state === 'creating' p .alert.alert-info Creating class... else if state === 'purchasing' p .alert.alert-info Purchasing course... else .well.well-lg.enroll-container if price > 0 h1.center Buy Course else h1.center Create Class h3 1. Course if courses.length > 2 p Select 'All Courses' for a 50% discount! .form-group select.form-control.course-select each course in courses option(value="#{course.id}")= course.get('name') if courses.length > 1 option(value="All Courses") All Courses h3 2. Number of students p Enter the number of students you need for this class. input.input-seats(type='text', value="#{seats}") h3 3. Name your class p This will be displayed on the course page for you and your students. It can be changed later. input.class-name(type='text', placeholder="Mrs. Smith's 4th Period", value="#{className ? className : ''}") if price > 0 h3 4. Buy else h3 4. Create Class p if price > 0 span.spr You are purchasing a license for else span.spr You are creating a class for strong.spr #{selectedCourseTitle} span.spr for strong #{seats} students | . p Afterwards you will receive an unlock code to distribute to your students, which they can use to enroll in your class. p.center if price > 0 button.btn.btn-success.btn-lg.btn-buy $#{(price / 100.0).toFixed(2)} else button.btn.btn-success.btn-lg.btn-buy Create Class +trial-and-questions mixin trial-and-questions h3 Free trial for teachers! p span.spr Please fill out our a(href='/teachers/freetrial', data-i18n="teachers.teacher_subs_2") span.spl to get individual access to all courses for evalutaion purposes. h3 Questions? p span Please contact a.spl(href='mailto:team@codecombat.com') team@codecombat.com