h4 span= doc.shortName | - code.prop-type= doc.type == 'function' && doc.owner == 'this' ? 'method' : doc.type if doc.type != 'function' if writable | (writable) else | (read-only) .description p!= marked(doc.description || 'Still undocumented, sorry.') if cooldowns && (cooldowns.cooldown || cooldowns.specificCooldown) p span | #{cooldowns.type == 'spell' ? 'Spell' : 'Action'} name: code "#{cooldowns.name}" | . span.spl | Cooldown: code= cooldowns.cooldown | s. if cooldowns.specificCooldown span.spl | Specific cooldown: code= cooldowns.specificCooldown | s. if cooldowns.damage span.spl | Damage: code= cooldowns.damage | . if cooldowns.range span.spl | Range: code= cooldowns.range | m. if cooldowns.radius span.spl | Radius: code= cooldowns.radius | m. if cooldowns.duration span.spl | Duration: code= cooldowns.duration | s. if !selectedMethod if doc.example p.example strong Example: div!= marked("```\n" + doc.example + "```") else if doc.type == 'function' && argumentExamples.length p.example strong Example: div if language == 'javascript' code= doc.owner + '.' + doc.name + '(' + argumentExamples.join(', ') + ');' else if language == 'coffeescript' code= doc.ownerName + (doc.ownerName == '@' ? '' : '.') + doc.name + ' ' + argumentExamples.join(', ') else if language == 'python' code= doc.ownerName + '.' + doc.name + '(' + argumentExamples.join(', ') + ')' else if language == 'clojure' code= '(.' + doc.name + ' ' + doc.ownerName + ' ' + argumentExamples.join(', ') + ')' else if language == 'lua' code= doc.ownerName + ':' + doc.name + '(' + argumentExamples.join(', ') + ')' else if language == 'io' code= (doc.ownerName == 'this' ? '' : doc.ownerName + ' ') + doc.name + '(' + argumentExamples.join(', ') + ')' if (doc.type != 'function' && doc.type != 'snippet') || doc.name == 'now' p.value strong Current Value: pre code.current-value(data-prop=doc.name)= value if doc.args && doc.args.length p.args strong Parameters: for arg in doc.args div code= arg.name | : code= arg.type if arg.example | (ex: code= arg.example | ) if arg.description div!= marked(arg.description) if arg.default div em Default value: code= arg.default if doc.returns p.returns strong Returns: div code= doc.returns.type if doc.returns.example | (ex: code= doc.returns.example | ) if doc.returns.description div!= marked(doc.returns.description) if item p em Granted by #{item.get('name')}. if selectedMethod p em Write the body of this method below.