CocoView = require 'views/kinds/CocoView' template = require 'templates/play/common/ladder_submission' module.exports = class LadderSubmissionView extends CocoView className: "ladder-submission-view" template: template events: 'click .rank-button': 'rankSession' 'click .help-simulate': 'onHelpSimulate' constructor: (options) -> super options @session = options.session @level = options.level getRenderData: -> ctx = super() ctx.readyToRank = @session?.readyToRank() ctx.isRanking = @session?.get('isRanking') ctx.simulateURL = "/play/ladder/#{@level.get('slug')}#simulate" ctx.lastSubmitted = moment(submitDate).fromNow() if submitDate = @session?.get('submitDate') ctx afterRender: -> super() return unless @supermodel.finished() @rankButton = @$el.find('.rank-button') @updateButton() updateButton: -> rankingState = 'unavailable' if @session?.readyToRank() rankingState = 'rank' else if @session?.get 'isRanking' rankingState = 'ranking' @setRankingButtonText rankingState setRankingButtonText: (spanClass) -> @rankButton.find('span').hide() @rankButton.find(".#{spanClass}").show() @rankButton.toggleClass 'disabled', spanClass isnt 'rank' helpSimulate = spanClass in ['submitted', 'ranking'] @$el.find('.help-simulate').toggle(helpSimulate, 'slow') showLastSubmitted = not (spanClass in ['submitting']) @$el.find('.last-submitted').toggle(showLastSubmitted) rankSession: (e) -> return unless @session.readyToRank() @setRankingButtonText 'submitting' success = => @setRankingButtonText 'submitted' unless @destroyed Backbone.Mediator.publish 'ladder:game-submitted', session: @session, level: @level failure = (jqxhr, textStatus, errorThrown) => console.log jqxhr.responseText @setRankingButtonText 'failed' unless @destroyed transpiledCode = @transpileSession() ajaxData = session: levelID: originalLevelID: @level.get('original') levelMajorVersion: @level.get('version').major transpiledCode: transpiledCode $.ajax '/queue/scoring', { type: 'POST' data: ajaxData success: success error: failure } transpileSession: -> submittedCode = @session.get('code') language = @session.get('codeLanguage') or 'javascript' @session.set('submittedCodeLanguage', language) # TODO: maybe actually use a callback to make sure this works? transpiledCode = {} for thang, spells of submittedCode transpiledCode[thang] = {} for spellID, spell of spells unless _.contains(@session.get('teamSpells')[@session.get('team')], thang + "/" + spellID) then continue #DRY this aetherOptions = problems: {} language: language functionName: spellID functionParameters: [] yieldConditionally: spellID is "plan" globals: ['Vector', '_'] protectAPI: true includeFlow: false executionLimit: 1 * 1000 * 1000 if spellID is "hear" then aetherOptions["functionParameters"] = ["speaker","message","data"] aether = new Aether aetherOptions transpiledCode[thang][spellID] = aether.transpile spell transpiledCode onHelpSimulate: -> $('a[href="#simulate"]').tab('show')