nock = require('nock') nockBack = nock.back nockBack.fixtures = 'spec/fixtures/' Promise = require 'bluebird' module.exports.setupNock = (fixtureFilename, options, done) -> if _.isFunction(options) done = options options = {} keep = { has_more: true email: true subscription: true description: true current_period_end: true current_period_start: true cancel_at_period_end: true productID: true amount: true customer: true gems: true id: true product_id: true proration: true paid: true quantity: true timestamp: true total: true transaction_id: true type: true months: true } if options.keep _.extend(keep, options.keep) afterRecord = (scopes) -> scopes = _.filter scopes, (scope) -> not _.contains(scope.scope, '//localhost:') for scope in scopes delete scope['body'] delete scope['headers'] clean(scope.response) return scopes clean = (obj) -> for key, value of obj unless keep[key] or _.isArray(value) or _.isObject(value) delete obj[key] if _.isNull(value) delete obj[key] if _.isArray(value) for child in value clean(child) if _.isEmpty(value) delete obj[key] if _.isObject(value) clean(value) if _.isEmpty(value) delete obj[key] nockBack.setMode('record') nockBack fixtureFilename, {afterRecord: afterRecord, before: before}, (nockDone) -> nock.enableNetConnect('localhost') done(null, nockDone) module.exports.teardownNock = -> nockBack.setMode('wild') nock.cleanAll() # needs this, because each test creates new Users with new _ids which # are sent to Stripe as metadata. This messes up the tests which expect inputs to be # uniform. This scope-preprocessor makes nock ignore body for matching requests. # Ideally we would not do this; perhaps a better system would be to figure out a way # to create users with consistent _id values. before = (scope) -> scope.body = (body) -> true Promise.promisifyAll(module.exports)