<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <variables> <global> <native>简体中文</native> <description>Traditional Chinese</description> <tips>Before we start the installation, here are some tips:</tips> <exit>Press any key to exit...</exit> </global> <language> <choosen>You have choosen 简体中文 as your language.</choosen> <feedback>目前我们只能用英文给你反馈</feedback> </language> <license> <s1>In order to continue the installation of the developers environment</s1> <s2>you will have to read and agree with the following license:</s2> <q1>Have you read the license and do you agree with it?</q1> <a1>This setup can't happen without an agreement.</a1> <a2>Installation and Setup of the CodeCombat environment is cancelled.</a2> </license> <install> <system> <bit>-位系统.</bit> <prefix>操作系统</prefix> <sufix>被侦测到.</sufix> <xp>我们不支持 Windows XP, 安装取消.</xp> </system> <process> <sks>你是否已经安装好运行 CodeCombat 所需的所有软件?</sks> <skq>如果你不确定的话请回答 No.</skq> <skc>正在跳过此软件的安装...</skc> <s1>CodeCombat 无法在不使用第三方服务的情况下开发.</s1> <s2>这就是为什么你需要安装这些软件,</s2> <s3>为了开始给我们的开源社区做贡献.</s3> <s4>如果你已经有了这些软件 请取消安装.</s4> <winpath>Make sure to select the option that adds the application to your Windows Path, if the option is available.</winpath> <prefix>你是否已经安装了最新版本的</prefix> <sufix>?</sufix> <downloading>正在下载...</downloading> <installing>正在安装...</installing> <unzipping>正在解压...</unzipping> <cleaning>正在清理...</cleaning> <mongodbpath>请输入你希望安装 mongodb 的文件夹的全路径</mongodbpath> </process> </install> <github> <intro> <opensource>CodeCombat 是开源的.</opensource> <online>我们的所有源代码都放在了 Github.</online> <manual>你可以选择自己手工安装 Git.</manual> <norec>但我们仍然建议让程序自动替你完成.</norec> </intro> <skip> <question>你是否想自己手工安装本地 Git 安装?</question> <consequence>请确保在开始处理前, 你有正确设置好你的库.</consequence> <donotclose>请不要关闭此窗口.</donotclose> <wait>如果你准备好了, 请按任意键继续...</wait> </skip> <process> <path>请输入你 CodeCombat git库的全路径: </path> <checkout>请输入你想安装 CodeCombat 环境的全路径</checkout> <bashi>这项安装需要 Git Bash.</bashi> <bashp64>Git bash 默认安装在 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git'.</bashp64> <bashp32>Git bash 默认安装在 'C:\Program Files\Git'.</bashp32> <bashq>请输入 git bash 的安装全路径, 如果你安装的是默认路径, 那么直接输入回车即可</bashq> <ssh>你是否想使用 ssh 来检出(checkout)库(repository)?</ssh> </process> <config> <intro>You should have forked CodeCombat to your own GitHub Account by now...</intro> <info>Please enter your github information, to configure your local repository.</info> <username>Username: </username> <password>Password: </password> <process>Thank you... Configuring your local repistory right now...</process> </config> </github> <switch> <install>The installation of your local environment was succesfull!</install> <close>You can now close this setup.</close> <open>After that, you should open the configuration setup to automaticly configure your environment...</open> </switch> <npm> <install>正在安装 bower, brunch, nodemon 和 sendwithus...</install> <binstall>正在用 bower 安装依赖包...</binstall> <sass>正在安装 sass...</sass> <npm>正在安装 npm...</npm> <brnch>正在开启 brunch....</brnch> <mongodb>正在为你设置 MongoDB 数据库...</mongodb> <db>正在下载 CodeCombat 数据库的最新版本...</db> <script>Preparing the automatic startup script for you...</script> <close>Don't close!</close> </npm> <error> <path>这个路径已经存在, 你想要覆盖它吗?</path> <exist>这个路径不存在, 请再次尝试...</exist> </error> <end> <succesfull>CodeCombat 开发环境的搭建已成功.</succesfull> <thankyou>感谢~ 我们会很快再次见面的 :)</thankyou> <readme>你是否想阅读 README 文件以了解更多信息?</readme> </end> <start> <s1>From now on you can start the dev. environment at</s1> <s2>the touch of a single mouse click.</s2> <s3> 1) 双击文件</s3> <s4> 启动开发环境.</s4> <s5> 2) 在浏览器里访问 'localhost:3000' </s5> <s6>好了,你现在可以开始开发 CodeCombat 了!</s6> </start> </variables>