config = require '../server_config' winston = require 'winston' mongoose = require 'mongoose' Grid = require 'gridfs-stream' async = require 'async' errors = require './errors' testing = '--unittest' in process.argv module.exports.connectDatabase = () -> dbName = config.mongo.db dbName += '_unittest' if testing address = exports.generateDatabaseAddress() address = "mongodb://#{address}/#{dbName}" console.log "got address:", address mongoose.connect address mongoose.connection.once 'open', -> Grid.gfs = Grid(mongoose.connection.db, mongoose.mongo) module.exports.setupRoutes = (app) -> app.all '/db/*', (req, res) -> res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') module = req.path[4..] parts = module.split('/') module = parts[0] return getSchema(req, res, module) if parts[1] is 'schema' try name = "./handlers/#{module.replace '.', '_'}" module = require(name) return module.getLatestVersion(req, res, parts[1], parts[3]) if parts[2] is 'version' return module.versions(req, res, parts[1]) if parts[2] is 'versions' return module.files(req, res, parts[1]) if parts[2] is 'files' return, res) if req.route.method is 'get' and parts[1] is 'search' return module.getByRelationship(req, res, parts[1..]...) if parts.length > 2 return module.getById(req, res, parts[1]) if req.route.method is 'get' and parts[1]? return module.patch(req, res, parts[1]) if req.route.method is 'patch' and parts[1]? module[req.route.method](req, res) catch error winston.error("Error trying db method #{req.route.method} route #{parts} from #{name}: #{error}") winston.error(error) errors.notFound(res, "Route #{req.path} not found.") getSchema = (req, res, moduleName) -> try name = "./schemas/#{moduleName.replace '.', '_'}" schema = require(name) res.send(schema) res.end() catch error winston.error("Error trying to grab schema from #{name}: #{error}") errors.notFound(res, "Schema #{moduleName} not found.") module.exports.generateDatabaseAddress = -> address = + ":" + config.mongo.port if config.mongo.username and config.mongo.password address = config.mongo.username + ":" + config.mongo.password + "@" + address # address = config.mongo.username + "@" + address # if connecting to production server return address