ThangType = require 'models/ThangType' SpriteParser = require 'lib/sprites/SpriteParser' SpriteBuilder = require 'lib/sprites/SpriteBuilder' CocoSprite = require 'lib/surface/CocoSprite' Camera = require 'lib/surface/Camera' DocumentFiles = require 'collections/DocumentFiles' View = require 'views/kinds/RootView' ThangComponentEditView = require 'views/editor/components/main' VersionHistoryView = require './versions_view' ColorsTabView = require './colors_tab_view' PatchesView = require 'views/editor/patches_view' SaveVersionModal = require 'views/modal/save_version_modal' ErrorView = require '../../error_view' template = require 'templates/editor/thang/edit' CENTER = {x:200, y:300} module.exports = class ThangTypeEditView extends View id: "editor-thang-type-edit-view" template: template startsLoading: true resolution: 4 scale: 3 mockThang: health: 10.0 maxHealth: 10.0 hudProperties: ['health'] events: 'click #clear-button': 'clearRawData' 'click #upload-button': -> @$el.find('input#real-upload-button').click() 'change #real-upload-button': 'animationFileChosen' 'change #animations-select': 'showAnimation' 'click #marker-button': 'toggleDots' 'click #end-button': 'endAnimation' 'click #history-button': 'showVersionHistory' 'click #save-button': 'openSaveModal' 'click #patches-tab': -> @patchesView.load() subscriptions: 'save-new-version': 'saveNewThangType' # init / render constructor: (options, @thangTypeID) -> super options @mockThang = $.extend(true, {}, @mockThang) @thangType = new ThangType(_id: @thangTypeID) @thangType.saveBackups = true @listenToOnce(@thangType, 'error', () => @hideLoading() # Hack: editor components appear after calling insertSubView. # So we need to hide them first. $(@$el).find('.main-content-area').children('*').not('#error-view').remove() @insertSubView(new ErrorView()) ) thangRes = @supermodel.addModelResource(@thangType, 'thang_type') thangRes.load() @listenToOnce(@thangType.schema(), 'sync', @onThangTypeSync) @listenToOnce(@thangType, 'sync', @onThangTypeSync) @refreshAnimation = _.debounce @refreshAnimation, 500 onThangTypeSync: -> return unless @thangType.loaded @startsLoading = false @files = new DocumentFiles(@thangType) @supermodel.addModelResource(@files, @files.url).load() @render() getRenderData: (context={}) -> context = super(context) context.thangType = @thangType context.animations = @getAnimationNames() context.authorized = me.isAdmin() or @thangType.hasWriteAccess(me) context getAnimationNames: -> raw = _.keys(@thangType.get('raw').animations) raw = ("raw:#{name}" for name in raw) main = _.keys(@thangType.get('actions') or {}) main.concat(raw) afterRender: -> super() return unless @thangType.loaded @initStage() @buildTreema() @initSliders() @initComponents() @insertSubView(new ColorsTabView(@thangType)) @patchesView = @insertSubView(new PatchesView(@thangType), @$el.find('.patches-view')) @showReadOnly() if me.get('anonymous') initComponents: => options = components: @thangType.get('components') ? [] supermodel: @supermodel callback: @onComponentsChanged @thangComponentEditView = new ThangComponentEditView options @insertSubView @thangComponentEditView onComponentsChanged: (components) => @thangType.set 'components', components makeDot: (color) -> circle = new createjs.Shape()'black').drawCircle(0, 0, 5) circle.x = CENTER.x circle.y = CENTER.y circle.scaleY = 0.5 circle initStage: -> canvas = @$el.find('#canvas') @stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas[0]) canvasWidth = parseInt(canvas.attr('width'), 10) canvasHeight = parseInt(canvas.attr('height'), 10) @camera?.destroy() @camera = new Camera canvasWidth, canvasHeight @torsoDot = @makeDot('blue') @mouthDot = @makeDot('yellow') @aboveHeadDot = @makeDot('green') @groundDot = @makeDot('red') @stage.addChild(@groundDot, @torsoDot, @mouthDot, @aboveHeadDot) @updateGrid() @refreshAnimation() createjs.Ticker.setFPS(30) createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", @stage) toggleDots: -> @showDots = not @showDots @updateDots() updateDots: -> @stage.removeChild(@torsoDot, @mouthDot, @aboveHeadDot, @groundDot) return unless @currentSprite return unless @showDots torso = @currentSprite.getOffset 'torso' mouth = @currentSprite.getOffset 'mouth' aboveHead = @currentSprite.getOffset 'aboveHead' @torsoDot.x = CENTER.x + torso.x * @scale @torsoDot.y = CENTER.y + torso.y * @scale @mouthDot.x = CENTER.x + mouth.x * @scale @mouthDot.y = CENTER.y + mouth.y * @scale @aboveHeadDot.x = CENTER.x + aboveHead.x * @scale @aboveHeadDot.y = CENTER.y + aboveHead.y * @scale @stage.addChild(@groundDot, @torsoDot, @mouthDot, @aboveHeadDot) endAnimation: -> @currentSprite?.queueAction('idle') updateGrid: -> grid = new createjs.Container() line = new createjs.Shape() width = 1000'#666666').drawRect(-width/2, -0.5, width, 0.5) line.x = CENTER.x line.y = CENTER.y y = line.y step = 10 * @scale y -= step while y > 0 while y < 500 y += step newLine = line.clone() newLine.y = y grid.addChild(newLine) x = line.x x -= step while x > 0 while x < 400 x += step newLine = line.clone() newLine.x = x newLine.rotation = 90 grid.addChild(newLine) @stage.removeChild(@grid) if @grid @stage.addChildAt(grid, 0) @grid = grid updateSelectBox: -> names = @getAnimationNames() select = @$el.find('#animations-select') return if select.find('option').length is names.length select.empty() select.append($('').text(name)) for name in names # upload animationFileChosen: (e) -> @file =[0] return unless @file return unless _.string.endsWith @file.type, 'javascript' # @$el.find('#upload-button').prop('disabled', true) @reader = new FileReader() @reader.onload = @onFileLoad @reader.readAsText(@file) onFileLoad: (e) => result = @reader.result parser = new SpriteParser(@thangType) parser.parse(result) @treema.set('raw', @thangType.get('raw')) @updateSelectBox() @refreshAnimation() # animation select refreshAnimation: -> options = @getSpriteOptions() @thangType.resetSpriteSheetCache() spriteSheet = @thangType.buildSpriteSheet(options) $('#spritesheets').empty() return unless spriteSheet for image in spriteSheet._images $('#spritesheets').append(image) @showAnimation() @updatePortrait() showAnimation: (animationName) -> animationName = @$el.find('#animations-select').val() unless _.isString animationName return unless animationName if animationName.startsWith('raw:') animationName = animationName[4...] @showMovieClip(animationName) else @showSprite(animationName) @updateScale() @updateRotation() showMovieClip: (animationName) -> vectorParser = new SpriteBuilder(@thangType) movieClip = vectorParser.buildMovieClip(animationName) return unless movieClip reg = @thangType.get('positions')?.registration if reg movieClip.regX = -reg.x movieClip.regY = -reg.y @showDisplayObject(movieClip) getSpriteOptions: -> { resolutionFactor: @resolution, thang: @mockThang} showSprite: (actionName) -> options = @getSpriteOptions() sprite = new CocoSprite(@thangType, options) sprite.queueAction(actionName) @currentSprite?.destroy() @currentSprite = sprite @showDisplayObject(sprite.displayObject) updatePortrait: -> options = @getSpriteOptions() portrait = @thangType.getPortraitImage(options) return unless portrait portrait?.attr('id', 'portrait').addClass('img-thumbnail') portrait.addClass 'img-thumbnail' $('#portrait').replaceWith(portrait) showDisplayObject: (displayObject) -> @clearDisplayObject() displayObject.x = CENTER.x displayObject.y = CENTER.y @stage.addChildAt(displayObject, 1) @currentObject = displayObject @updateDots() clearDisplayObject: -> @stage.removeChild(@currentObject) if @currentObject? # sliders initSliders: -> @rotationSlider = @initSlider $("#rotation-slider", @$el), 50, @updateRotation @scaleSlider = @initSlider $('#scale-slider', @$el), 29, @updateScale @resolutionSlider = @initSlider $('#resolution-slider', @$el), 39, @updateResolution @healthSlider = @initSlider $('#health-slider', @$el), 100, @updateHealth updateRotation: => value = parseInt(180 * (@rotationSlider.slider('value') - 50) / 50) @$el.find('.rotation-label').text " #{value}° " if @currentSprite @currentSprite.rotation = value @currentSprite.update(true) updateScale: => value = (@scaleSlider.slider('value') + 1) / 10 fixed = value.toFixed(1) @scale = value @$el.find('.scale-label').text " #{fixed}x " @currentObject.scaleX = @currentObject.scaleY = value if @currentObject? @updateGrid() @updateDots() updateResolution: => value = (@resolutionSlider.slider('value') + 1) / 10 fixed = value.toFixed(1) @$el.find('.resolution-label').text " #{fixed}x " @resolution = value @refreshAnimation() updateHealth: => value = parseInt((@healthSlider.slider('value')) / 10) @$el.find('.health-label').text " #{value}hp " = value @currentSprite?.update() # save saveNewThangType: (e) -> newThangType = if e.major then @thangType.cloneNewMajorVersion() else @thangType.cloneNewMinorVersion() newThangType.set('commitMessage', e.commitMessage) res = return unless res modal = $('#save-version-modal') @enableModalInProgress(modal) res.error => @disableModalInProgress(modal) res.success => url = "/editor/thang/#{newThangType.get('slug') or}" newThangType.uploadGenericPortrait -> document.location.href = url clearRawData: -> @thangType.resetRawData() @thangType.set 'actions', undefined @clearDisplayObject() @treema.set('/', @getThangData()) getThangData: -> data = $.extend(true, {}, @thangType.attributes) data = _.pick data, (value, key) => not (key in ['components']) buildTreema: -> data = @getThangData() schema = _.cloneDeep ThangType.schema = _.pick, (value, key) => not (key in ['components']) options = data: data schema: schema files: @files filePath: "db/thang.type/#{@thangType.get('original')}" readOnly: true unless me.isAdmin() or @thangType.hasWriteAccess(me) callbacks: change: @pushChangesToPreview select: @onSelectNode el = @$el.find('#thang-type-treema') @treema = @$el.find('#thang-type-treema').treema(options) pushChangesToPreview: => # TODO: This doesn't delete old Treema keys you deleted for key, value of @thangType.set(key, value) @updateSelectBox() @refreshAnimation() @updateDots() @updatePortrait() onSelectNode: (e, selected) => selected = selected[0] return @stopShowingSelectedNode() if not selected path = selected.getPath() parts = path.split('/') return @stopShowingSelectedNode() unless parts.length >= 4 and path.startsWith '/raw/' key = parts[3] type = parts[2] vectorParser = new SpriteBuilder(@thangType) obj = vectorParser.buildMovieClip(key) if type is 'animations' obj = vectorParser.buildContainerFromStore(key) if type is 'containers' obj = vectorParser.buildShapeFromStore(key) if type is 'shapes' if obj?.bounds obj.regX = obj.bounds.x + obj.bounds.width / 2 obj.regY = obj.bounds.y + obj.bounds.height / 2 else if obj?.frameBounds?[0] bounds = obj.frameBounds[0] obj.regX = bounds.x + bounds.width / 2 obj.regY = bounds.y + bounds.height / 2 @showDisplayObject(obj) if obj obj.y = 200 if obj # truly center the container @showingSelectedNode = true @currentSprite?.destroy() @currentSprite = null @updateScale() @grid.alpha = 0.0 stopShowingSelectedNode: -> return unless @showingSelectedNode @grid.alpha = 1.0 @showAnimation() @showingSelectedNode = false showVersionHistory: (e) -> versionHistoryView = new VersionHistoryView thangType:@thangType, @thangTypeID @openModalView versionHistoryView Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:view-switched', e openSaveModal: -> @openModalView(new SaveVersionModal({model: @thangType})) destroy: -> @camera?.destroy() super()