mongoose = require('mongoose') jsonschema = require('../../app/schemas/models/achievement') log = require 'winston' util = require '../../app/lib/utils' plugins = require('../plugins/plugins') AchievablePlugin = require '../plugins/achievements' # `pre` and `post` are not called for update operations executed directly on the database, # including `Model.update`,`.findByIdAndUpdate`,`.findOneAndUpdate`, `.findOneAndRemove`,and `.findByIdAndRemove`.order # to utilize `pre` or `post` middleware, you should `find()` the document, and call the `init`, `validate`, `save`, # or `remove` functions on the document. See [explanation]( AchievementSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ userField: String }, {strict: false}) AchievementSchema.methods.objectifyQuery = -> try @set('query', JSON.parse(@get('query'))) if typeof @get('query') == "string" catch error log.error "Couldn't convert query string to object because of #{error}" @set('query', {}) AchievementSchema.methods.stringifyQuery = -> @set('query', JSON.stringify(@get('query'))) if typeof @get('query') != "string" AchievementSchema.methods.getExpFunction: -> kind = @get('function')?.kind or jsonschema.function.default.kind parameters = @get('function')?.parameters or jsonschema.function.default.parameters return utils.functionCreators[kind](parameters) if kind of utils.functionCreators 'init', (doc) -> doc.objectifyQuery() AchievementSchema.pre 'save', (next) -> @stringifyQuery() next() # Reload achievements upon save 'save', -> AchievablePlugin.loadAchievements() AchievementSchema.plugin(plugins.NamedPlugin) AchievementSchema.plugin(plugins.SearchablePlugin, {searchable: ['name']}) module.exports = Achievement = mongoose.model('Achievement', AchievementSchema)