# This is written in coffeescript. Run this using coffee, not node. (Line to yield nice warnings on node. :)) return console.log '------------------------------------------------- \n Commandline utility written in Coffeescript to run all updates, download latest database and install it after you git pushed. \n Params: \n \t--skipupdates skips npm and bower update \n \t--dldb: download the latest database (Over 300 mb!) \n \t--resetdb: to reset the database and load dump from tmp. Will need a downloaded database or --dbdownload specified \n \t--mongopath <.path/to/mongo>: to specify mongodb folder if not set in PATH. \n \t--help: Yo fund this one already. \n \n May need an initial npm install upfront if newly checked out. \n ' if '--help' in process.argv #TODO: MD5 Verification, using using digest stream https://github.com/jeffbski/digest-stream dbDump = 'http://analytics.codecombat.com:8080/dump.tar.gz' # Don't change this unless you know what you're doing dbLocalPath = '../temp' fs = require 'fs' tar = require 'tar' spawn = require('child_process').spawn http = require 'http' fs = require 'fs' zlib = require 'zlib' Deferred = require 'JQDeferred' #TODO: Could kill current coco server here. mongopath = '' useNext = false for path in process.argv if useNext mongopath = path break useNext = path is '--mongopath' mongopath += '/bin/' if mongopath.length mongopath += 'mongodb' # mongodb is in path. run = (proc, args) -> deferred = Deferred() spawned = spawn proc, args spawned.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> process.stdout.write data spawned.stderr.on 'data', (data) -> process.stderr.write data spawned.on 'exit', (code) -> console.log proc + ' exited with code ' + code # unless code is null doesn't seem to work # deferred.reject() deferred.resolve code spawned.on 'error', (code, error) -> console.error proc + ' failed!' deferred.reject() deferred.promise() removeDir = (path) -> if fs.existsSync(path) fs.readdirSync(path).forEach (file) -> current = path + '/' + file if fs.lstatSync(current).isDirectory() # recurse removeDir current else # delete file fs.unlinkSync current fs.rmdirSync path resetDB = -> deferred = Deferred() console.log 'Dropping Database' mongodrop = run 'mongo', ['coco', '--eval', 'db.dropDatabase()'] mongodrop.fail -> console.error 'Error occurred while dropping mongo. Make sure CoCo\'s MongoDB is running.' mongodrop.done -> console.log 'Restoring from dump.' mongorestore = run 'mongorestore', [dbLocalPath] mongorestore.always = deferred.resolve() deferred.promise() downloadDB = -> deferred = Deferred() #mongoose = require 'mongoose' # TODO: What if mongo is not running? console.log 'Downloading Database dump. It\'s big. This may take a while...' request = http.get dbDump, (response)-> unzip = response.pipe(zlib.createGunzip()).pipe(tar.Extract(path: dbLocalPath)) # Log download currentChunk = 0 cur = 0 len = parseInt(response.headers['content-length'], 10) total = len / 1048576 #1048576 - bytes in 1Megabyte response.on 'data', (chunk) -> cur += chunk.length console.log 'DB dump download received chunk ' + currentChunk++ + ', ' + (100.0 * cur / len).toFixed(2) + '% finished of ' + total.toFixed(0) + ' mb' unzip.on('data', -> console.log 'Unpacking zip...') unzip.on('error', (err) -> console.log 'An error occurred while downloading DB Dump: ' + err) unzip.on 'end', -> console.log 'Finished downloading.' deferred.resolve() deferred.promise() installUpdates = -> deferred = Deferred() npm = if process.platform is 'win32' then 'npm.cmd' else 'npm' npminstall = run npm, ['update'] npminstall.done -> bowerinstall = run 'bower', ['update'] deferred.resolve() deferred.promise() cleanUpTmp = -> removeDir dbLocalPath unless '--skipupdates' in process.argv installUpdates() if '--resetdb' in process.argv if '--dldb' in process.argv downloadDB().done -> resetDB().done -> cleanUpTmp() if '--cleanup' in process.argv else resetDB().done -> cleanUpTmp() if '--cleanup' in process.argv else if '--dldb' in process.argv downloadDB() # TODO: Could advice to start SCOCODE.bat et al. here