RootView = require 'views/kinds/RootView' Level = require 'models/Level' LevelSession = require 'models/LevelSession' LeaderboardCollection = require 'collections/LeaderboardCollection' module.exports = class LadderView extends RootView id: 'ladder-team-view' template: require 'templates/play/ladder/team' startsLoading: true # PART 1: Loading Level/Session constructor: (options, @levelID, @team) -> super(options) @level = new Level(_id:@levelID) @level.fetch() @level.once 'sync', @onLevelLoaded, @ url = "/db/level/#{@levelID}/session?team=#{@team}" @session = new LevelSession() @session.url = -> url @session.fetch() @session.once 'sync', @onSessionLoaded, @ onLevelLoaded: -> @startLoadingChallengersMaybe() onSessionLoaded: -> @startLoadingChallengersMaybe() # PART 2: Loading some challengers if we don't have any matches yet startLoadingChallengersMaybe: -> return unless @level.loaded and @session.loaded matches = @session.get('matches') if matches?.length then @loadNames() else @loadChallengers() loadChallengers: -> @challengers = new ChallengersData(@level, @team, @session) @challengers.on 'sync', @loadNames, @ # PART 3: Loading the names of the other users loadNames: -> ids = [] ids.push match.opponents[0].userID for match in @session.get('matches') or [] ids = ids.concat(@challengers.playerIDs()) if @challengers success = (@nameMap) => for match in @session.get('matches') or [] opponent = match.opponents[0] opponent.userName = @nameMap[opponent.userID] @finishRendering() $.ajax('/db/user/-/names', { data: {ids: ids} type: 'POST' success: success }) # PART 4: Rendering finishRendering: -> @startsLoading = false @render() getRenderData: -> ctx = super() ctx.level = @level ctx.levelID = @levelID ctx.teamName = _.string.titleize @team ctx.teamID = @team ctx.challengers = if not @startsLoading then @getChallengers() else {} convertMatch = (match) -> opponent = match.opponent[0] state = 'win' state = 'loss' if match.metrics.rank > opponent.metrics.rank state = 'tie' if match.metrics.rank is opponent.metrics.rank { state: state opponentName: @nameMap[opponent.userID] opponentID: opponent.userID when: moment( sessionID: opponent.sessionID } ctx.matches = (convertMatch(match) for match in @session.get('matches') or []) console.log 'context is', ctx ctx getChallengers: -> # make an object of challengers to everything needed to link to them challengers = {} if @challengers easyInfo = @challengeInfoFromSession(@challengers.easyPlayer.models[0]) mediumInfo = @challengeInfoFromSession(@challengers.mediumPlayer.models[0]) hardInfo = @challengeInfoFromSession(@challengers.hardPlayer.models[0]) else matches = @session.get('matches') won = (m for m in matches when m.metrics.rank < m.opponents[0].metrics.rank) lost = (m for m in matches when m.metrics.rank > m.opponents[0].metrics.rank) tied = (m for m in matches when m.metrics.rank is m.opponents[0].metrics.rank) easyInfo = @challengeInfoFromMatches(won) mediumInfo = @challengeInfoFromMatches(tied) hardInfo = @challengeInfoFromMatches(lost) @addChallenger easyInfo, challengers, 'easy' @addChallenger mediumInfo, challengers, 'medium' @addChallenger hardInfo, challengers, 'hard' challengers addChallenger: (info, challengers, title) -> # check for duplicates first for key, value of challengers return if value.sessionID is info.sessionID challengers[title] = info challengeInfoFromSession: (session) -> # given a model from the db, return info needed for a link to the match return unless session return { sessionID: opponentName: @nameMap[session.get('creator')] or 'Anoner' opponentID: session.get('creator') } challengeInfoFromMatches: (matches) -> return unless matches?.length match = _.sample matches opponent = match.opponents[0] return { sessionID: opponent.sessionID opponentName: opponent.userName or 'Anoner' opponentID: opponent.userID } class ChallengersData constructor: (@level, @team, @session) -> _.extend @, Backbone.Events score = @session?.get('totalScore') or 25 @easyPlayer = new LeaderboardCollection(@level, {order:1, scoreOffset: score - 5, limit: 1, team: @team}) @easyPlayer.fetch() @easyPlayer.once 'sync', @challengerLoaded, @ @mediumPlayer = new LeaderboardCollection(@level, {order:1, scoreOffset: score, limit: 1, team: @team}) @mediumPlayer.fetch() @mediumPlayer.once 'sync', @challengerLoaded, @ @hardPlayer = new LeaderboardCollection(@level, {order:-1, scoreOffset: score + 5, limit: 1, team: @team}) @hardPlayer.fetch() @hardPlayer.once 'sync', @challengerLoaded, @ challengerLoaded: -> if @allLoaded() @loaded = true @trigger 'sync' playerIDs: -> collections = [@easyPlayer, @mediumPlayer, @hardPlayer] (c.models[0].get('creator') for c in collections when c?.models[0]) allLoaded: -> _.all [@easyPlayer.loaded, @mediumPlayer.loaded, @hardPlayer.loaded]