@import "bootstrap/mixins" @import "bootstrap/variables" #home-view #front-screenshot margin-top: 15px margin-left: 150px #site-slogan margin-left: 15px .homepage_button width: 300px margin-top: 30px float: right font-family: 'Bangers', cursive font-weight: normal letter-spacing: 1px position: relative a font-size: 40px width: 300px height: 80px //@include transition(color .10s linear) // buggy in chrome, coloring doesn't get the right edge of the word &:hover a, &:active a color: #8090AA canvas position: absolute //border: 1px solid #beginner-campaign canvas top: -30px left: -75px #homepage_button_container padding: 0px 100px 0px 0px height: 75px .homepage_button a float: right .row margin: 20px 0px 35px 0px .row.promo .span8 margin-left: 0px h3 margin-bottom: -5px .centered-button display: block margin: 15px auto #update_zone text-align: center