View = require 'views/kinds/RootView' template = require 'templates/home' WizardSprite = require 'lib/surface/WizardSprite' ThangType = require 'models/ThangType' LevelLoader = require 'lib/LevelLoader' God = require 'lib/God' GoalManager = require 'lib/world/GoalManager' module.exports = class HomeView extends View id: 'home-view' template: template events: 'mouseover #beginner-campaign': 'onMouseOverButton' 'mouseout #beginner-campaign': 'onMouseOutButton' 'click #simulate-button': 'onSimulateButtonClick' getRenderData: -> c = super() if $.browser majorVersion = parseInt($.browser.version.split('.')[0]) c.isOldBrowser = true if $.browser.mozilla && majorVersion < 21 c.isOldBrowser = true if $ && majorVersion < 17 c.isOldBrowser = true if $.browser.safari && majorVersion < 536 else console.warn 'no more jquery browser version...' c afterRender: -> super() @$el.find('.modal').on '', -> $('input:visible:first', @).focus() wizOriginal = "52a00d55cf1818f2be00000b" url = "/db/thang_type/#{wizOriginal}/version" @wizardType = new ThangType() @wizardType.url = -> url @wizardType.fetch() @wizardType.once 'sync', @initCanvas # Try to find latest level and set "Play" link to go to that level if localStorage? lastLevel = localStorage["lastLevel"] if lastLevel? and lastLevel isnt "" playLink = @$el.find("#beginner-campaign") if playLink? href = playLink.attr("href").split("/") href[href.length-1] = lastLevel if href.length isnt 0 href = href.join("/") playLink.attr("href", href) else console.log("TODO: Insert here code to get latest level played from the database. If this can't be found, we just let the user play the first level.") initCanvas: => @stage = new createjs.Stage($('#beginner-campaign canvas', @$el)[0]) @createWizard() turnOnStageUpdates: -> clearInterval @turnOff @interval = setInterval(@updateStage, 40) unless @interval turnOffStageUpdates: -> turnOffFunc = => clearInterval @interval clearInterval @turnOff @interval = null @turnOff = null @turnOff = setInterval turnOffFunc, 2000 createWizard: (scale=1.0) -> spriteOptions = thangID: "Beginner Wizard", resolutionFactor: scale @wizardSprite = new WizardSprite @wizardType, spriteOptions @wizardSprite.update() wizardDisplayObject = @wizardSprite.displayObject wizardDisplayObject.x = 120 wizardDisplayObject.y = 35 wizardDisplayObject.scaleX = wizardDisplayObject.scaleY = scale wizardDisplayObject.scaleX *= -1 @stage.addChild wizardDisplayObject @stage.update() onMouseOverButton: -> @turnOnStageUpdates() @wizardSprite?.queueAction 'cast' onMouseOutButton: -> @turnOffStageUpdates() @wizardSprite?.queueAction 'idle' updateStage: => @stage?.update() willDisappear: -> super() clearInterval(@interval) if @interval @interval = null didReappear: -> super() @turnOnStageUpdates() destroy: -> super() @wizardSprite?.destroy() onSimulateButtonClick: (e) => @alreadyPostedResults = false console.log "Simulating world!" $.ajax url: "/queue/scoring" type: "GET" error: (data) => console.log "There are no games to score. Error: #{JSON.stringify data}" console.log "Retrying in ten seconds..." _.delay @onSimulateButtonClick, 10000 success: (data) => console.log data levelName = data.sessions[0].levelID #TODO: Refactor. So much refactor. @taskData = data @teamSessionMap = @generateTeamSessionMap data world = {} god = new God() levelLoader = new LevelLoader(levelName, @supermodel, data.sessions[0].sessionID) levelLoader.once 'loaded-all', => world = level = levelLoader.level levelLoader.destroy() god.level = level.serialize @supermodel god.worldClassMap = world.classMap god.goalManager = new GoalManager(world) #move goals in here goalsToAdd =[0].noteChain[0].goals.add god.goalManager.goals = goalsToAdd god.goalManager.goalStates = "destroy-humans": keyFrame: 0 killed: "Human Base": false status: "incomplete" "destroy-ogres": keyFrame:0 killed: "Ogre Base": false status: "incomplete" god.spells = @filterProgrammableComponents level.attributes.thangs, @generateSpellToSourceMap data.sessions god.createWorld() Backbone.Mediator.subscribe 'god:new-world-created', @onWorldCreated, @ onWorldCreated: (data) -> return if @alreadyPostedResults taskResults = @translateGoalStatesIntoTaskResults data.goalStates console.log "Task Results" console.log taskResults $.ajax url: "/queue/scoring" data: taskResults type: 'PUT' success: (result) => console.log "TASK REGISTRATION RESULT:#{JSON.stringify result}" error: (error) => console.log "TASK REGISTRATION ERROR:#{JSON.stringify error}" complete: (result) => @alreadyPostedResults = true @onSimulateButtonClick() translateGoalStatesIntoTaskResults: (goalStates) => taskResults = {} taskResults = taskID: @taskData.taskID receiptHandle: @taskData.receiptHandle calculationTime: 500 sessions: [] for session in @taskData.sessions sessionResult = sessionID: session.sessionID sessionChangedTime: session.sessionChangedTime metrics: rank: @calculateSessionRank session.sessionID, goalStates taskResults.sessions.push sessionResult taskResults calculateSessionRank: (sessionID, goalStates) -> humansDestroyed = goalStates["destroy-humans"].status is "success" ogresDestroyed = goalStates["destroy-ogres"].status is "success" console.log "Humans destroyed:#{humansDestroyed}" console.log "Ogres destroyed:#{ogresDestroyed}" console.log "Team Session Map: #{JSON.stringify @teamSessionMap}" if humansDestroyed is ogresDestroyed return 0 else if humansDestroyed and @teamSessionMap["ogres"] is sessionID return 0 else if humansDestroyed and @teamSessionMap["ogres"] isnt sessionID return 1 else if ogresDestroyed and @teamSessionMap["humans"] is sessionID return 0 else return 1 generateTeamSessionMap: (task) -> teamSessionMap = {} for session in @taskData.sessions teamSessionMap[] = session.sessionID teamSessionMap filterProgrammableComponents: (thangs, spellToSourceMap) => spells = {} for thang in thangs isTemplate = false for component in thang.components if component.config? and _.has component.config,'programmableMethods' for methodName, method of component.config.programmableMethods if typeof method is 'string' isTemplate = true break pathComponents = [,methodName] pathComponents[0] = _.string.slugify pathComponents[0] spellKey = pathComponents.join '/' spells[spellKey] ?= {} spells[spellKey].thangs ?= {} spells[spellKey].name = methodName thangID = _.string.slugify spells[spellKey].thangs[] ?= {} spells[spellKey].thangs[].aether = @createAether methodName, method if spellToSourceMap[thangID]? then source = spellToSourceMap[thangID][methodName] else source = "" spells[spellKey].thangs[].aether.transpile source if isTemplate break spells createAether : (methodName, method) -> aetherOptions = functionName: methodName protectAPI: false includeFlow: false return new Aether aetherOptions generateSpellToSourceMap: (sessions) -> spellKeyToSourceMap = {} spellSources = {} for session in sessions teamSpells = session.teamSpells[] _.merge spellSources, _.pick(session.code, teamSpells) #merge common ones, this overwrites until the last session commonSpells = session.teamSpells["common"] if commonSpells? _.merge spellSources, _.pick(session.code, commonSpells) spellSources