RootView = require 'views/core/RootView' template = require 'templates/editor/poll/poll-edit-view' Poll = require 'models/Poll' UserPollsRecord = require 'models/UserPollsRecord' PollModal = require 'views/play/modal/PollModal' ConfirmModal = require 'views/editor/modal/ConfirmModal' PatchesView = require 'views/editor/PatchesView' errors = require 'core/errors' app = require 'core/application' module.exports = class PollEditView extends RootView id: 'editor-poll-edit-view' template: template events: 'click #save-button': 'savePoll' 'click #delete-button': 'confirmDeletion' constructor: (options, @pollID) -> super options @loadPoll() @loadUserPollsRecord() @pushChangesToPreview = _.throttle(@pushChangesToPreview, 500) loadPoll: -> @poll = new Poll _id: @pollID @poll.saveBackups = true @supermodel.loadModel @poll, 'poll' loadUserPollsRecord: -> url = "/db/user.polls.record/-/user/#{}" @userPollsRecord = new UserPollsRecord().setURL url onRecordSync = -> return if @destroyed @userPollsRecord.url = -> '/db/user.polls.record/' + @id @listenToOnce @userPollsRecord, 'sync', onRecordSync @userPollsRecord = @supermodel.loadModel(@userPollsRecord, 'user_polls_record').model @ if @userPollsRecord.loaded onLoaded: -> super() @buildTreema() @listenTo @poll, 'change', => @poll.updateI18NCoverage() @treema.set('/', @poll.attributes) buildTreema: -> return if @treema? or (not @poll.loaded) data = $.extend(true, {}, @poll.attributes) options = data: data filePath: "db/poll/#{@poll.get('_id')}" schema: Poll.schema readOnly: me.get('anonymous') callbacks: change: => @pushChangesToPreview() unless @hush @treema = @$el.find('#poll-treema').treema(options) @treema.childrenTreemas.answers?.open 1 @pushChangesToPreview() getRenderData: (context={}) -> context = super(context) context.poll = @poll context.authorized = me.isAdmin() context afterRender: -> super() return unless @supermodel.finished() @pushChangesToPreview() @patchesView = @insertSubView(new PatchesView(@poll), @$el.find('.patches-view')) @patchesView.load() pushChangesToPreview: => return unless @treema @$el.find('#poll-view').empty() for key, value of @poll.set key, value @pollModal?.destroy() @pollModal = new PollModal supermodel: @supermodel, poll: @poll, userPollsRecord: @userPollsRecord @pollModal.render() $('#poll-view').empty().append @pollModal.el #pollModal.afterInsert() # This blurs the active input; don't do it @pollModal.$el.removeClass('modal fade').show() @pollModal.on 'vote-updated', => @hush = true @treema.set '/answers', @pollModal.poll.get('answers') @hush = false savePoll: (e) -> @treema.endExistingEdits() for key, value of @poll.set(key, value) res = res.error (collection, response, options) => console.error response res.success => url = "/editor/poll/#{@poll.get('slug') or}" document.location.href = url confirmDeletion: -> renderData = 'confirmTitle': 'Are you really sure?' 'confirmBody': 'This will completely delete the poll, potentially breaking a lot of stuff you don\'t want breaking. Are you entirely sure?' 'confirmDecline': 'Not really' 'confirmConfirm': 'Definitely' confirmModal = new ConfirmModal renderData confirmModal.on 'confirm', @deletePoll @openModalView confirmModal deletePoll: => console.debug 'deleting' $.ajax type: 'DELETE' success: -> noty timeout: 5000 text: 'Aaaand it\'s gone.' type: 'success' layout: 'topCenter' _.delay -> app.router.navigate '/editor/poll', trigger: true , 500 error: (jqXHR, status, error) -> console.error jqXHR timeout: 5000 text: "Deleting poll failed with error code #{jqXHR.status}" type: 'error' layout: 'topCenter' url: "/db/poll/#{}"