@import "app/styles/bootstrap/variables" @import "app/styles/mixins" // TODO: Move flat style into probably several files and Bootstrap variables // Variables $headline-font: 'Arvo', serif $body-font: 'Open Sans', sans-serif $burgandy: #7D0101 $gold: #F2BE19 $navy: #0E4C60 $forest: #20572B .style-flat background: white // Fonts h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 // Unsetting game styles font-variant: normal color: black margin: 0 h1 font-family: $headline-font font-weight: normal font-size: 46px line-height: 62px h2 font-family: $body-font font-weight: lighter font-size: 30px line-height: 42px h3 font-family: $headline-font font-weight: normal font-size: 33px line-height: 45px h4 font-family: $body-font font-weight: lighter font-size: 22px line-height: 32px h5 font-family: $headline-font font-weight: bold font-size: 20px line-height: 31px h6 font-family: $body-font font-weight: bold font-size: 14px line-height: 20px p margin: 0 0 14px .small font-weight: normal font-size: 14px line-height: 20px font-family: $body-font font-size: 18px line-height: 29px blockquote border: none &:before font-family: "Monaco" content: "\201C" position: absolute left: 0px top: 20px font-size: 40px opacity: 0.5 // Navbar .navbar background: white margin-bottom: 0 white-space: nowrap // prevent home icon from going under brand a.navbar-brand #logo-img width: 230px height: 65px margin-right: 10px color: $burgandy &:hover color: white background: $burgandy .glyphicon-home position: relative top: 3px .navbar-toggle color: black margin: 30px 25px 0 .nav > li > a // TODO: Move this to bootstrap variables for navbars font-weight: bold font-family: $body-font font-size: 16px padding: 38px 15px 37px color: $burgandy text-shadow: 0 0 0 &:hover background: $burgandy color: white #language-dropdown-wrapper display: inline-block padding: 30px 10px width: 100% @media (max-width: $screen-sm-min) .nav > li > a padding: 10px 20px #language-dropdown-wrapper display: inline-block padding: 10px 10px .language-dropdown width: 150px .img-circle border: $gold 8px solid width: 98px height: 98px // Includes the border .user-level position: absolute top: 76px right: 42px color: $gold text-shadow: 1px 1px black, -1px -1px 0 black, 1px -1px 0 black, -1px 1px 0 black // Buttons .btn border: none border-radius: 5px font-family: $body-font font-weight: normal background-image: none // overrides legacy buttons .btn-primary, .btn-navy background-color: $navy color: white .btn-primary-alt, .btn-navy-alt background-color: white border: 1px solid $navy color: $navy .btn-forest background-color: $forest color: white .btn-forest-alt background-color: white border: 1px solid $forest color: $forest .btn-gold background-color: $gold color: white .btn-gold-alt background-color: white border: 1px solid $gold color: $gold .btn-lg font-size: 18px // Classes .text-navy color: $navy .bg-navy background-color: $navy color: white h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, a color: white a.btn-primary-alt color: $navy #new-home-view overflow: hidden #jumbotron-container-fluid background-image: url("/images/pages/home/character_jumbotron.png") background-position: 50% 55% @media (min-width : 1200px) background-size: 100% auto @media (max-width : 1200px) background-size: 1200px auto .container min-height: 720px background-repeat: no-repeat .btn margin: 10px 0 h1 color: white margin-top: 130px @media (max-width: $screen-md-min) margin-top: 60px font-size: 33px line-height: 45px .well border: none border-radius: 8px background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) margin-top: 170px #classroom-edition-header margin-top: 10px #learn-to-code-header margin-top: 80px @media (max-width: $screen-md-min) margin-top: 320px #learn-more-row margin-top: 80px h2, h6 color: white h6 margin-top: 10px a:hover text-decoration: none @media (max-width: $screen-md-min) margin-top: 10px &.alt-image background-image: url("/images/pages/home/student_jumbotron.png") background-position: 60% 35% .well @media (max-width: $screen-md-min) margin-top: 0px .container h1 margin-top: 420px margin-bottom: 20px @media (max-width: $screen-md-min) margin-top: 380px @media (max-width: $screen-sm-min) margin-top: 360px #classroom-in-box-row margin: 40px 0 #feature-spread-row .col-sm-4 padding: 40px img margin-bottom: 20px .testimonials-rows background: $navy color: white position: relative padding: 60px 0 40px margin: 100px 0 h3, h6 color: white .testimonials-filler-left position: absolute width: 2000px left: -2000px top: 0px background: $navy height: 100% .testimonials-filler-right position: absolute width: 2000px right: -2000px top: 0px background: $navy height: 100% img margin: 0 auto 10px .row margin: 20px 0 #benefit-row-1, #benefit-row-2, #benefit-row-3 margin: 50px 0 #benefit-graphic-1, #benefit-graphic-2, #benefit-graphic-3 padding: 30px 40px position: relative min-height: 250px margin-bottom: 20px h2 color: white width: 50% #benefit-graphic-1 background: $burgandy img position: absolute right: 0 bottom: 0 #benefit-graphic-1-filler background: $burgandy height: 100% width: 2000px position: absolute left: 100% top: 0 #benefit-graphic-2 background: $navy h2 float: right img position: absolute left: 0 bottom: 0 #benefit-graphic-2-filler background: $navy height: 100% width: 2000px position: absolute right: 100% top: 0 #benefit-graphic-3 background: $forest img position: absolute right: 0 bottom: 0 #benefit-graphic-3-filler background: $forest height: 100% width: 2000px position: absolute left: 100% top: 0 #school-level-label margin: 15px 15px 0 0 display: inline-block #school-level-dropdown display: inline-block width: 250px .request-demo-row margin: 100px 0 .btn margin: 20px 10px #total-hours-header margin-top: 10px #courses-row .media width: 222px margin: 20px auto 0 border: 1px solid $navy border-radius: 8px padding: 50px 15px 0 text-align: center position: relative height: 350px color: $navy &:first-child border-color: $forest color: $forest h6 color: $forest &.disabled $disabled-color: rgb(155, 155, 155) border-color: $disabled-color color: $disabled-color h6 color: $disabled-color .media-object @include filter(grayscale(100%)) h6 padding: 0 5px color: $navy .media-object width: 147px height: 147px border-radius: 74px background-position: -30px -26px background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: 312px auto margin: 15px auto position: absolute left: 38px left: calc((100% - 147px) / 2) bottom: 50px .course-duration position: absolute bottom: 25px width: 192px width: calc(100% - 30px) padding: 0 .free-course background-color: $forest width: 100% height: 33px position: absolute top: 0 left: 0px border-top-left-radius: 7px border-top-right-radius: 7px h6 margin-top: 6px color: white .text-center width: 100% margin-top: 30px img margin-bottom: 20px #footer background-image: url("/images/pages/home/footer_background.png") height: 229px margin: -22px auto 0 color: white @media (max-width: $screen-sm-min) background-color: #201a15 background-image: none height: auto ul margin: 30px li:first-child border-bottom: 1px solid white margin-bottom: 10px a color: white #final-footer position: absolute left: 0 right: 0 height: 60px color: white background-color: #463a2c @media (max-width: $screen-sm-min) position: inherit padding: 20px height: auto a color: white img width: 150px margin: 0 10px