CocoView = require 'views/kinds/CocoView' template = require 'templates/editor/components/main' Level = require 'models/Level' LevelComponent = require 'models/LevelComponent' LevelSystem = require 'models/LevelSystem' ComponentsCollection = require 'collections/ComponentsCollection' ComponentConfigView = require './config' module.exports = class ThangComponentEditView extends CocoView id: "thang-components-edit-view" template: template constructor: (options) -> super options @components = options.components or [] @world = @level = options.level @callback = options.callback render: => return if @destroyed if not @componentCollection @componentCollection = @supermodel.getCollection new ComponentsCollection() unless @componentCollection.loaded @listenToOnce(@componentCollection, 'sync', @onComponentsSync) @componentCollection.fetch() super() # do afterRender at the end afterRender: -> super() return @showLoading() unless @componentCollection?.loaded @hideLoading() @buildExtantComponentTreema() @buildAddComponentTreema() onComponentsSync: -> return if @destroyed @supermodel.addCollection @componentCollection @render() buildExtantComponentTreema: -> treemaOptions = supermodel: @supermodel schema: data: _.cloneDeep @components callbacks: {select: @onSelectExtantComponent, change:@onChangeExtantComponents} noSortable: true nodeClasses: 'thang-components-array': ThangComponentsArrayNode 'thang-component': ThangComponentNode @extantComponentsTreema = @$el.find('#extant-components-column .treema').treema treemaOptions buildAddComponentTreema: -> return unless @componentCollection and @extantComponentsTreema extantComponents = componentsUsedCount = extantComponents.length return if @lastComponentsUsedCount is componentsUsedCount @lastComponentsUsedCount = componentsUsedCount components = (m.attributes for m in @componentCollection.models) _.remove components, (comp) => _.find extantComponents, {original: comp.original} # already have this one added components = _.sortBy components, (comp) -> comp.system + "." + treemaOptions = supermodel: @supermodel schema: { type: 'array', items: LevelComponent.schema } data: ($.extend(true, {}, c) for c in components) callbacks: {select: @onSelectAddableComponent, enter: @onAddComponentEnterPressed } readOnly: true noSortable: true nodeClasses: 'array': ComponentArrayNode 'object': ComponentNode # I have no idea why it's not building in the Thang Editor unless I defer _.defer (=> @addComponentsTreema = @$el.find('#add-component-column .treema').treema treemaOptions ), 100 onSelectAddableComponent: (e, selected) => @extantComponentsTreema.deselectAll() @onComponentSelected(selected, false) onSelectExtantComponent: (e, selected) => return if @updatingFromConfig @addComponentsTreema.deselectAll() @onComponentSelected(selected, true) onComponentSelected: (selected, extant=true) -> return if @alreadySaving # handle infinite loops @alreadySaving = true @closeExistingView() @alreadySaving = false return unless selected.length # select dependencies. node = selected[0] original = toRemoveTreema = [] dependent_class = 'treema-dependent' try for index, child of @extantComponentsTreema.childrenTreemas $(child.$el).removeClass(dependent_class) for index, child of @extantComponentsTreema.childrenTreemas if == original # Here we assume that the treemas are sorted by their dependency. break dep_originals = (d.original for d in child.component.attributes.dependencies) for dep_original in dep_originals if original == dep_original toRemoveTreema.push child for dep_treema in toRemoveTreema dep_treema.toggleSelect() $(dep_treema.$el).addClass(dependent_class) catch error console.error error return unless selected.length row = selected[0] @selectedRow = row component = row.component?.attributes or config = if extant then else {} @configView = new ComponentConfigView({ supermodel: @supermodel level: @level world: @world config: config component: component editing: extant callback: @onComponentConfigChanged }) @insertSubView @configView closeExistingView: -> return unless @configView data = @selectedRow.set '/config', data if data and @configView.changed and @configView.editing @removeSubView @configView @configView = null onComponentConfigChanged: (data) => @updatingFromConfig = true @selectedRow.set '/config', data if data and @configView.changed and @configView.editing @updatingFromConfig = false onChangeExtantComponents: => @buildAddComponentTreema() @reportChanges() onAddComponentEnterPressed: (node) => if extantSystems extantSystems = (@supermodel.getModelByOriginalAndMajorVersion LevelSystem, sn.original, sn.majorVersion) for idx, sn of @level.get('systems') requireSystem = if requireSystem not in extantSystems warn_element = 'Component ' + + ' requires system ' + requireSystem + ' which is currently not specified in this level.' noty({ text: warn_element, layout: 'bottomLeft', type: 'warning' }) currentSelection = @addComponentsTreema?.getLastSelectedTreema()?.data._id id = comp = _.find @componentCollection.models, id: id unless comp return console.error "Couldn't find component for id", id, "out of", @components.models # Add all dependencies, recursively, unless we already have them toAdd = comp.getDependencies(@componentCollection.models) _.remove toAdd, (c1) => _.find, (c2) -> c2.original is c1.get('original') for c in toAdd.concat [comp] @extantComponentsTreema.insert '/', { original: c.get('original') ? id majorVersion: c.get('version').major ? 0 } return unless currentSelection # reselect what was selected before the addComponentsTreema was rebuilt for index, treema of @addComponentsTreema.childrenTreemas if is currentSelection return reportChanges: -> @callback?($.extend(true, [], class ThangComponentsArrayNode extends TreemaArrayNode valueClass: 'treema-thang-components-array' editable: false sort: true canAddChild: -> false sortFunction: (a, b) => a = @settings.supermodel.getModelByOriginalAndMajorVersion(LevelComponent, a.original, a.majorVersion) b = @settings.supermodel.getModelByOriginalAndMajorVersion(LevelComponent, b.original, b.majorVersion) return 1 if a.attributes.system > b.attributes.system return -1 if a.attributes.system < b.attributes.system return 1 if > return -1 if < return 0 class ThangComponentNode extends TreemaObjectNode valueClass: 'treema-thang-component' collection: false constructor: -> super(arguments...) @grabDBComponent() grabDBComponent: -> @component = @settings.supermodel.getModelByOriginalAndMajorVersion LevelComponent, @data.original, @data.majorVersion console.error "Couldn't find comp for", @data.original, @data.majorVersion, "from models", @settings.supermodel.models unless @component buildValueForDisplay: (valEl) -> return super valEl unless @data.original and @component s = @component.get('system') + "." + @component.get('name') @buildValueForDisplaySimply valEl, s class ComponentArrayNode extends TreemaArrayNode editable: false sort: true canAddChild: -> false sortFunction: (a, b) => return 1 if a.system > b.system return -1 if a.system < b.system return 1 if > return -1 if < return 0 class ComponentNode extends TreemaObjectNode valueClass: 'treema-component' collection: false buildValueForDisplay: (valEl) -> s = @data.system + "." + @buildValueForDisplaySimply valEl, s onEnterPressed: (args...) -> super(args...) @callbacks.enter?(@)