module.exports.formToObject = (el) -> obj = {} inputs = $('input', el).add('textarea', el) for input in inputs input = $(input) continue unless name = input.attr('name') obj[name] = input.val() obj[name] = obj[name].trim() if obj[name]?.trim obj module.exports.applyErrorsToForm = (el, errors, warning=false) -> errors = [errors] if not $.isArray(errors) missingErrors = [] for error in errors if error.dataPath prop = error.dataPath[1..] console.log prop message = error.message else message = "#{} #{error.message}." message = message[0].toUpperCase() + message[1..] message = error.message if error.formatted prop = missingErrors.push error unless setErrorToProperty el, prop, message, warning missingErrors # Returns the jQuery form group element in case of success, otherwise undefined module.exports.setErrorToField = setErrorToField = (el, message, warning=false) -> formGroup = el.closest('.form-group') unless formGroup.length return console.error el, " did not contain a form group, so couldn't show message:", message kind = if warning then 'warning' else 'error' formGroup.addClass "has-#{kind}" formGroup.append $("#{message}") module.exports.setErrorToProperty = setErrorToProperty = (el, property, message, warning=false) -> input = $("[name='#{property}']", el) unless input.length return console.error "#{property} not found in", el, "so couldn't show message:", message setErrorToField input, message, warning module.exports.clearFormAlerts = (el) -> $('.has-error', el).removeClass('has-error') $('.has-warning', el).removeClass('has-warning') $('.alert.alert-danger', el).remove() $('.alert.alert-warning', el).remove() el.find('.help-block.error-help-block').remove() el.find('.help-block.warning-help-block').remove()