module.exports = class HintsState extends Backbone.Model initialize: (attributes, options) -> { @level, @session } = options @listenTo(@level, 'change:documentation', @update) @update() getHint: (index) -> @get('hints')?[index] update: -> hints = switch me.getHintsGroup() when 'hints' then _.cloneDeep(@level.get('documentation')?.hints or []) when 'hintsB' then _.cloneDeep(@level.get('documentation')?.hintsB or []) else [] haveIntro = false haveOverview = false for article in @level.get('documentation')?.specificArticles ? [] if not haveIntro and is 'Intro' hints.unshift(article) haveIntro = true if not haveOverview and is 'Overview' hints.push(article) haveOverview = true break if haveIntro and haveOverview total = _.size(hints) @set({ hints total })