[](https://travis-ci.org/codecombat/codecombat) CodeCombat is a multiplayer programming game for learning how to code. **See the [Archmage (coder) developer wiki](https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/wiki/Archmage-Home) for a dev setup guide, extensive documentation, and much more. Every new person that wants to start contributing the project coding should start there.** It's both a startup and a community project, completely open source under the [MIT and Creative Commons licenses](http://codecombat.com/legal). It's the largest open source [CoffeeScript](http://coffeescript.org/) project by lines of code, and since it's a game (with [really cool tech](https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/wiki/Third-party-software-and-services)), it's really fun to hack on. Join us in teaching the world to code! Your contribution will go on to show millions of players how cool programming can be. ### [Getting Started](https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/wiki/Dev-Setup:-General-Information) We've made it easy to fork the project, run a simple script that'll install all the dependencies, and get a local copy of CodeCombat running right away on [Mac](https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/wiki/Dev-Setup:-Mac-and-Vagrant), [Linux](https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/wiki/Dev-Setup:-Linux), or [Windows](https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/wiki/Dev-Setup:-Windows). See [the docs for details](https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/wiki/Dev-Setup:-General-Information). ### [Getting In Touch](https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/wiki/Developer-organization) Whether you're novice or pro, the CodeCombat team is ready to help you implement your ideas. Reach out on our [forum](http://discourse.codecombat.com), our [issue tracker](https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/issues), or our [developer chat room](https://www.hipchat.com/g3plnOKqa), or see the docs for [more on how to contribute](https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/wiki/Developer-organization). ### [License](https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/blob/master/LICENSE) [MIT](https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/blob/master/LICENSE) for the code, and [CC-BY](http://codecombat.com/legal) for the art and music. Please also [sign the CodeCombat contributor license agreement](http://codecombat.com/cla) so we can accept your pull requests. It is easy. ### [Join Us!](http://blog.codecombat.com/why-you-should-open-source-your-startup)