#language imports Language = require './languages' # schema helper methods me = module.exports combine = (base, ext) -> return base unless ext? return _.extend(base, ext) urlPattern = '^(ht|f)tp(s?)\:\/\/[0-9a-zA-Z]([-.\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*(:(0-9)*)*(\/?)([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\?\,\'\/\\\+&%\$#_=]*)?$' # Common schema properties me.object = (ext, props) -> combine({type: 'object', additionalProperties: false, properties: props or {}}, ext) me.array = (ext, items) -> combine({type: 'array', items: items or {}}, ext) me.shortString = (ext) -> combine({type: 'string', maxLength: 100}, ext) me.pct = (ext) -> combine({type: 'number', maximum: 1.0, minimum: 0.0}, ext) me.passwordString = {type: 'string', maxLength: 256, minLength: 2, title: 'Password'} # Dates should usually be strings, ObjectIds should be strings: https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/issues/1384 me.date = (ext) -> combine({type: ['object', 'string'], format: 'date-time'}, ext) # old me.stringDate = (ext) -> combine({type: ['string'], format: 'date-time'}, ext) # new me.objectId = (ext) -> schema = combine({type: ['object', 'string']}, ext) # old me.stringID = (ext) -> schema = combine({type: 'string', minLength: 24, maxLength: 24}, ext) # use for anything new me.url = (ext) -> combine({type: 'string', format: 'url', pattern: urlPattern}, ext) me.int = (ext) -> combine {type: 'integer'}, ext me.float = (ext) -> combine {type: 'number'}, ext PointSchema = me.object {title: 'Point', description: 'An {x, y} coordinate point.', format: 'point2d', required: ['x', 'y']}, x: {title: 'x', description: 'The x coordinate.', type: 'number', 'default': 15} y: {title: 'y', description: 'The y coordinate.', type: 'number', 'default': 20} me.point2d = (ext) -> combine(_.cloneDeep(PointSchema), ext) SoundSchema = me.object {format: 'sound'}, mp3: {type: 'string', format: 'sound-file'} ogg: {type: 'string', format: 'sound-file'} me.sound = (props) -> obj = _.cloneDeep(SoundSchema) obj.properties[prop] = props[prop] for prop of props obj ColorConfigSchema = me.object {format: 'color-sound'}, hue: {format: 'range', type: 'number', minimum: 0, maximum: 1} saturation: {format: 'range', type: 'number', minimum: 0, maximum: 1} lightness: {format: 'range', type: 'number', minimum: 0, maximum: 1} me.colorConfig = (props) -> obj = _.cloneDeep(ColorConfigSchema) obj.properties[prop] = props[prop] for prop of props obj # BASICS basicProps = (linkFragment) -> _id: me.objectId(links: [{rel: 'self', href: "/db/#{linkFragment}/{($)}"}], format: 'hidden') __v: {title: 'Mongoose Version', format: 'hidden'} me.extendBasicProperties = (schema, linkFragment) -> schema.properties = {} unless schema.properties? _.extend(schema.properties, basicProps(linkFragment)) # PATCHABLE patchableProps = -> patches: me.array({title:'Patches'}, { _id: me.objectId(links: [{rel: 'db', href: '/db/patch/{($)}'}], title: 'Patch ID', description: 'A reference to the patch.') status: {enum: ['pending', 'accepted', 'rejected', 'cancelled']} }) allowPatches: {type: 'boolean'} watchers: me.array({title: 'Watchers'}, me.objectId(links: [{rel: 'extra', href: '/db/user/{($)}'}])) me.extendPatchableProperties = (schema) -> schema.properties = {} unless schema.properties? _.extend(schema.properties, patchableProps()) # NAMED namedProps = -> name: me.shortString({title: 'Name'}) slug: me.shortString({title: 'Slug', format: 'hidden'}) me.extendNamedProperties = (schema) -> schema.properties = {} unless schema.properties? _.extend(schema.properties, namedProps()) # VERSIONED versionedProps = (linkFragment) -> version: 'default': {minor: 0, major: 0, isLatestMajor: true, isLatestMinor: true} format: 'version' title: 'Version' type: 'object' readOnly: true additionalProperties: false properties: major: {type: 'number', minimum: 0} minor: {type: 'number', minimum: 0} isLatestMajor: {type: 'boolean'} isLatestMinor: {type: 'boolean'} # TODO: figure out useful 'rel' values here original: me.objectId(links: [{rel: 'extra', href: "/db/#{linkFragment}/{($)}"}], format: 'hidden') parent: me.objectId(links: [{rel: 'extra', href: "/db/#{linkFragment}/{($)}"}], format: 'hidden') creator: me.objectId(links: [{rel: 'extra', href: '/db/user/{($)}'}], format: 'hidden') created: me.date({title: 'Created', readOnly: true}) commitMessage: {type: 'string', maxLength: 500, title: 'Commit Message', readOnly: true} me.extendVersionedProperties = (schema, linkFragment) -> schema.properties = {} unless schema.properties? _.extend(schema.properties, versionedProps(linkFragment)) # SEARCHABLE searchableProps = -> index: {format: 'hidden'} me.extendSearchableProperties = (schema) -> schema.properties = {} unless schema.properties? _.extend(schema.properties, searchableProps()) # PERMISSIONED permissionsProps = -> permissions: type: 'array' items: type: 'object' additionalProperties: false properties: target: {} access: {type: 'string', 'enum': ['read', 'write', 'owner']} format: 'hidden' me.extendPermissionsProperties = (schema) -> schema.properties = {} unless schema.properties? _.extend(schema.properties, permissionsProps()) # TRANSLATABLE me.generateLanguageCodeArrayRegex = -> '^(' + Language.languageCodes.join('|') + ')$' me.getLanguageCodeArray = -> return Language.languageCodes me.getLanguagesObject = -> return Language me.extendTranslationCoverageProperties = (schema) -> schema.properties = {} unless schema.properties? schema.properties.i18nCoverage = { title: 'i18n Coverage', type: 'array', items: { type: 'string' }} # OTHER me.classNamePattern = '^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*$' # starts with capital letter; just letters and numbers me.identifierPattern = '^[a-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$' # starts with lowercase letter; just letters and numbers me.constantPattern = '^[A-Z0-9_]+$' # just uppercase letters, underscores, and numbers me.identifierOrConstantPattern = '^([a-z][A-Za-z0-9]*|[A-Z0-9_]+)$' me.FunctionArgumentSchema = me.object { title: 'Function Argument', description: 'Documentation entry for a function argument.' 'default': name: 'target' type: 'object' example: 'this.getNearestEnemy()' description: 'The target of this function.' required: ['name', 'type', 'example', 'description'] }, name: {type: 'string', pattern: me.identifierPattern, title: 'Name', description: 'Name of the function argument.'} i18n: { type: 'object', format: 'i18n', props: ['description'], description: 'Help translate this argument'} # not actual JS types, just whatever they describe... type: me.shortString(title: 'Type', description: 'Intended type of the argument.') example: oneOf: [ { type: 'object', title: 'Language Examples', description: 'Examples by code language.', additionalProperties: me.shortString(description: 'Example value for the argument.') format: 'code-languages-object' default: {javascript: '', python: ''} } me.shortString(title: 'Example', description: 'Example value for the argument.') ] description: oneOf: [ { type: 'object', title: 'Language Descriptions', description: 'Example argument descriptions by code language.', additionalProperties: {type: 'string', description: 'Description of the argument.', maxLength: 1000} format: 'code-languages-object' default: {javascript: '', python: ''} } {title: 'Description', type: 'string', description: 'Description of the argument.', maxLength: 1000} ] 'default': title: 'Default' description: 'Default value of the argument. (Your code should set this.)' 'default': null me.codeSnippet = me.object {description: 'A language-specific code snippet'}, code: {type: 'string', format: 'code', title: 'Snippet', default: '', description: 'Code snippet. Use ${1:defaultValue} syntax to add flexible arguments'} tab: {type: 'string', title: 'Tab Trigger', description: 'Tab completion text. Will be expanded to the snippet if typed and hit tab.'} me.activity = me.object {description: 'Stats on an activity'}, first: me.date() last: me.date() count: {type: 'integer', minimum: 0} me.terrainString = me.shortString {enum: ['Grass', 'Dungeon', 'Indoor', 'Desert', 'Mountain', 'Glacier', 'Volcano'], title: 'Terrain', description: 'Which terrain type this is.'} me.HeroConfigSchema = me.object {description: 'Which hero the player is using, equipped with what inventory.'}, inventory: type: 'object' description: 'The inventory of the hero: slots to item ThangTypes.' additionalProperties: me.objectId(description: 'An item ThangType.') thangType: me.objectId(links: [{rel: 'db', href: '/db/thang.type/{($)}/version'}], title: 'Thang Type', description: 'The ThangType of the hero.', format: 'thang-type') me.RewardSchema = (descriptionFragment='earned by achievements') -> type: 'object' additionalProperties: false description: "Rewards #{descriptionFragment}." properties: heroes: me.array {uniqueItems: true, description: "Heroes #{descriptionFragment}."}, me.stringID(links: [{rel: 'db', href: '/db/thang.type/{($)}/version'}], title: 'Hero ThangType', description: 'A reference to the earned hero ThangType.', format: 'thang-type') items: me.array {uniqueItems: true, description: "Items #{descriptionFragment}."}, me.stringID(links: [{rel: 'db', href: '/db/thang.type/{($)}/version'}], title: 'Item ThangType', description: 'A reference to the earned item ThangType.', format: 'thang-type') levels: me.array {uniqueItems: true, description: "Levels #{descriptionFragment}."}, me.stringID(links: [{rel: 'db', href: '/db/level/{($)}/version'}], title: 'Level', description: 'A reference to the earned Level.', format: 'latest-version-original-reference') gems: me.float {description: "Gems #{descriptionFragment}."} me.task = me.object {title: 'Task', description: 'A task to be completed', format: 'task', default: {name: 'TODO', complete: false}}, name: {title: 'Name', description: 'What must be done?', type: 'string'} complete: {title: 'Complete', description: 'Whether this task is done.', type: 'boolean', format: 'checkbox'} me.concept = me.shortString enum: [ 'advanced_strings' 'algorithms' 'arguments' 'arithmetic' 'arrays' 'basic_syntax' 'boolean_logic' 'break_statements' 'classes' 'continue_statements' 'for_loops' 'functions' 'graphics' 'if_statements' 'input_handling' 'math_operations' 'object_literals' 'parameters' 'strings' 'variables' 'vectors' 'while_loops' 'recursion' 'basic_html' 'basic_css' 'basic_web_scripting' ]