ModalView = require 'views/core/ModalView' template = require 'templates/play/level/modal/hero-victory-modal' Achievement = require 'models/Achievement' EarnedAchievement = require 'models/EarnedAchievement' CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection' LocalMongo = require 'lib/LocalMongo' utils = require 'core/utils' ThangType = require 'models/ThangType' LadderSubmissionView = require 'views/play/common/LadderSubmissionView' AudioPlayer = require 'lib/AudioPlayer' CampaignOptions = require 'lib/CampaignOptions' module.exports = class HeroVictoryModal extends ModalView id: 'hero-victory-modal' template: template closeButton: false closesOnClickOutside: false subscriptions: 'ladder:game-submitted': 'onGameSubmitted' events: 'click #continue-button': 'onClickContinue' 'click .next-level-branch-button': 'onClickNextLevelBranch' 'click .return-to-ladder-button': 'onClickReturnToLadder' constructor: (options) -> super(options) @session = options.session @level = options.level achievements = new CocoCollection([], { url: "/db/achievement?related=#{@session.get('level').original}" model: Achievement }) @thangTypes = {} @achievements = @supermodel.loadCollection(achievements, 'achievements').model @listenToOnce @achievements, 'sync', @onAchievementsLoaded @readyToContinue = false @waitingToContinueSince = new Date() Backbone.Mediator.publish 'audio-player:play-sound', trigger: 'victory' destroy: -> clearInterval @sequentialAnimationInterval super() onHidden: -> Backbone.Mediator.publish 'music-player:exit-menu', {} super() onAchievementsLoaded: -> thangTypeOriginals = [] achievementIDs = [] for achievement in @achievements.models rewards = achievement.get('rewards') or {} thangTypeOriginals.push rewards.heroes or [] thangTypeOriginals.push rewards.items or [] achievement.completed = LocalMongo.matchesQuery(@session.attributes, achievement.get('query')) achievementIDs.push( if achievement.completed thangTypeOriginals = _.uniq _.flatten thangTypeOriginals for thangTypeOriginal in thangTypeOriginals thangType = new ThangType() thangType.url = "/db/thang.type/#{thangTypeOriginal}/version" thangType.project = ['original', 'rasterIcon', 'name', 'soundTriggers'] @thangTypes[thangTypeOriginal] = @supermodel.loadModel(thangType, 'thang').model @newEarnedAchievements = [] for achievement in @achievements.models continue unless achievement.completed ea = new EarnedAchievement({ collection: achievement.get('collection') triggeredBy: achievement: }) @newEarnedAchievements.push ea @listenToOnce ea, 'sync', -> if _.all(( for ea in @newEarnedAchievements)) @listenToOnce me, 'sync', -> @readyToContinue = true @updateSavingProgressStatus() me.fetch() unless me.loading @readyToContinue = true if not @achievements.models.length getRenderData: -> c = super() c.levelName = utils.i18n @level.attributes, 'name' earnedAchievementMap = _.indexBy(@earnedAchievements?.models or [], (ea) -> ea.get('achievement')) for achievement in @achievements.models earnedAchievement = earnedAchievementMap[] if earnedAchievement achievement.completedAWhileAgo = new Date() - Date.parse(earnedAchievement.get('created')) > 30 * 1000 c.achievements = @achievements.models # for testing the three states #if c.achievements.length # c.achievements = [c.achievements[0].clone(), c.achievements[0].clone(), c.achievements[0].clone()] #for achievement, index in c.achievements ## achievement.completed = index > 0 ## achievement.completedAWhileAgo = index > 1 # achievement.completed = true # achievement.completedAWhileAgo = false # achievement.attributes.worth = (index + 1) * achievement.get('worth', true) # rewards = achievement.get('rewards') or {} # rewards.gems *= (index + 1) c.thangTypes = @thangTypes = me c.readyToRank = @level.get('type', true) is 'hero-ladder' and @session.readyToRank() c.level = @level @continueLevelLink = @getNextLevelLink 'continue' @morePracticeLevelLink = @getNextLevelLink 'more_practice' @skipAheadLevelLink = @getNextLevelLink 'skip_ahead' c.continueButtons = [ {key: 'skip_ahead', link: @skipAheadLevelLink, 'choice-explicit': 'skip', 'choice-implicit': 'too_easy'} {key: 'continue', link: @continueLevelLink, 'choice-explicit': 'next_level', 'choice-implicit': 'just_right'} {key: 'more_practice', link: @morePracticeLevelLink, 'choice-explicit': 'more_practice', 'choice-implicit': 'too_hard'} ] elapsed = (new Date() - new Date(me.get('dateCreated'))) isHourOfCode = me.get('hourOfCode') or elapsed < 120 * 60 * 1000 # Later we should only check me.get('hourOfCode'), but for now so much traffic comes in that we just assume it. if isHourOfCode # Show the Hour of Code "I'm Done" tracking pixel after they played for 20 minutes enough = elapsed >= 20 * 60 * 1000 tooMuch = elapsed > 120 * 60 * 1000 showDone = elapsed >= 30 * 60 * 1000 and not tooMuch if enough and not tooMuch and not me.get('hourOfCodeComplete') $('body').append($('')) me.set 'hourOfCodeComplete', true # Note that this will track even for players who don't have hourOfCode set. me.patch() window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Hour of Code Finish', {} # Show the "I'm done" button between 30 - 120 minutes if they definitely came from Hour of Code c.showHourOfCodeDoneButton = me.get('hourOfCode') and showDone return c afterRender: -> super() return unless @supermodel.finished() @playSelectionSound hero, true for original, hero of @thangTypes # Preload them @updateSavingProgressStatus() @$el.find('#victory-header').delay(250).queue(-> $(@).removeClass('out').dequeue() Backbone.Mediator.publish 'audio-player:play-sound', trigger: 'victory-title-appear' # TODO: actually add this ) complete = _.once(_.bind(@beginSequentialAnimations, @)) @animatedPanels = $() panels = @$el.find('.achievement-panel') for panel in panels panel = $(panel) continue unless'animate') @animatedPanels = @animatedPanels.add(panel) panel.delay(500) # Waiting for victory header to show up and fall panel.queue(-> $(@).addClass('earned') # animate out the grayscale $(@).dequeue() ) panel.delay(500) panel.queue(-> $(@).find('.reward-image-container').addClass('show') $(@).dequeue() ) panel.delay(500) panel.queue(-> complete()) @animationComplete = not @animatedPanels.length complete() if @animationComplete if @level.get('type', true) is 'hero-ladder' @ladderSubmissionView = new LadderSubmissionView session: @session, level: @level @insertSubView @ladderSubmissionView, @$el.find('.ladder-submission-view') beginSequentialAnimations: -> return if @destroyed @sequentialAnimatedPanels ='.reward-panel'), (panel) -> { number: $(panel).data('number') textEl: $(panel).find('.reward-text') rootEl: $(panel) unit: $(panel).data('number-unit') hero: $(panel).data('hero-thang-type') item: $(panel).data('item-thang-type') }) @totalXP = 0 @totalXP += panel.number for panel in @sequentialAnimatedPanels when panel.unit is 'xp' @totalGems = 0 @totalGems += panel.number for panel in @sequentialAnimatedPanels when panel.unit is 'gem' @gemEl = $('#gem-total') @XPEl = $('#xp-total') @totalXPAnimated = @totalGemsAnimated = @lastTotalXP = @lastTotalGems = 0 @sequentialAnimationStart = new Date() @sequentialAnimationInterval = setInterval(@tickSequentialAnimation, 1000 / 60) tickSequentialAnimation: => # TODO: make sure the animation pulses happen when the numbers go up and sounds play (up to a max speed) return @endSequentialAnimations() unless panel = @sequentialAnimatedPanels[0] if panel.number duration = Math.log(panel.number + 1) / Math.LN10 * 1000 # Math.log10 is ES6 else duration = 1000 ratio = @getEaseRatio (new Date() - @sequentialAnimationStart), duration if panel.unit is 'xp' newXP = Math.floor(ratio * panel.number) totalXP = @totalXPAnimated + newXP if totalXP isnt @lastTotalXP panel.textEl.text('+' + newXP) @XPEl.text('+' + totalXP) xpTrigger = 'xp-' + (totalXP % 6) # 6 xp sounds Backbone.Mediator.publish 'audio-player:play-sound', trigger: xpTrigger, volume: 0.5 + ratio / 2 @lastTotalXP = totalXP else if panel.unit is 'gem' newGems = Math.floor(ratio * panel.number) totalGems = @totalGemsAnimated + newGems if totalGems isnt @lastTotalGems panel.textEl.text('+' + newGems) @gemEl.text('+' + totalGems) gemTrigger = 'gem-' + (parseInt(panel.number * ratio) % 4) # 4 gem sounds Backbone.Mediator.publish 'audio-player:play-sound', trigger: gemTrigger, volume: 0.5 + ratio / 2 @lastTotalGems = totalGems else if panel.item thangType = @thangTypes[panel.item] panel.textEl.text(thangType.get('name')) Backbone.Mediator.publish 'audio-player:play-sound', trigger: 'item-unlocked', volume: 1 if 0.5 < ratio < 0.6 else if panel.hero thangType = @thangTypes[panel.hero] panel.textEl.text(thangType.get('name')) @playSelectionSound thangType if 0.5 < ratio < 0.6 if ratio is 1 panel.rootEl.removeClass('animating').find('.reward-image-container img').removeClass('pulse') @sequentialAnimationStart = new Date() if panel.unit is 'xp' @totalXPAnimated += panel.number else if panel.unit is 'gem' @totalGemsAnimated += panel.number @sequentialAnimatedPanels.shift() return panel.rootEl.addClass('animating').find('.reward-image-container').removeClass('pending-reward-image').find('img').addClass('pulse') getEaseRatio: (timeSinceStart, duration) -> # Ease in/out quadratic - timeSinceStart = Math.min timeSinceStart, duration t = 2 * timeSinceStart / duration if t < 1 return 0.5 * t * t --t -0.5 * (t * (t - 2) - 1) endSequentialAnimations: -> clearInterval @sequentialAnimationInterval @animationComplete = true @updateSavingProgressStatus() Backbone.Mediator.publish 'music-player:enter-menu', terrain: @level.get('terrain', true) updateSavingProgressStatus: -> return unless @animationComplete @$el.find('#saving-progress-label').toggleClass('hide', @readyToContinue) @$el.find('.next-level-button').toggleClass('hide', not @readyToContinue) @$el.find('.sign-up-poke').toggleClass('hide', not @readyToContinue) onGameSubmitted: (e) -> ladderURL = "/play/ladder/#{@level.get('slug')}#my-matches" # Preserve the supermodel as we navigate back to the ladder. Backbone.Mediator.publish 'router:navigate', route: ladderURL, viewClass: require('views/play/ladder/LadderView'), viewArgs: [{supermodel: @supermodel}, @level.get('slug')] playSelectionSound: (hero, preload=false) -> return unless sounds = hero.get('soundTriggers')?.selected return unless sound = sounds[Math.floor Math.random() * sounds.length] name = AudioPlayer.nameForSoundReference sound if preload AudioPlayer.preloadSoundReference sound else AudioPlayer.playSound name, 1 getLevelInfoForSlug: (slug) -> for campaign in require('views/play/WorldMapView').campaigns for level in campaign.levels return level if is slug getNextLevelCampaign: -> # Wouldn't handle skipping/more practice across campaign boundaries, but we don't do that. campaign = CampaignOptions.getCampaignForSlug @level.get 'slug' if nextLevelSlug = @getNextLevel 'continue' campaign = CampaignOptions.getCampaignForSlug nextLevelSlug campaign or 'dungeon' getNextLevelLink: (type) -> link = '/play' nextCampaign = @getNextLevelCampaign() link += '/' + nextCampaign unless nextCampaign is 'dungeon' return link unless nextLevel = @getNextLevel type "#{link}?next=#{nextLevel}" # Branching group testing getNextLevel: (type) -> levelInfo = @getLevelInfoForSlug @level.get 'slug' levelInfo?.nextLevels?[type] # 'more_practice', 'skip_ahead', 'continue' onClickContinue: (e) -> @playSound 'menu-button-click' nextLevelLink = @continueLevelLink if me.getBranchingGroup() is 'all-practice' and @morePracticeLevelLink nextLevelLink = @morePracticeLevelLink skipPrompt = me.getBranchingGroup() in ['no-practice', 'all-practice'] skipPrompt ||= not (@skipAheadLevelLink or @morePractiveLevelLink) and me.getBranchingGroup() is 'choice-explicit' if skipPrompt # Preserve the supermodel as we navigate back to the world map. Backbone.Mediator.publish 'router:navigate', route: nextLevelLink, viewClass: require('views/play/WorldMapView'), viewArgs: [{supermodel: if @options.hasReceivedMemoryWarning then null else @supermodel}, @getNextLevelCampaign()] else # Hide everything except the buttons prompting them for which kind of next level to do @$el.find('.modal-footer, .modal-body > *').hide() @$el.find('.next-levels-prompt').show() onClickNextLevelBranch: (e) -> @playSound 'menu-button-click' e.preventDefault() route = $('href') or "/play/#{@getNextLevelCampaign()}" application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Branch Selected', level: @level.get('slug'), label: @level.get('slug'), branch: $('branch-key'), branchingGroup: me.getBranchingGroup(), route: route # Preserve the supermodel as we navigate back to world map. Backbone.Mediator.publish 'router:navigate', route: route, viewClass: require('views/play/WorldMapView'), viewArgs: [{supermodel: if @options.hasReceivedMemoryWarning then null else @supermodel}, @getNextLevelCampaign()] onClickReturnToLadder: (e) -> @playSound 'menu-button-click' e.preventDefault() route = $('href') # Preserve the supermodel as we navigate back to the ladder. Backbone.Mediator.publish 'router:navigate', route: route, viewClass: require('views/play/ladder/LadderView'), viewArgs: [{supermodel: if @options.hasReceivedMemoryWarning then null else @supermodel}, @level.get('slug')]