RootView = require 'views/core/RootView' template = require 'templates/artisans/thangTasksView' ThangType = require 'models/ThangType' CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection' module.exports = class ThangTasksView extends RootView template: template id: 'thang-tasks-view' events: 'input input': 'searchUpdate' 'change input': 'searchUpdate' constructor: (options) -> super options @thangs = new CocoCollection([], url: '/db/thang.type?project=name,tasks,slug' model: ThangType comparator: @sortThangs ) @lastLoad = (new Date()).getTime() @listenTo(@thangs, 'sync', @onThangsLoaded) @supermodel.loadCollection(@thangs, 'thangs') searchUpdate: -> if not @lastLoad? or (new Date()).getTime() - @lastLoad > 60 * 1000 * 1 # Update only after a minute from last update. @thangs.fetch() @listenTo(@thangs, 'sync', @onThangsLoaded) @supermodel.loadCollection(@thangs, 'thangs') @lastLoad = (new Date()).getTime() else @onThangsLoaded() onThangsLoaded: -> @processedThangs = @thangs.filter (_elem) -> # Case-insensitive search of input vs name. return ///#{$('#nameSearch')[0].value}///i.test _elem.get('name') for thang in @processedThangs thang.tasks = _.filter thang.attributes.tasks, (_elem) -> # Similar case-insensitive search of input vs description (name). return ///#{$('#descSearch')[0].value}///i.test @renderSelectors '#thangTable' sortThangs: (a, b) -> a.get('name').localeCompare(b.get('name')) # Jade helper hasIncompleteTasks: (thang) -> return thang.tasks and thang.tasks.filter((_elem) -> return not _elem.complete).length > 0