# * search for how various places handle or call 'end-current-script' event CocoClass = require 'lib/CocoClass' {scriptMatchesEventPrereqs} = require './../world/script_event_prereqs' allScriptModules = [] allScriptModules.push(require './SpriteScriptModule') allScriptModules.push(require './DOMScriptModule') allScriptModules.push(require './SurfaceScriptModule') allScriptModules.push(require './PlaybackScriptModule') GoalScriptsModule = require './GoalsScriptModule' allScriptModules.push(GoalScriptsModule) allScriptModules.push(require './SoundScriptModule') DEFAULT_BOT_MOVE_DURATION = 500 DEFAULT_SCRUB_DURATION = 1000 module.exports = ScriptManager = class ScriptManager extends CocoClass scriptInProgress: false currentNoteGroup: null currentTimeouts: [] worldLoading: true ignoreEvents: false quiet: false triggered: [] ended: [] noteGroupQueue: [] originalScripts: [] # use these later when you want to revert to an original state subscriptions: 'end-current-script': 'onEndNoteGroup' 'end-all-scripts': 'onEndAll' 'level:started': -> @setWorldLoading(false) 'level:restarted': 'onLevelRestarted' 'level:shift-space-pressed': 'onEndNoteGroup' 'level:escape-pressed': 'onEndAll' shortcuts: '⇧+space, space, enter': -> Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:shift-space-pressed' 'escape': -> Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:escape-pressed' # SETUP / TEARDOWN constructor: (options) -> super(options) @originalScripts = options.scripts @view = options.view @session = options.session @initProperties() @addScriptSubscriptions() setScripts: (@originalScripts) -> @quiet = true @initProperties() @loadFromSession() @quiet = false @run() initProperties: -> @endAll({force:true}) if @scriptInProgress @triggered = [] @ended = [] @noteGroupQueue = [] @scripts = _.cloneDeep(@originalScripts) addScriptSubscriptions: -> idNum = 0 makeCallback = (channel) => (event) => @onNote(channel, event) for script in @scripts script.id = (idNum++).toString() unless script.id callback = makeCallback(script.channel) # curry in the channel argument @addNewSubscription(script.channel, callback) loadFromSession: -> # load the queue with note groups to skip through @addEndedScriptsFromSession() @addPartiallyEndedScriptFromSession() @fireGoalNotesEarly() addPartiallyEndedScriptFromSession: -> scripts = @session.get('state').scripts return unless scripts?.currentScript script = _.find @scripts, {id: scripts.currentScript} return unless script @triggered.push(script.id) noteChain = @processScript(script) if scripts.currentScriptOffset noteGroup.skipMe = true for noteGroup in noteChain[..scripts.currentScriptOffset-1] @addNoteChain(noteChain, false) addEndedScriptsFromSession: -> scripts = @session.get('state').scripts return unless scripts endedObj = scripts['ended'] or {} sortedPairs = _.sortBy(_.pairs(endedObj), (pair) -> pair[1]) scriptsToSkip = (p[0] for p in sortedPairs) for scriptID in scriptsToSkip script = _.find @scripts, {id: scriptID} unless script console.warn "Couldn't find script for", scriptID, "from scripts", @scripts, "when restoring session scripts." continue @triggered.push(scriptID) @ended.push(scriptID) noteChain = @processScript(script) noteGroup.skipMe = true for noteGroup in noteChain @addNoteChain(noteChain, false) fireGoalNotesEarly: -> for noteGroup in @noteGroupQueue @processNoteGroup(noteGroup) for module in noteGroup.modules if module instanceof GoalScriptsModule notes = module.skipNotes() @processNote(note, noteGroup) for note in notes setWorldLoading: (@worldLoading) -> @run() unless @worldLoading destroy: -> super() @onEndAll() # TRIGGERERING NOTES onNote: (channel, event) -> return if @ignoreEvents for script in @scripts alreadyTriggered = script.id in @triggered continue unless script.channel is channel continue if alreadyTriggered and not script.repeats continue if script.lastTriggered? and new Date().getTime() - script.lastTriggered < 1 continue unless @scriptPrereqsSatisfied(script) continue unless scriptMatchesEventPrereqs(script, event) # everything passed! console.log "SCRIPT: Running script '#{script.id}'" script.lastTriggered = new Date().getTime() @triggered.push(script.id) unless alreadyTriggered noteChain = @processScript(script) @addNoteChain(noteChain) @run() scriptPrereqsSatisfied: (script) -> _.every(script.scriptPrereqs or [], (prereq) => prereq in @triggered) processScript: (script) -> noteChain = script.noteChain noteGroup.scriptID = script.id for noteGroup in noteChain if noteChain.length lastNoteGroup = noteChain[noteChain.length - 1] lastNoteGroup.isLast = true return noteChain addNoteChain: (noteChain, clearYields=true) -> @processNoteGroup(noteGroup) for noteGroup in noteChain noteGroup.index = i for noteGroup, i in noteChain if clearYields noteGroup.skipMe = true for noteGroup in @noteGroupQueue when noteGroup.script.yields @noteGroupQueue.push noteGroup for noteGroup in noteChain @endYieldingNote() processNoteGroup: (noteGroup) -> return if noteGroup.modules? if noteGroup.playback?.scrub? noteGroup.playback.scrub.duration ?= DEFAULT_SCRUB_DURATION noteGroup.sprites ?= [] for sprite in noteGroup.sprites if sprite.move? sprite.move.duration ?= DEFAULT_BOT_MOVE_DURATION sprite.id ?= 'Captain Anya' noteGroup.script ?= {} noteGroup.script.yields ?= true noteGroup.script.skippable ?= true noteGroup.modules = (new Module(noteGroup, @view) for Module in allScriptModules when Module.neededFor(noteGroup)) endYieldingNote: -> if @scriptInProgress and @currentNoteGroup?.script.yields @endNoteGroup() return true # STARTING NOTES run: -> # catch all for analyzing the current state and doing whatever needs to happen next return if @scriptInProgress @skipAhead() return unless @noteGroupQueue.length nextNoteGroup = @noteGroupQueue[0] return if @worldLoading and nextNoteGroup.skipMe return if @worldLoading and not nextNoteGroup.script?.beforeLoad @noteGroupQueue = @noteGroupQueue[1..] @currentNoteGroup = nextNoteGroup @notifyScriptStateChanged() @scriptInProgress = true @currentTimeouts = [] console.log "SCRIPT: Starting note group '#{nextNoteGroup.name}'" for module in nextNoteGroup.modules @processNote(note, nextNoteGroup) for note in module.startNotes() if nextNoteGroup.script.duration f = => @onNoteGroupTimeout nextNoteGroup setTimeout(f, nextNoteGroup.script.duration) Backbone.Mediator.publish('note-group-started') skipAhead: -> return if @worldLoading return unless @noteGroupQueue[0]?.skipMe @ignoreEvents = true for noteGroup, i in @noteGroupQueue break unless noteGroup.skipMe console.log "SCRIPT: Skipping note group '#{noteGroup.name}'" @processNoteGroup(noteGroup) for module in noteGroup.modules notes = module.skipNotes() @processNote(note, noteGroup) for note in notes @trackScriptCompletions(noteGroup) @noteGroupQueue = @noteGroupQueue[i..] @ignoreEvents = false processNote: (note, noteGroup) -> note.event ?= {} if note.delay f = => @sendDelayedNote noteGroup, note @currentTimeouts.push setTimeout(f, note.delay) else @publishNote(note) sendDelayedNote: (noteGroup, note) -> # some events should only happen after the bot has moved into position return unless noteGroup is @currentNoteGroup @publishNote(note) publishNote: (note) -> Backbone.Mediator.publish(note.channel, note.event) # ENDING NOTES onLevelRestarted: -> @quiet = true @endAll({force:true}) @initProperties() @resetThings() Backbone.Mediator.publish 'script:reset' @quiet = false @run() onEndNoteGroup: (e) -> e?.preventDefault() # press enter return unless @currentNoteGroup?.script.skippable @endNoteGroup() @run() endNoteGroup: -> return if @ending # kill infinite loops right here @ending = true return unless @currentNoteGroup? console.log "SCRIPT: Ending note group '#{@currentNoteGroup.name}'" clearTimeout(timeout) for timeout in @currentTimeouts for module in @currentNoteGroup.modules @processNote(note, @currentNoteGroup) for note in module.endNotes() Backbone.Mediator.publish 'note-group-ended' unless @quiet @scriptInProgress = false @ended.push(@currentNoteGroup.scriptID) if @currentNoteGroup.isLast @trackScriptCompletions(@currentNoteGroup) @currentNoteGroup = null unless @noteGroupQueue.length @notifyScriptStateChanged() @resetThings() @ending = false onEndAll: -> # press escape @endAll() endAll: (options) -> options ?= {} if @scriptInProgress return if (not @currentNoteGroup.script.skippable) and (not options.force) @endNoteGroup() for noteGroup, i in @noteGroupQueue if ((noteGroup.script?.skippable) is false) and not options.force @noteGroupQueue = @noteGroupQueue[i..] @run() return @processNoteGroup(noteGroup) for module in noteGroup.modules notes = module.skipNotes() @processNote(note, noteGroup) for note in notes unless @quiet @trackScriptCompletions(noteGroup) unless @quiet @noteGroupQueue = [] @resetThings() onNoteGroupTimeout: (noteGroup) -> return unless noteGroup is @currentNoteGroup @endNoteGroup() @run() resetThings: -> Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level-enable-controls', {} Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level-set-letterbox', { on: false } trackScriptCompletions: (noteGroup) -> return if @quiet return unless noteGroup.isLast @ended.push(noteGroup.scriptID) unless noteGroup.scriptID in @ended Backbone.Mediator.publish 'script:ended', {scriptID: noteGroup.scriptID} notifyScriptStateChanged: -> return if @quiet event = currentScript: @currentNoteGroup?.scriptID or null currentScriptOffset: @currentNoteGroup?.index or 0 Backbone.Mediator.publish 'script:state-changed', event