log = require 'winston' errors = require '../commons/errors' handlers = require('../commons/mapping').handlers mongoose = require 'mongoose' module.exports.setup = (app) -> app.post '/admin/*', (req, res) -> # TODO apparently I can leave this out as long as I use res.send res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') module = req.path[7..] parts = module.split('/') module = parts[0] return errors.unauthorized(res, 'Must be admin to access this area.') unless req.user?.isAdmin() try moduleName = module.replace '.', '_' name = handlers[moduleName] handler = require('../' + name) return handler[parts[1]](req, res, parts[2..]...) if parts[1] of handler catch error log.error("Error trying db method '#{req.route.method}' route '#{parts}' from #{name}: #{error}") errors.notFound(res, "Route #{req.path} not found.")