extends /templates/base block content if !me.isAdmin() div You must be logged in as an admin to view this page. else if total === 0 h4 Fetching dashboard data... else .container-fluid .row .col-md-5.big-stat.total-count div.description Total div.count= total .col-md-5.big-stat.remaining-count div.description Remaining div.count= total - cancelled .col-md-5.big-stat.cancelled-count div.description Cancelled div.count= cancelled .col-md-5.big-stat.growth-rate div.description 30 Day Total Growth div.count #{monthlyGrowth.toFixed(1)}% .col-md-5.big-stat.churn-count div.description Monthly Churn (cancelled / total) div.count #{monthlyChurn.toFixed(1)}% each graph in analytics.graphs .line-graph-container each line in graph.lines each point in line.points .graph-point-info-container(data-pointid="#{point.pointID}") div(style='font-weight:bold;') #{point.day} each value in point.values div #{value} h2 Recent Subscribers if !subscribers || subscribers.length < 1 h4 Fetching recent subscribers... else table.table.table-striped.table-condensed thead.subscribers-thead tr th Sub ID th User Start th Sub Start if subscriberCancelled th Cancelled else th th Conversion th Email th Hero th Level th Age th Spoken th Clans tbody.subscribers-tbody each subscriber in subscribers tr td a(href="https://dashboard.stripe.com/customers/#{subscriber.customerID}", target="_blank")= subscriber.subscriptionID td= subscriber.user.dateCreated.substring(0, 10) td= subscriber.start.substring(0, 10) td if subscriber.cancel span= subscriber.cancel.substring(0, 10) td if subscriber.user.stripe && subscriber.user.stripe.sponsorID span *sponsored* else if subscriber.user.conversion span= subscriber.user.conversion if subscriber.user.deleted td DELETED else td= subscriber.user.emailLower td= subscriber.hero td= subscriber.level td= subscriber.user.ageRange td= subscriber.user.preferredLanguage if subscriber.user.clans td= subscriber.user.clans.length else td h2 Recent Cancellations if !cancellations || cancellations.length < 1 h4 Fetching recent cancellations... else table.table.table-striped.table-condensed thead.subscribers-thead tr th Sub ID th User ID th User Start th Sub Start th Sub Cancel th Length th Level th Age th Spoken th Clans tbody.subscribers-tbody each cancellation in cancellations tr td a(href="https://dashboard.stripe.com/customers/#{cancellation.customerID}", target="_blank")= cancellation.subscriptionID if cancellation.userID td a(href="/user/#{cancellation.userID}")= cancellation.userID else td if cancellation.user td= cancellation.user.dateCreated.substring(0, 10) else td td= cancellation.start.substring(0, 10) td= cancellation.cancel.substring(0, 10) td= moment.duration(new Date(cancellation.cancel) - new Date(cancellation.start)).humanize() td= cancellation.level if cancellation.user td= cancellation.user.ageRange td= cancellation.user.preferredLanguage if cancellation.user.clans td= cancellation.user.clans.length else td else td td td td h2 Subscriptions if !subs || subs.length < 1 h4 Fetching subscriptions... else table.table.table-condensed thead tr th Day th Total th Started th Cancelled th Net (cancelled) th Ended th Net (ended) tbody each sub in subs tr td= sub.day td= sub.total td= sub.started td= sub.cancelled td= sub.started - sub.cancelled td= sub.ended td= sub.started - sub.ended