mongoose = require 'mongoose' plugins = require '../plugins/plugins' AchievablePlugin = require '../plugins/achievements' jsonschema = require '../../app/schemas/models/level_session' log = require 'winston' config = require '../../server_config' LevelSessionSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ created: type: Date 'default': }, {strict: false,read:config.mongo.readpref}) LevelSessionSchema.index({creator: 1}) LevelSessionSchema.index({level: 1}) LevelSessionSchema.index({levelID: 1}) LevelSessionSchema.index({'level.majorVersion': 1}) LevelSessionSchema.index({'level.original': 1}, {name: 'Level Original'}) LevelSessionSchema.index({'level.original': 1, 'level.majorVersion': 1, 'creator': 1, 'team': 1}) LevelSessionSchema.index({creator: 1, level: 1}) # Looks like the ones operating on level as two separate fields might not be working, and sometimes this query uses the "level" index instead of the "creator" index. LevelSessionSchema.index({playtime: 1}, {name: 'Playtime'}) LevelSessionSchema.index({submitted: 1}, {sparse: true}) LevelSessionSchema.index({team: 1}, {sparse: true}) LevelSessionSchema.index({totalScore: 1}, {sparse: true}) LevelSessionSchema.index({user: 1, changed: -1}, {name: 'last played index', sparse: true}) LevelSessionSchema.index({levelID: 1, changed: -1}, {name: 'last played by level index', sparse: true}) # Needed for getRecentSessions for CampaignLevelView LevelSessionSchema.index({'level.original': 1, 'state.topScores.type': 1, '': -1, 'state.topScores.score': -1}, {name: 'top scores index', sparse: true}) LevelSessionSchema.index({submitted: 1, team: 1, level: 1, totalScore: -1}, {name: 'rank counting index', sparse: true}) #LevelSessionSchema.index({level: 1, 'leagues.leagueID': 1, submitted: 1, team: 1, totalScore: -1}, {name: 'league rank counting index', sparse: true}) # needed for league leaderboards? LevelSessionSchema.index({levelID: 1, submitted: 1, team: 1}, {name: 'get all scores index', sparse: true}) #LevelSessionSchema.index({levelID: 1, 'leagues.leagueID': 1, submitted: 1, team: 1}, {name: 'league get all scores index', sparse: true}) # needed for league histograms? LevelSessionSchema.index({submitted: 1, team: 1, levelID: 1, submitDate: -1}, {name: 'matchmaking index', sparse: true}) LevelSessionSchema.index({submitted: 1, team: 1, levelID: 1, randomSimulationIndex: -1}, {name: 'matchmaking random index', sparse: true}) LevelSessionSchema.index({'leagues.leagueID': 1, submitted: 1, levelID: 1, team: 1, randomSimulationIndex: -1}, {name: 'league-based matchmaking random index', sparse: true}) # Really need MongoDB 3.2 for partial indexes for this and several others: LevelSessionSchema.plugin(plugins.PermissionsPlugin) LevelSessionSchema.plugin(AchievablePlugin) 'init', (doc) -> unless doc.previousStateInfo doc.previousStateInfo = 'state.complete': doc.get 'state.complete' playtime: doc.get 'playtime' LevelSessionSchema.pre 'save', (next) -> User = require './User' # Avoid mutual inclusion cycles Level = require './Level' now = new Date() @set('changed', now) id = @get('id') initd = @previousStateInfo? levelID = @get('levelID') userID = @get('creator') activeUserEvent = null # Newly completed level if not (initd and @previousStateInfo['state.complete']) and @get('state.complete') @set('dateFirstCompleted', now) Level.findOne({slug: levelID}).select('concepts -_id').lean().exec (err, level) -> log.error err if err? update = $inc: {'stats.gamesCompleted': 1} for concept in level?.concepts ? [] update.$inc["stats.concepts.#{concept}"] = 1 User.findByIdAndUpdate userID, update, {new: true}, (err, user) -> log.error err if err? oldCopy = user.toObject() oldCopy.stats = _.clone oldCopy.stats --oldCopy.stats.gamesCompleted oldCopy.stats.concepts ?= {} for concept in level?.concepts ? [] --oldCopy.stats.concepts[concept] User.schema.statics.createNewEarnedAchievements user, oldCopy activeUserEvent = "level-completed/#{levelID}" # Spent at least 30s playing this level if not initd and @get('playtime') >= 30 or initd and (@get('playtime') - @previousStateInfo['playtime'] >= 30) activeUserEvent = "level-playtime/#{levelID}" if activeUserEvent? User.saveActiveUser userID, activeUserEvent, next else next() LevelSessionSchema.statics.privateProperties = ['code', 'submittedCode', 'unsubscribed'] LevelSessionSchema.statics.editableProperties = ['multiplayer', 'players', 'code', 'codeLanguage', 'completed', 'state', 'levelName', 'creatorName', 'levelID', 'chat', 'teamSpells', 'submitted', 'submittedCodeLanguage', 'unsubscribed', 'playtime', 'heroConfig', 'team', 'browser'] LevelSessionSchema.statics.jsonSchema = jsonschema LevelSessionSchema.set('toObject', { transform: (doc, ret, options) -> req = options.req return ret unless req # TODO: Make deleting properties the default, but the consequences are far reaching submittedCode = doc.get('submittedCode') unless req.user?.isAdmin() or req.user?.id is doc.get('creator') or ('employer' in (req.user?.get('permissions') ? [])) or not doc.get('submittedCode') # TODO: only allow leaderboard access to non-top-5 solutions ret = _.omit ret, LevelSession.privateProperties if req.query.interpret plan = submittedCode[if doc.get('team') is 'humans' then 'hero-placeholder' else 'hero-placeholder-1']?.plan ? '' plan = LZString.compressToUTF16 plan ret.interpret = plan ret.code = submittedCode return ret }) module.exports = LevelSession = mongoose.model('level.session', LevelSessionSchema, 'level.sessions')