RootView = require 'views/core/RootView' forms = require 'core/forms' TrialRequest = require 'models/TrialRequest' TrialRequests = require 'collections/TrialRequests' AuthModal = require 'views/core/AuthModal' errors = require 'core/errors' User = require 'models/User' ConfirmModal = require 'views/editor/modal/ConfirmModal' algolia = require 'core/services/algolia' DISTRICT_NCES_KEYS = ['district', 'district_id', 'district_schools', 'district_students', 'phone'] SCHOOL_NCES_KEYS = DISTRICT_NCES_KEYS.concat(['id', 'name', 'students']) module.exports = class ConvertToTeacherAccountView extends RootView id: 'convert-to-teacher-account-view' template: require 'templates/teachers/convert-to-teacher-account-view' logoutRedirectURL: null events: 'change form': 'onChangeForm' 'submit form': 'onSubmitForm' 'click #logout-link': -> me.logout() 'change input[name="city"]': 'invalidateNCES' 'change input[name="state"]': 'invalidateNCES' 'change input[name="district"]': 'invalidateNCES' 'change input[name="country"]': 'invalidateNCES' initialize: -> if me.isAnonymous() application.router.navigate('/teachers/signup', {trigger: true, replace: true}) return @trialRequest = new TrialRequest() @trialRequests = new TrialRequests() @trialRequests.fetchOwn() @supermodel.trackCollection(@trialRequests) window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Teachers Convert Account Loaded', category: 'Teachers', ['Mixpanel'] onLeaveMessage: -> if @formChanged return 'Your account has not been updated! If you continue, your changes will be lost.' invalidateNCES: -> for key in SCHOOL_NCES_KEYS @$('input[name="nces_' + key + '"]').val '' onLoaded: -> if @trialRequests.size() and me.isTeacher() return application.router.navigate('/teachers', { trigger: true, replace: true }) super() afterRender: -> super() # apply existing trial request on form properties = @trialRequest.get('properties') if properties forms.objectToForm(@$('form'), properties) commonLevels = @$('[name="educationLevel"]'), (el) -> $(el).val() submittedLevels = properties.educationLevel or [] otherLevel = _.first(_.difference(submittedLevels, commonLevels)) or '' @$('#other-education-level-checkbox').attr('checked', !!otherLevel) @$('#other-education-level-input').val(otherLevel) $("#organization-control").algolia_autocomplete({hint: false}, [ source: (query, callback) ->, { hitsPerPage: 5, aroundLatLngViaIP: false }).then (answer) -> callback answer.hits , -> callback [] displayKey: 'name', templates: suggestion: (suggestion) -> hr = suggestion._highlightResult "
" + "
#{hr.district.value}, " + "#{}, #{hr.state.value}
" ]).on 'autocomplete:selected', (event, suggestion, dataset) => @$('input[name="district"]').val suggestion.district @$('input[name="city"]').val @$('input[name="state"]').val suggestion.state @$('input[name="country"]').val 'USA' for key in SCHOOL_NCES_KEYS @$('input[name="nces_' + key + '"]').val suggestion[key] @onChangeForm() $("#district-control").algolia_autocomplete({hint: false}, [ source: (query, callback) ->, { hitsPerPage: 5, aroundLatLngViaIP: false }).then (answer) -> callback answer.hits , -> callback [] displayKey: 'district', templates: suggestion: (suggestion) -> hr = suggestion._highlightResult "
#{hr.district.value}, " + "#{}, #{hr.state.value}
" ]).on 'autocomplete:selected', (event, suggestion, dataset) => @$('input[name="organization"]').val '' # TODO: does not persist on tabbing: back to school, back to district @$('input[name="city"]').val @$('input[name="state"]').val suggestion.state @$('input[name="country"]').val 'USA' for key in DISTRICT_NCES_KEYS @$('input[name="nces_' + key + '"]').val suggestion[key] @onChangeForm() onChangeForm: -> unless @formChanged window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Teachers Convert Account Form Started', category: 'Teachers', ['Mixpanel'] @formChanged = true onSubmitForm: (e) -> e.preventDefault() form = @$('form') attrs = forms.formToObject(form) trialRequestAttrs = _.cloneDeep(attrs) # Don't save n/a district entries, but do validate required district client-side trialRequestAttrs = _.omit(trialRequestAttrs, 'district') if trialRequestAttrs.district?.replace(/\s/ig, '').match(/n\/a/ig) if @$('#other-education-level-checkbox').is(':checked') val = @$('#other-education-level-input').val() trialRequestAttrs.educationLevel.push(val) if val forms.clearFormAlerts(form) result = tv4.validateMultiple(trialRequestAttrs, formSchema) error = false if not result.valid forms.applyErrorsToForm(form, result.errors) error = true if not _.size(trialRequestAttrs.educationLevel) forms.setErrorToProperty(form, 'educationLevel', 'include at least one') error = true unless attrs.district forms.setErrorToProperty(form, 'district', $.i18n.t('common.required_field')) error = true if error forms.scrollToFirstError() return trialRequestAttrs['siteOrigin'] = 'convert teacher' @trialRequest = new TrialRequest({ type: 'course' properties: trialRequestAttrs }) if me.get('role') is 'student' and not me.isAnonymous() modal = new ConfirmModal({ title: '' body: "



" confirm: $.i18n.t('common.continue') decline: $.i18n.t('common.cancel') }) @openModalView(modal) modal.once 'confirm', @saveTrialRequest, @ else @saveTrialRequest() saveTrialRequest: -> @trialRequest.notyErrors = false @$('#create-account-btn').text('Sending').attr('disabled', true) @trialRequest.on 'sync', @onTrialRequestSubmit, @ @trialRequest.on 'error', @onTrialRequestError, @ onTrialRequestError: (model, jqxhr) -> @$('#submit-request-btn').text('Submit').attr('disabled', false) errors.showNotyNetworkError(arguments...) onTrialRequestSubmit: -> window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Teachers Convert Account Submitted', category: 'Teachers', ['Mixpanel'] @formChanged = false me.setRole @trialRequest.get('properties').role.toLowerCase(), true application.router.navigate('/teachers/classes', {trigger: true}) formSchema = { type: 'object' required: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'role', 'numStudents', 'city', 'state', 'country'] properties: firstName: { type: 'string' } lastName: { type: 'string' } phoneNumber: { type: 'string' } role: { type: 'string' } organization: { type: 'string' } district: { type: 'string' } city: { type: 'string' } state: { type: 'string' } country: { type: 'string' } numStudents: { type: 'string' } numStudentsTotal: { type: 'string' } educationLevel: { type: 'array' items: { type: 'string' } } notes: { type: 'string' } } for key in SCHOOL_NCES_KEYS formSchema['nces_' + key] = type: 'string'