describe('ScriptManager', -> ScriptManager = require 'lib/scripts/ScriptManager' xit('broadcasts note with event upon hearing from channel', -> note = {channel: 'cnn', event: {1:1}} noteGroup = {duration: 0, notes: [note]} script = {channel: 'pbs', noteChain: [noteGroup]} sm = new ScriptManager({scripts: [script]}) sm.paused = false gotEvent = {} f = (event) -> gotEvent = event Backbone.Mediator.subscribe('cnn', f, @) Backbone.Mediator.publish('pbs') expect(gotEvent[1]).toBe(note.event[1]) sm.destroy() Backbone.Mediator.unsubscribe('cnn', f, @) ) xit('is silent when script event do not match', -> note = {channel: 'cnn', event: {1:1}} noteGroup = {duration: 0, notes: [note]} script = channel: 'pbs' eventPrereqs: [ eventProps: 'foo' equalTo: 'bar' ] noteChain: [noteGroup] sm = new ScriptManager([script]) sm.paused = false gotEvent = null f = (event) -> gotEvent = event Backbone.Mediator.subscribe('cnn', f, @) # bunch of mismatches Backbone.Mediator.publish('pbs', {foo:'rad'}) expect(gotEvent).toBeNull() Backbone.Mediator.publish('pbs', 'bar') Backbone.Mediator.publish('pbs') Backbone.Mediator.publish('pbs', {foo:'bar'}) expect(gotEvent[1]).toBe(note.event[1]) sm.destroy() Backbone.Mediator.unsubscribe('cnn', f, @) ) xit('makes no subscriptions when something is invalid', -> note = {event: {1:1}} # channel is required noteGroup = {notes: [note]} script = {channel: 'pbs', noteChain: [noteGroup]} sm = new ScriptManager([script]) expect(sm.subscriptions['pbs']).toBe(undefined) sm.destroy() ) xit('fills out lots of notes based on note group properties', -> note = {channel: 'cnn', event: {1:1}} noteGroup = duration: 0 botPos: [1,2] botMessage: 'testers' domHighlight: '#code-area' surfaceHighlights: ['Guy0', 'Guy1'] scrubToTime: 20 notes: [note] script = {channel: 'pbs', noteChain: [noteGroup]} sm = new ScriptManager([script]) sm.paused = false Backbone.Mediator.publish('pbs') expect(sm.lastNoteGroup.notes.length).toBe(7) channels = ( for note in sm.lastNoteGroup.notes) expect(channels).toContain('cnn') expect(channels).toContain('level-bot-move') expect(channels).toContain('level-bot-say') expect(channels).toContain('level-highlight-dom') expect(channels).toContain('level-highlight-sprites') expect(channels).toContain('level-set-time') expect(channels).toContain('level-disable-controls') sm.destroy() ) xit('releases notes based on user confirmation', -> note1 = {channel: 'cnn', event: {1:1}} note2 = {channel: 'cbs', event: {2:2}} noteGroup1 = {duration: 0, notes: [note1]} noteGroup2 = {duration: 0, notes: [note2]} script = {channel: 'pbs', noteChain: [noteGroup1, noteGroup2]} sm = new ScriptManager({scripts:[script]}) sm.paused = false gotCnnEvent = null f1 = (event) -> gotCnnEvent = event Backbone.Mediator.subscribe('cnn', f1, @) gotCbsEvent = null f2 = (event) -> gotCbsEvent = event Backbone.Mediator.subscribe('cbs', f2, @) Backbone.Mediator.publish('pbs') expect(gotCnnEvent[1]).toBe(1) expect(gotCbsEvent).toBeNull() expect(sm.scriptInProgress).toBe(true) runs(-> Backbone.Mediator.publish('end-current-script')) f = -> gotCbsEvent? waitsFor(f, "The next event should have been published", 20) f = -> expect(gotCnnEvent[1]).toBe(1) expect(gotCbsEvent[2]).toBe(2) expect(sm.scriptInProgress).toBe(true) Backbone.Mediator.publish('end-current-script') expect(sm.scriptInProgress).toBe(false) sm.destroy() Backbone.Mediator.unsubscribe('cnn', f1, @) Backbone.Mediator.unsubscribe('cbs', f2, @) runs(f) ) xit('ignores triggers for scripts waiting for other scripts to fire', -> # channel2 won't fire the cbs notification until channel1 does its thing note1 = {channel: 'cnn', event: {1:1}} note2 = {channel: 'cbs', event: {2:2}} noteGroup1 = {duration: 0, notes: [note1]} noteGroup2 = {duration: 0, notes: [note2]} script1 = {channel: 'channel1', id: 'channel1Script', noteChain: [noteGroup1]} script2 = {channel: 'channel2', scriptPrereqs: ['channel1Script'], noteChain: [noteGroup2]} sm = new ScriptManager([script1, script2]) sm.paused = false gotCbsEvent = null f = (event) -> gotCbsEvent = event Backbone.Mediator.subscribe('cbs', f, @) Backbone.Mediator.publish('channel2') expect(gotCbsEvent).toBeNull() # channel1 hasn't done its thing yet Backbone.Mediator.publish('channel1') expect(gotCbsEvent).toBeNull() # channel2 needs to be triggered again Backbone.Mediator.publish('channel2') expect(gotCbsEvent).toBeNull() # channel1 is still waiting for user confirmation Backbone.Mediator.publish('end-current-script') expect(gotCbsEvent[1]).toBe(2) # and finally the second script is fired sm.destroy() Backbone.Mediator.unsubscribe('cnn', f, @) ) )