CocoView = require 'views/core/CocoView' template = require 'templates/editor/level/tasks_tab' Level = require 'models/Level' module.exports = class TasksTabView extends CocoView id: 'editor-level-tasks-tab-view' className: 'tab-pane' template: template events: 'click .taskRow': 'onTaskRowClicked' 'click .taskInput': 'onTaskCompletionClicked' 'click .startEdit': 'onTaskEditClicked' 'click #createTask': 'onTaskCreateClicked' 'keydown #curEdit': 'onCurEditKeyDown' subscriptions: 'editor:level-loaded': 'onLevelLoaded' defaultTaskLinks: # Order doesn't matter. 'Name the level.':'./' 'Create a Referee stub, if needed.':'./' 'Build the level.':'./' 'Set up goals.':'./' 'Choose the Existence System lifespan and frame rate.':'./' 'Choose the UI System paths and coordinate hover if needed.':'./' 'Choose the AI System pathfinding and Vision System line of sight.':'./' 'Write the sample code.':'./' 'Do basic set decoration.':'./' 'Adjust script camera bounds.':'./' 'Choose music file in Introduction script.':'./' 'Choose autoplay in Introduction script.':'./' 'Add to a campaign.':'./' 'Publish.':'./' 'Choose level options like required/restricted gear.':'./' 'Create achievements, including unlocking next level.':'./' 'Choose leaderboard score types.':'./' 'Playtest with a slow/tough hero.':'./' 'Playtest with a fast/weak hero.':'./' 'Playtest with a couple random seeds.':'./' 'Make sure the level ends promptly on success and failure.':'./' 'Remove/simplify unnecessary doodad collision.':'./' 'Release to adventurers via MailChimp.':'./' 'Write the description.':'./' 'Add i18n field for the sample code comments.':'./' 'Add Clojure/Lua/CoffeeScript.':'./' 'Write the guide.':'./' 'Write a loading tip, if needed.':'./' 'Click the Populate i18n button.':'./' 'Add programming concepts covered.':'./' 'Mark whether it requires a subscription.':'./' 'Release to everyone via MailChimp.':'./' 'Check completion/engagement/problem analytics.':'./' 'Do thorough set decoration.':'./' 'Add a walkthrough video.':'./' constructor: (options) -> super options @render() onLoaded: -> onLevelLoaded: (e) -> @level = e.level if e.level._revertAttributes @revertTasks = e.level._revertAttributes.tasks else @revertTasks = @level.get 'tasks' @tasks = @level.get 'tasks' @tTasks = _.clone @tasks, true for task in @tTasks if @revertTasks[_.findKey(@revertTasks, {'name'})] task.reversion = @revertTasks[_.findKey(@revertTasks, {'name'})].complete || null else task.reversion = false @render() getRenderData: -> c = super() c.tasks = @tasks c.status c pushTasks: -> for task in @tTasks taskKey = @findTaskByName(@tasks, oTaskKey = @findTaskByName(@tasks, task.oldName) if taskKey? @tasks[taskKey].complete = task.complete else if oTaskKey? if is '' @tasks.splice(oTaskKey, 1) @tTasks.splice(@tTasks.indexOf(task), 1) break @pushTasks() else @tasks[oTaskKey].name = @tasks[oTaskKey].complete = task.complete else if is '' @tasks.splice(oTaskKey, 1) @tTasks.splice(@tTasks.indexOf(task), 1) else @tasks.push name: complete: task.complete @level.set 'tasks', @tasks @parent.renderSelectors '#tasks-tab' onTaskRowClicked: (e) -> if not $('input') and not $('a') and not $('startEdit') checkBox = $(e.currentTarget).find('.taskInput')[0] tTaskKey = @findTaskByName(@tTasks, @getData e) if tTaskKey? if checkBox.checked checkBox.checked = false else checkBox.checked = true console.log(checkBox.checked) @tTasks[tTaskKey].complete = checkBox.checked @pushTasks() onTaskCompletionClicked: (e) -> tTaskKey = @findTaskByName(@tTasks, @getData e) if tTaskKey? @tTasks[tTaskKey].complete = e.currentTarget.checked @pushTasks() onTaskCreateClicked: (e) -> if $('#curEdit').length is 0 @tTasks.push name: '' complete: false reversion: false curEdit: true @render() editDiv = $('#curEdit')[0] editDiv.focus() len = editDiv.value.length * 2 editDiv.setSelectionRange len, len onCurEditKeyDown: (e) -> editDiv = $('#curEdit')[0] if e.keyCode is 13 taskIndex = @findTaskByName(@tasks, editDiv.value) tTaskIndex = _.findKey(@tTasks, {'curEdit':true}) if taskIndex? and tTaskIndex? and taskIndex isnt tTaskIndex noty timeout: 5000 text: 'Task with name already exists.' type: 'error' layout: 'topCenter' else @tTasks[tTaskIndex].oldName = @tTasks[tTaskIndex].name @tTasks[tTaskIndex].name = curEdit.value @tTasks[tTaskIndex].curEdit = false @pushTasks() @render() onTaskEditClicked: (e) -> if $('#curEdit').length is 0 taskIndex = @findTaskByName(@tTasks, @getData e) @tTasks[taskIndex].curEdit = true @render() editDiv = $('#curEdit')[0] editDiv.focus() len = editDiv.value.length * 2 editDiv.setSelectionRange len, len findTaskByName: (obj, name) -> return _.findKey(obj, {'name':name}) getData: (elem) -> return elem.currentTarget.getAttribute('data')