# The System will operate on its Thangs of interest in each WorldFrame. # Systems so far: AI, UI, Collision, Movement, Targeting, Programming, Combat, Vision, Hearing, Inventory, Actions # Other Systems might be things like Attraction, EdgeBounce, EdgeWrap, and non-physics ones, too, like Rendering, Animation, ... module.exports = class System @className: 'System' constructor: (@world, config) -> # Unlike with Component, we don't automatically copy all our properties onto the World. # Subclasses can copy select properties here if they like. for key, value of (config ? {}) @[key] = value @registries = [] @hashes = {} # Start is called once the beginning, after all Thangs have been loaded. start: (thangs) -> # Update is called once per frame on all thangs that currently have exist=true in the World. # We return a simple numeric hash that will combine to a frame hash help us determine whether this frame has changed later on. update: (thangs) -> hash = 0 # Finish is called once at the end, after all frames have been generated. finish: (thangs) -> addRegistry: (condition) -> registry = [] @registries.push [registry, condition] registry # Register is called whenever a Thang changes important state (exists, dead, etc), and can be called more specifically by individual Thangs. register: (thang) -> for [registry, condition] in @registries if condition thang if thang not in registry registry.push thang else thangIndex = registry.indexOf thang if thangIndex isnt -1 registry.splice thangIndex, 1 null # Override this to determine which registries have which conditions checkRegistration: (thang, registry) -> hashString: (s) -> return @hashes[s] if s of @hashes hash = 0 hash = hash * 31 + s.charCodeAt(i) for i in [0 ... Math.min(s.length, 100)] hash = @hashes[s] = hash % 3.141592653589793 hash toString: -> "