c = require './../schemas' PollSchema = c.object {title: 'Poll'} c.extendNamedProperties PollSchema # name first _.extend PollSchema.properties, description: {type: 'string', title: 'Description', description: 'Optional: extra context or explanation', format: 'markdown' } answers: c.array {title: 'Answers'}, c.object {required: ['key', 'text', 'i18n', 'votes']}, key: c.shortString {title: 'Key', description: 'Key for recording votes, like 14-to-17', pattern: '^[a-z0-9-]+$'} text: c.shortString {title: 'Text', description: 'Answer that the player will see, like 14 - 17.', format: 'markdown'} i18n: {type: 'object', title: 'i18n', format: 'i18n', props: ['text']} votes: {title: 'Votes', type: 'integer', minimum: 0} i18n: {type: 'object', title: 'i18n', format: 'i18n', props: ['name', 'description']} created: c.date {title: 'Created', readOnly: true} priority: {title: 'Priority', description: 'Lower numbers will show earlier.', type: 'integer'} userProperty: c.shortString {pattern: c.identifierPattern, description: 'Optional: store the answer inside the User object itself, also, with this property name.'} c.extendBasicProperties PollSchema, 'poll' c.extendSearchableProperties PollSchema c.extendTranslationCoverageProperties PollSchema c.extendPatchableProperties PollSchema module.exports = PollSchema