SpellView = require './SpellView' SpellListTabEntryView = require './SpellListTabEntryView' {me} = require 'lib/auth' {createAetherOptions} = require 'lib/aether_utils' module.exports = class Spell loaded: false view: null entryView: null constructor: (options) -> @spellKey = options.spellKey @pathComponents = options.pathComponents @session = options.session @otherSession = options.otherSession @spectateView = options.spectateView @spectateOpponentCodeLanguage = options.spectateOpponentCodeLanguage @supermodel = options.supermodel @skipProtectAPI = options.skipProtectAPI @worker = options.worker @levelID = options.levelID p = options.programmableMethod @languages = p.languages ? {} @languages.javascript ?= p.source @name = p.name @permissions = read: p.permissions?.read ? [], readwrite: p.permissions?.readwrite ? [] # teams if @canWrite() @setLanguage options.language else if @isEnemySpell() @setLanguage @otherSession?.get('submittedCodeLanguage') ? @spectateOpponentCodeLanguage else @setLanguage 'javascript' @useTranspiledCode = @shouldUseTranspiledCode() console.log 'Spell', @spellKey, 'is using transpiled code (should only happen if it\'s an enemy/spectate writable method).' if @useTranspiledCode @source = @originalSource @parameters = p.parameters if @permissions.readwrite.length and sessionSource = @session.getSourceFor(@spellKey) if sessionSource isnt '// Should fill in some default source\n' # TODO: figure out why session is getting this default source in there and stop it @source = sessionSource @thangs = {} if @canRead() # We can avoid creating these views if we'll never use them. @view = new SpellView {spell: @, level: options.level, session: @session, worker: @worker} @view.render() # Get it ready and code loaded in advance @tabView = new SpellListTabEntryView spell: @, supermodel: @supermodel, codeLanguage: @language, level: options.level @tabView.render() @team = @permissions.readwrite[0] ? 'common' Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:spell-created', spell: @ Backbone.Mediator.subscribe 'real-time-multiplayer:new-opponent-code', @onNewOpponentCode destroy: -> @view?.destroy() @tabView?.destroy() @thangs = null @worker = null setLanguage: (@language) -> #console.log 'setting language to', @language, 'so using original source', @languages[language] ? @languages.javascript @originalSource = @languages[language] ? @languages.javascript addThang: (thang) -> if @thangs[thang.id] @thangs[thang.id].thang = thang else @thangs[thang.id] = {thang: thang, aether: @createAether(thang), castAether: null} removeThangID: (thangID) -> delete @thangs[thangID] canRead: (team) -> (team ? me.team) in @permissions.read or (team ? me.team) in @permissions.readwrite canWrite: (team) -> (team ? me.team) in @permissions.readwrite getSource: -> @view?.getSource() ? @source transpile: (source) -> if source @source = source else source = @getSource() [pure, problems] = [null, null] if @useTranspiledCode transpiledCode = @session.get('code') for thangID, spellThang of @thangs unless pure if @useTranspiledCode and transpiledSpell = transpiledCode[@spellKey.split('/')[0]]?[@name] spellThang.aether.pure = transpiledSpell else pure = spellThang.aether.transpile source problems = spellThang.aether.problems #console.log 'aether transpiled', source.length, 'to', spellThang.aether.pure.length, 'for', thangID, @spellKey else spellThang.aether.raw = source spellThang.aether.pure = pure spellThang.aether.problems = problems #console.log 'aether reused transpilation for', thangID, @spellKey null hasChanged: (newSource=null, currentSource=null) -> (newSource ? @originalSource) isnt (currentSource ? @source) hasChangedSignificantly: (newSource=null, currentSource=null, cb) -> for thangID, spellThang of @thangs aether = spellThang.aether break unless aether console.error @toString(), 'couldn\'t find a spellThang with aether of', @thangs cb false if @worker workerMessage = function: 'hasChangedSignificantly' a: (newSource ? @originalSource) spellKey: @spellKey b: (currentSource ? @source) careAboutLineNumbers: true careAboutLint: true @worker.addEventListener 'message', (e) => workerData = JSON.parse e.data if workerData.function is 'hasChangedSignificantly' and workerData.spellKey is @spellKey @worker.removeEventListener 'message', arguments.callee, false cb(workerData.hasChanged) @worker.postMessage JSON.stringify(workerMessage) else cb(aether.hasChangedSignificantly((newSource ? @originalSource), (currentSource ? @source), true, true)) createAether: (thang) -> aceConfig = me.get('aceConfig') ? {} writable = @permissions.readwrite.length > 0 skipProtectAPI = @skipProtectAPI or not writable aetherOptions = createAetherOptions functionName: @name, codeLanguage: @language, functionParameters: @parameters, skipProtectAPI: skipProtectAPI aether = new Aether aetherOptions if @worker workerMessage = function: 'createAether' spellKey: @spellKey options: aetherOptions @worker.postMessage JSON.stringify workerMessage aether updateLanguageAether: (@language) -> for thangId, spellThang of @thangs spellThang.aether?.setLanguage @language spellThang.castAether = null Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:spell-changed-language', spell: @, language: @language if @worker workerMessage = function: 'updateLanguageAether' newLanguage: @language @worker.postMessage JSON.stringify workerMessage @transpile() toString: -> "" isEnemySpell: -> return false unless @permissions.readwrite.length return false unless @otherSession or @spectateView teamSpells = @session.get('teamSpells') team = @session.get('team') ? 'humans' teamSpells and not _.contains(teamSpells[team], @spellKey) shouldUseTranspiledCode: -> # Determine whether this code has already been transpiled, or whether it's raw source needing transpilation. return true if @spectateView # Use transpiled code for both teams if we're just spectating. return true if @isEnemySpell() # Use transpiled for enemy spells. # Players without permissions can't view the raw code. return true if @session.get('creator') isnt me.id and not (me.isAdmin() or 'employer' in me.get('permissions', true)) false onNewOpponentCode: (e) => return unless @spellKey and @canWrite e.team if e.codeLanguage and e.code [thangSlug, methodSlug] = @spellKey.split '/' if opponentCode = e.code[thangSlug]?[methodSlug] @source = opponentCode @updateLanguageAether e.codeLanguage else console.error 'Spell onNewOpponentCode did not receive code', e