//if matches.length // p#your-score // span Your Current Score: // span // strong= score div#columns.row for team in teams div.matches-column.col-md-6 table.table.table-bordered.table-condensed tr th(colspan=4, style="color: #{team.primaryColor}") span Your #{team.name} Matches - #{team.wins} Wins, #{team.losses} Losses if team.session button.btn.btn-sm.btn-warning.pull-right.rank-button(data-session-id=team.session.id) span.unavailable.hidden No New Code to Rank span.rank.hidden Rank My Game! span.ranking.hidden Submitting... span.ranked.hidden Submitted for Ranking span.failed.hidden Failed to Rank tr th Result th Opponent th When th for match in team.matches tr td.state-cell if match.state === 'win' span.win Win if match.state === 'loss' span.loss Loss if match.state === 'tie' span.tie Tie td.name-cell= match.opponentName || "Anonymous" td.time-cell= match.when td.battle-cell - var text = match.state === 'win' ? 'Watch your victory' : 'Defeat the ' + team.otherTeam a(href="/play/level/#{levelID}?team=#{team.id}&opponent=#{match.sessionID}")= text if !team.matches.length tr td(colspan=4).alert.alert-warning | No ranked matches for this team! | Play against some competitors and then come back here to get your game ranked.