//if matches.length // p#your-score // span Your Current Score: // span // strong= score div#columns.row for team in teams div.matches-column.col-md-6 table.table.table-bordered.table-condensed tr th(colspan=4, style="color: #{team.primaryColor}") span Your #{team.name} Matches - #{team.wins} Wins, #{team.losses} Losses if team.session button.btn.btn-sm.btn-warning.pull-right.rank-button(data-session-id=team.session.id) span.unavailable.hidden No New Code to Rank span.rank.hidden Rank My Game! span.submitting.hidden Submitting... span.submitted.hidden Submitted for Ranking span.failed.hidden Failed to Rank span.ranking.hidden Game Being Ranked if team.chartData tr th(colspan=4, style="color: #{team.primaryColor}") img(src="https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=450x125&cht=lxy&chco=#{team.chartColor}&chtt=Score%3A+#{team.currentScore}&chts=#{team.chartColor},16,r&chf=a,s,000000FF&chls=2&chm=o,#{team.chartColor},0,4&chd=t:#{team.chartData}") tr th Result th Opponent th When th for match in team.matches tr(class=(match.stale ? "stale " : "") + match.state) td.state-cell if match.state === 'win' span.win Win if match.state === 'loss' span.loss Loss if match.state === 'tie' span.tie Tie td.name-cell= match.opponentName || "Anonymous" td.time-cell= match.when td.battle-cell - var text = match.state === 'win' ? 'Watch your victory' : 'Defeat the ' + team.otherTeam a(href="/play/level/#{levelID}?team=#{team.id}&opponent=#{match.sessionID}")= text if !team.matches.length tr if team.isRanking td(colspan=4).alert.alert-info | Your new code is being simulated by other players for ranking. else td(colspan=4).alert.alert-warning | No ranked matches for this team! | Play against some competitors and then come back here to get your game ranked.