RootView = require 'views/core/RootView' template = require 'templates/account/subscription-view' CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection' SubscribeModal = require 'views/core/SubscribeModal' Payment = require 'models/Payment' stripeHandler = require 'core/services/stripe' User = require 'models/User' utils = require 'core/utils' # TODO: Link to sponsor id /user/userID instead of plain text name # TODO: Link to sponsor email instead of plain text email # TODO: Conslidate the multiple class for personal and recipient subscription info into 2 simple server API calls # TODO: Track purchase amount based on actual users subscribed for a recipient subscribe event # TODO: Validate email address formatting # TODO: i18n pluralization for Stripe dialog description # TODO: Don't prompt for new card if we have one already, just confirm purchase # TODO: bulk discount isn't applied to personal sub # TODO: next payment amount incorrect if have an expiring personal sub # TODO: consider hiding managed subscription body UI while things are updating to avoid brief legacy data # TODO: Next payment info for personal sub displays most recent payment when resubscribing before trial end # TODO: PersonalSub and RecipientSubs have similar subscribe APIs # TODO: Better recovery from trying to reuse a prepaid # TODO: No way to unsubscribe from prepaid subscription # TODO: Refactor state machines driving the UI. They've become a hot mess. # TODO: Get basic plan price dynamically basicPlanPrice = 999 basicPlanID = 'basic' module.exports = class SubscriptionView extends RootView id: "subscription-view" template: template events: 'click .start-subscription-button': 'onClickStartSubscription' 'click .end-subscription-button': 'onClickEndSubscription' 'click .cancel-end-subscription-button': 'onClickCancelEndSubscription' 'click .confirm-end-subscription-button': 'onClickConfirmEndSubscription' 'click .recipients-subscribe-button': 'onClickRecipientsSubscribe' 'click .confirm-recipient-unsubscribe-button': 'onClickRecipientConfirmUnsubscribe' 'click .recipient-unsubscribe-button': 'onClickRecipientUnsubscribe' subscriptions: 'subscribe-modal:subscribed': 'onSubscribed' 'stripe:received-token': 'onStripeReceivedToken' constructor: (options) -> super(options) prepaidCode = utils.getQueryVariable '_ppc' @personalSub = new PersonalSub(@supermodel, prepaidCode) @recipientSubs = new RecipientSubs(@supermodel) @emailValidator = new EmailValidator(@superModel) @personalSub.update => @render?() @recipientSubs.update => @render?() getRenderData: -> c = super() c.emailValidator = @emailValidator c # Personal Subscriptions onClickStartSubscription: (e) -> if @personalSub.prepaidCode @personalSub.subscribe(=> @render?()) else @openModalView new SubscribeModal() window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Show subscription modal', category: 'Subscription', label: 'account subscription view' onSubscribed: -> document.location.reload() onClickEndSubscription: (e) -> window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Unsubscribe Start' @$el.find('.end-subscription-button').blur().addClass 'disabled', 250 @$el.find('.unsubscribe-feedback').show(500).find('textarea').focus() onClickCancelEndSubscription: (e) -> window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Unsubscribe Cancel' @$el.find('.unsubscribe-feedback').hide(500).find('textarea').blur() @$el.find('.end-subscription-button').focus().removeClass 'disabled', 250 onClickConfirmEndSubscription: (e) -> message = @$el.find('.unsubscribe-feedback textarea').val().trim() @personalSub.unsubscribe(message) # Sponsored subscriptions onClickRecipientsSubscribe: (e) -> emails = @$el.find('.recipient-emails').val().split('\n') valid = @emailValidator.validateEmails(emails, =>@render?()) @recipientSubs.startSubscribe(emails) if valid onClickRecipientUnsubscribe: (e) -> $('hide') $('.confirm-recipient-unsubscribe-button').removeClass('hide') onClickRecipientConfirmUnsubscribe: (e) -> email = $('tr').find('td.recipient-email').text() @recipientSubs.unsubscribe(email, => @render?()) onStripeReceivedToken: (e) -> @recipientSubs.finishSubscribe(, => @render?()) # Helper classes for managing subscription actions and updating UI state class EmailValidator validateEmails: (emails, render) -> #taken from emailRegex = /[A-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-z0-9.-]+\.[A-z]{2,4}/ @validEmails = (email for email in emails when emailRegex.test(email.trim().toLowerCase())) return @emailsInvalid(render) if @validEmails.length < emails.length return @emailsValid(render) emailString: -> return unless @validEmails return @validEmails.join('\n') emailsInvalid: (render) -> @state = "invalid" render() return false emailsValid: (render) -> @state = "valid" render() return true class PersonalSub constructor: (@supermodel, @prepaidCode) -> subscribe: (render) -> return unless @prepaidCode if @prepaidCode is me.get('stripe')?.prepaidCode delete @prepaidCode return render() @state = 'subscribing' @stateMessage = '' render() stripeInfo = _.clone(me.get('stripe') ? {}) stripeInfo.planID = basicPlanID stripeInfo.prepaidCode = @prepaidCode me.set('stripe', stripeInfo) me.once 'sync', => application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Finished subscription purchase', value: 0 delete @prepaidCode @update(render) me.once 'error', (user, response, options) => console.error 'We got an error subscribing with Stripe from our server:', response stripeInfo = me.get('stripe') ? {} delete stripeInfo.planID delete stripeInfo.prepaidCode me.set('stripe', stripeInfo) xhr = options.xhr if xhr.status is 402 @state = 'declined' @stateMessage = '' else if xhr.status is 403 delete @prepaidCode @state = 'unknown_error' @stateMessage = "#{xhr.status}: #{xhr.responseText}" render() me.patch({headers: {'X-Change-Plan': 'true'}}) unsubscribe: (message) -> removeStripe = => stripeInfo = _.clone(me.get('stripe')) delete stripeInfo.planID me.set('stripe', stripeInfo) me.once 'sync', -> window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Unsubscribe End', message: message document.location.reload() me.patch({headers: {'X-Change-Plan': 'true'}}) if message $.post '/contact', message: message, subject: 'Cancellation', (response) -> removeStripe() else removeStripe() update: (render) -> return unless stripeInfo = me.get('stripe') @state = 'loading' if stripeInfo.sponsorID @sponsor = true onSubSponsorSuccess = (sponsorInfo) => @sponsorEmail = @sponsorName = @sponsorID = stripeInfo.sponsorID if sponsorInfo.subscription.cancel_at_period_end @endDate = new Date(sponsorInfo.subscription.current_period_end * 1000) delete @state render() @supermodel.addRequestResource('sub_sponsor', { url: '/db/user/-/sub_sponsor' method: 'POST' success: onSubSponsorSuccess }, 0).load() else if stripeInfo.prepaidCode @usingPrepaidCode = true delete @state render() else if stripeInfo.subscriptionID @self = true @active = me.isPremium() @subscribed = stripeInfo.planID? options = { cache: false, url: "/db/user/#{}/stripe" } options.success = (info) => if card = info.card @card = "#{card.brand}: x#{card.last4}" if sub = info.subscription periodEnd = new Date((sub.trial_end or sub.current_period_end) * 1000) if sub.cancel_at_period_end @activeUntil = periodEnd else if isnt 'free' @nextPaymentDate = periodEnd @cost = "$#{(sub.plan.amount/100).toFixed(2)}" else console.error "Could not find personal subscription #{me.get('stripe')?.customerID} #{me.get('stripe')?.subscriptionID}" delete @state render() @supermodel.addRequestResource('personal_payment_info', options).load() payments = new CocoCollection([], { url: '/db/payment', model: Payment, comparator:'_id' }) payments.once 'sync', -> @monthsSubscribed = (x for x in payments.models when not x.get('productID')).length render() @supermodel.loadCollection(payments, 'payments', {cache: false}) else if @free = delete @state render() else delete @state render() class RecipientSubs constructor: (@supermodel) -> @recipients = {} @unsubscribingRecipients = [] addSubscribing: (email) -> @unsubscribingRecipients.push email removeSubscribing: (email) -> _.remove(@unsubscribingRecipients, (recipientEmail) -> recipientEmail is email) startSubscribe: (emails) -> @recipientEmails = (email.trim().toLowerCase() for email in emails) _.remove(@recipientEmails, (email) -> _.isEmpty(email)) return if @recipientEmails.length < 1 window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Start sponsored subscription' # TODO: this sometimes shows a rounded amount (e.g. $8.00) currentSubCount = me.get('stripe')?.recipients?.length ? 0 newSubCount = @recipientEmails.length + currentSubCount amount = utils.getSponsoredSubsAmount(basicPlanPrice, newSubCount, me.get('stripe')?.subscriptionID?) - utils.getSponsoredSubsAmount(basicPlanPrice, currentSubCount, me.get('stripe')?.subscriptionID?) options = { description: "#{@recipientEmails.length} " + $.i18n.t('subscribe.stripe_description', defaultValue: 'Monthly Subscriptions') amount: amount alipay: if me.get('chinaVersion') or (me.get('preferredLanguage') or 'en-US')[...2] is 'zh' then true else 'auto' alipayReusable: true } @state = 'start subscribe' @stateMessage = '' finishSubscribe: (tokenID, render) -> return unless @state is 'start subscribe' # Don't intercept personal subcribe process @state = 'subscribing' @stateMessage = '' @justSubscribed = [] render() stripeInfo = _.clone(me.get('stripe') ? {}) stripeInfo.token = tokenID stripeInfo.subscribeEmails = @recipientEmails me.set('stripe', stripeInfo) me.once 'sync', => application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Finished sponsored subscription purchase' @update(render) me.once 'error', (user, response, options) => console.error 'We got an error subscribing with Stripe from our server:', response stripeInfo = me.get('stripe') ? {} delete stripeInfo.token xhr = options.xhr if xhr.status is 402 @state = 'declined' @stateMessage = '' else @state = 'unknown_error' @stateMessage = "#{xhr.status}: #{xhr.responseText}" render() me.patch({headers: {'X-Change-Plan': 'true'}}) unsubscribe: (email, render) -> delete @state @stateMessage = '' delete @justSubscribed @addSubscribing(email) render() stripeInfo = _.clone(me.get('stripe')) stripeInfo.unsubscribeEmail = email me.set('stripe', stripeInfo) me.once 'sync', => @removeSubscribing(email) @update(render) me.patch({headers: {'X-Change-Plan': 'true'}}) update: (render) -> delete @state delete @stateMessage return unless me.get('stripe')?.recipients @unsubscribingRecipients = [] options = { cache: false, url: "/db/user/#{}/stripe" } options.success = (info) => @sponsorSub = info.sponsorSubscription if card = info.card @card = "#{card.brand}: x#{card.last4}" render() @supermodel.addRequestResource('recipients_payment_info', options).load() onSubRecipientsSuccess = (recipientsMap) => @recipients = recipientsMap count = 0 for userID, recipient of @recipients count++ unless recipient.cancel_at_period_end if @recipientEmails? and @justSubscribed? and recipient.emailLower in @recipientEmails @justSubscribed.push recipient.emailLower @nextPaymentAmount = utils.getSponsoredSubsAmount(basicPlanPrice, count, me.get('stripe')?.subscriptionID?) @recipientEmails = [] render() @supermodel.addRequestResource('sub_recipients', { url: '/db/user/-/sub_recipients' method: 'POST' success: onSubRecipientsSuccess }, 0).load()