CocoClass = require 'core/CocoClass' module.exports = class PlaybackOverScreen extends CocoClass subscriptions: 'goal-manager:new-goal-states': 'onNewGoalStates' constructor: (options) -> super() options ?= {} @camera = @layer = options.layer @playerNames = options.playerNames console.error @toString(), 'needs a camera.' unless @camera console.error @toString(), 'needs a layer.' unless @layer @build() toString: -> '' build: -> @dimLayer = new createjs.Container() @dimLayer.mouseEnabled = @dimLayer.mouseChildren = false @dimLayer.addChild @dimScreen = new createjs.Shape() @dimLayer.alpha = 0 @layer.addChild @dimLayer makeVictoryText: -> s = '' size = Math.ceil @camera.canvasHeight / 6 text = new createjs.Text s, "#{size}px Open Sans Condensed", '#F7B42C' text.shadow = new createjs.Shadow '#000', Math.ceil(@camera.canvasHeight / 300), Math.ceil(@camera.canvasHeight / 300), Math.ceil(@camera.canvasHeight / 120) text.textAlign = 'center' text.textBaseline = 'middle' text.x = 0.5 * @camera.canvasWidth text.y = 0.8 * @camera.canvasHeight @dimLayer.addChild text @text = text show: -> return if @showing @showing = true @updateColor 'rgba(212, 212, 212, 0.4)' unless @color # If we haven't caught the goal state for the first run, just do something neutral. @dimLayer.alpha = 0 createjs.Tween.removeTweens @dimLayer createjs.Tween.get(@dimLayer).to({alpha: 1}, 500) hide: -> return unless @showing @showing = false createjs.Tween.removeTweens @dimLayer createjs.Tween.get(@dimLayer).to({alpha: 0}, 500) onNewGoalStates: (e) -> success = e.overallStatus is 'success' failure = e.overallStatus is 'failure' timedOut = e.timedOut incomplete = not success and not failure and not timedOut color = if failure then 'rgba(255, 128, 128, 0.4)' else 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)' @updateColor color @updateText e updateColor: (color) -> return if color is @color 0, 0, @camera.canvasWidth, @camera.canvasHeight if @color @dimLayer.updateCache() else @dimLayer.cache 0, 0, @camera.canvasWidth, @camera.canvasHeight @color = color updateText: (goalEvent) -> return unless _.size @playerNames # Only on multiplayer levels teamOverallStatuses = {} goals = if goalEvent.goalStates then _.values goalEvent.goalStates else [] goals = (g for g in goals when not g.optional) for team in ['humans', 'ogres'] teamGoals = (g for g in goals when in [undefined, team]) statuses = (goal.status for goal in teamGoals) overallStatus = 'success' if statuses.length > 0 and _.every(statuses, (s) -> s is 'success') overallStatus = 'failure' if statuses.length > 0 and 'failure' in statuses teamOverallStatuses[team] = overallStatus @makeVictoryText() unless @text if teamOverallStatuses.humans is 'success' @text.color = '#E62B1E' @text.text = ((@playerNames.humans ? $.i18n.t('ladder.red_ai')) + ' ' + $.i18n.t('ladder.wins')).toLocaleUpperCase() else if teamOverallStatuses.ogres is 'success' @text.color = '#0597FF' @text.text = ((@playerNames.ogres ? $.i18n.t('ladder.blue_ai')) + ' ' + $.i18n.t('ladder.wins')).toLocaleUpperCase() else @text.color = '#F7B42C' if goalEvent.timedOut @text.text = 'TIMED OUT' else @text.text = 'INCOMPLETE' @dimLayer.updateCache()