View = require 'views/kinds/RootView' template = require 'templates/editor/level/edit' Level = require 'models/Level' LevelSystem = require 'models/LevelSystem' World = require 'lib/world/world' DocumentFiles = require 'collections/DocumentFiles' ThangsTabView = require './thangs_tab_view' SettingsTabView = require './settings_tab_view' ScriptsTabView = require './scripts_tab_view' ComponentsTabView = require './components_tab_view' SystemsTabView = require './systems_tab_view' LevelSaveView = require './save_view' LevelForkView = require './fork_view' SaveVersionModal = require 'views/modal/save_version_modal' PatchesView = require 'views/editor/patches_view' VersionHistoryView = require './versions_view' ErrorView = require '../../error_view' module.exports = class EditorLevelView extends View id: "editor-level-view" template: template startsLoading: true cache: false events: 'click #play-button': 'onPlayLevel' 'click #commit-level-start-button': 'startCommittingLevel' 'click #fork-level-start-button': 'startForkingLevel' 'click #history-button': 'showVersionHistory' 'click #patches-tab': -> @patchesView.load() 'click #commit-level-patch-button': 'startPatchingLevel' 'click #watch-button': 'toggleWatchLevel' constructor: (options, @levelID) -> super options @listenToOnce(@supermodel, 'loaded-all', @onAllLoaded) # load only the level itself and the one it points to, but no others # TODO: this is duplicated in views/play/; need cleaner method @supermodel.shouldPopulate = (model) -> @levelsLoaded ?= 0 @levelsLoaded += 1 if model.constructor.className is "Level" return false if @levelsLoaded > 1 return true @supermodel.shouldSaveBackups = (model) -> model.constructor.className in ['Level', 'LevelComponent', 'LevelSystem'] @level = new Level _id: @levelID @listenToOnce(@level, 'sync', @onLevelLoaded) @listenToOnce(@supermodel, 'error', () => @hideLoading() @insertSubView(new ErrorView()) ) @supermodel.populateModel @level showLoading: ($el) -> $el ?= @$el.find('.tab-content') super($el) onLevelLoaded: -> @files = new DocumentFiles(@level) @files.fetch() onAllLoaded: -> @level.unset('nextLevel') if _.isString(@level.get('nextLevel')) @initWorld() @startsLoading = false @render() # do it again but without the loading screen initWorld: -> @world = new World getRenderData: (context={}) -> context = super(context) context.level = @level context.authorized = me.isAdmin() or @level.hasWriteAccess(me) context.anonymous = me.get('anonymous') context afterRender: -> return if @startsLoading super() @$el.find('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on '', (e) => Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:view-switched', e @thangsTab = @insertSubView new ThangsTabView world: @world, supermodel: @supermodel @settingsTab = @insertSubView new SettingsTabView world: @world, supermodel: @supermodel @scriptsTab = @insertSubView new ScriptsTabView world: @world, supermodel: @supermodel, files: @files @componentsTab = @insertSubView new ComponentsTabView supermodel: @supermodel @systemsTab = @insertSubView new SystemsTabView supermodel: @supermodel Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level-loaded', level: @level @showReadOnly() if me.get('anonymous') @patchesView = @insertSubView(new PatchesView(@level), @$el.find('.patches-view')) @$el.find('#watch-button').find('> span').toggleClass('secret') if @level.watching() onPlayLevel: (e) -> sendLevel = => @childWindow.Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level-reload-from-data', level: @level, supermodel: @supermodel if @childWindow and not @childWindow.closed # Reset the LevelView's world, but leave the rest of the state alone sendLevel() else # Create a new Window with a blank LevelView scratchLevelID = @level.get('slug') + "?dev=true" @childWindow ="/play/level/#{scratchLevelID}", 'child_window', 'width=1024,height=560,left=10,top=10,location=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0', true) @childWindow.onPlayLevelViewLoaded = (e) => sendLevel() # still a hack @childWindow.focus() startPatchingLevel: (e) -> @openModalView new SaveVersionModal({model:@level}) Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:view-switched', e startCommittingLevel: (e) -> @openModalView new LevelSaveView level: @level, supermodel: @supermodel Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:view-switched', e startForkingLevel: (e) -> levelForkView = new LevelForkView level: @level @openModalView levelForkView Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:view-switched', e showVersionHistory: (e) -> versionHistoryView = new VersionHistoryView level:@level, @levelID @openModalView versionHistoryView Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:view-switched', e toggleWatchLevel: -> button = @$el.find('#watch-button')'.watch').is(':visible')) button.find('> span').toggleClass('secret')