SpriteBoss = require 'lib/surface/SpriteBoss' Camera = require 'lib/surface/Camera' World = require 'lib/world/world' ThangType = require 'models/ThangType' treeData = require 'test/app/fixtures/tree1.thang.type' munchkinData = require 'test/app/fixtures/ogre-munchkin-m.thang.type' fangriderData = require 'test/app/fixtures/ogre-fangrider.thang.type' curseData = require 'test/app/fixtures/curse.thang.type' describe 'SpriteBoss', -> spriteBoss = null canvas = null stage = null midRenderExpectations = [] # bit of a hack to move tests which happen mid-initialization into a separate test # This suite just creates and renders the stage once, and then has each of the tests # check the resulting data for the whole thing, without changing anything. init = (done) -> return done() if spriteBoss t = new Date() canvas = $('') camera = new Camera(canvas) # Create an initial, simple world with just trees world = new World() world.thangs = [ # Set trees side by side with different render strategies {id: 'Segmented Tree', spriteName: 'Segmented Tree', exists: true, shape: 'disc', depth: 2, pos: {x:10, y:-8, z: 1}, action: 'idle', health: 20, maxHealth: 20, rotation: Math.PI/2, acts: true } {id: 'Singular Tree', spriteName: 'Singular Tree', exists: true, shape: 'disc', depth: 2, pos: {x:8, y:-8, z: 1}, action: 'idle', health: 20, maxHealth: 20, rotation: Math.PI/2, acts: true } # Include a tree whose existence will change so we can test removing sprites {id: 'Disappearing Tree', spriteName: 'Singular Tree', exists: true, shape: 'disc', depth: 2, pos: {x:0, y:0, z: 1}, action: 'idle', health: 20, maxHealth: 20, rotation: Math.PI/2, acts: true } ] world.thangMap = {} world.thangMap[thang.id] = thang for thang in world.thangs # Set up thang types. Mix renderStrategies. fangrider = new ThangType($.extend({}, fangriderData, {spriteType:'segmented', name:'Fangrider', slug:'fangrider'})) segmentedMunchkin = new ThangType($.extend({}, munchkinData, {spriteType:'segmented', name:'Segmented Munchkin', slug:'segmented-munchkin'})) singularMunchkin = new ThangType($.extend({}, munchkinData, {spriteType:'singular', name:'Singular Munchkin', slug:'singular-munchkin'})) segmentedTree = new ThangType($.extend({}, treeData, {spriteType:'segmented', name:'Segmented Tree', slug: 'segmented-tree'})) singularTree = new ThangType($.extend({}, treeData, {spriteType:'singular', name:'Singular Tree', slug: 'singular-tree'})) thangTypes = [fangrider, segmentedMunchkin, singularMunchkin, segmentedTree, singularTree] # Build the Stage and SpriteBoss. window.stage = stage = new createjs.SpriteStage(canvas[0]) options = { camera: camera webGLStage: stage surfaceTextLayer: new createjs.Container() world: world thangTypes: thangTypes } window.spriteBoss = spriteBoss = new SpriteBoss(options) defaultLayer = spriteBoss.spriteLayers.Default defaultLayer.buildAsync = false # cause faster # Sort of an implicit test. By default, all the default actions are always rendered, # but I want to make sure the system can dynamically hear about actions it needs to render for # as they are used. defaultLayer.defaultActions = ['idle'] # Render the simple world with just trees spriteBoss.update(true) # Test that the unrendered, static sprites aren't showing anything midRenderExpectations.push([spriteBoss.sprites['Segmented Tree'].imageObject.children.length,1,'static segmented action']) midRenderExpectations.push([spriteBoss.sprites['Segmented Tree'].imageObject.children[0].currentFrame,0,'static segmented action']) midRenderExpectations.push([spriteBoss.sprites['Segmented Tree'].imageObject.children[0].paused,true,'static segmented action']) midRenderExpectations.push([spriteBoss.sprites['Singular Tree'].imageObject.currentFrame,0,'static singular action']) midRenderExpectations.push([spriteBoss.sprites['Singular Tree'].imageObject.paused,true,'static singular action']) defaultLayer.once 'new-spritesheet', -> # Now make the world a little more complicated. world.thangs = world.thangs.concat [ # four cardinal ogres, to test movement rotation and placement around a center point. {id: 'Ogre N', spriteName: 'Segmented Munchkin', exists: true, shape: 'disc', depth: 2, pos: {x:0, y:8, z: 1}, action: 'move', health: 10, maxHealth: 10, rotation: -Math.PI/2, acts: true, scaleFactorX: 1.5, hudProperties: ['health'] } {id: 'Ogre W', spriteName: 'Segmented Munchkin', exists: true, shape: 'disc', depth: 2, pos: {x:-8, y:0, z: 1}, action: 'move', health: 8, maxHealth: 10, rotation: 0, acts: true, scaleFactorY: 1.5, hudProperties: ['health'] } {id: 'Ogre E', spriteName: 'Segmented Munchkin', exists: true, shape: 'disc', depth: 2, pos: {x:8, y:0, z: 1}, action: 'move', health: 5, maxHealth: 10, rotation: Math.PI, acts: true, alpha: 0.5, hudProperties: ['health'] } {id: 'Ogre S', spriteName: 'Segmented Munchkin', exists: true, shape: 'disc', depth: 2, pos: {x:0, y:-8, z: 1}, action: 'move', health: 2, maxHealth: 10, rotation: Math.PI/2, acts: true, hudProperties: ['health'], effectNames: ['curse'] } # Set ogres side by side with different render strategies {id: 'Singular Ogre', spriteName: 'Singular Munchkin', exists: true, shape: 'disc', depth: 2, pos: {x:-10, y:-8, z: 1}, action: 'move', health: 10, maxHealth: 10, rotation: -Math.PI/2, acts: true, alpha: 0.5 } {id: 'Segmented Ogre', spriteName: 'Segmented Munchkin', exists: true, shape: 'disc', depth: 2, pos: {x:-8, y:-8, z: 1}, action: 'move', health: 10, maxHealth: 10, rotation: -Math.PI/2, acts: true } # A line of ogres overlapping to test child ordering {id: 'Dying Ogre 1', spriteName: 'Segmented Munchkin', exists: true, shape: 'disc', depth: 2, pos: {x:-14, y:0, z: 1}, action: 'die', health: 5, maxHealth: 10, rotation: 0, acts: true } {id: 'Dying Ogre 2', spriteName: 'Segmented Munchkin', exists: true, shape: 'disc', depth: 2, pos: {x:-13.5, y:1, z: 1}, action: 'die', health: 5, maxHealth: 10, rotation: 0, acts: true } {id: 'Dying Ogre 3', spriteName: 'Segmented Munchkin', exists: true, shape: 'disc', depth: 2, pos: {x:-13, y:2, z: 1}, action: 'die', health: 5, maxHealth: 10, rotation: 0, acts: true } {id: 'Dying Ogre 4', spriteName: 'Segmented Munchkin', exists: true, shape: 'disc', depth: 2, pos: {x:-12.5, y:3, z: 1}, action: 'die', health: 5, maxHealth: 10, rotation: 0, acts: true } # Throw in a ThangType that contains nested MovieClips {id: 'Fangrider', spriteName: 'Fangrider', exists: true, shape: 'disc', depth: 2, pos: {x:8, y:8, z: 1}, action: 'move', health: 20, maxHealth: 20, rotation: 0, acts: true, currentEvents: ['aoe-' + JSON.stringify([0, 0, 8, '#00F'])] } ] _.find(world.thangs, {id: 'Disappearing Tree'}).exists = false world.thangMap[thang.id] = thang for thang in world.thangs spriteBoss.update(true) jasmine.Ajax.requests.sendResponses({'/db/thang.type/curse': curseData}) # Test that the unrendered, animated sprites aren't showing anything midRenderExpectations.push([spriteBoss.sprites['Segmented Ogre'].imageObject.children.length,10,'animated segmented action']) for child in spriteBoss.sprites['Segmented Ogre'].imageObject.children midRenderExpectations.push([child.children[0].currentFrame, 0, 'animated segmented action']) midRenderExpectations.push([spriteBoss.sprites['Singular Ogre'].imageObject.currentFrame,0,'animated singular action']) midRenderExpectations.push([spriteBoss.sprites['Singular Ogre'].imageObject.paused,true,'animated singular action']) defaultLayer.once 'new-spritesheet', -> # showMe() # Uncomment to display this world when you run any of these tests. done() beforeEach (done) -> init(done) showMe = -> canvas.css('position', 'absolute').css('index', 1000).css('background', 'white') $('body').append(canvas) ticks = 0 listener = { handleEvent: -> return if ticks >= 100 ticks += 1 if ticks % 20 is 0 spriteBoss.update(true) stage.update() } createjs.Ticker.addEventListener "tick", listener $('body').append($('
')) it 'does not display anything for sprites whose animations or containers have not been rendered yet', -> for expectation in midRenderExpectations if expectation[0] isnt expectation[1] console.error('This type of action display failed:', expectation[2]) expect(expectation[0]).toBe(expectation[1]) it 'rotates and animates sprites according to thang rotation', -> expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre N'].imageObject.currentAnimation).toBe('move_fore') expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre E'].imageObject.currentAnimation).toBe('move_side') expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre W'].imageObject.currentAnimation).toBe('move_side') expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre S'].imageObject.currentAnimation).toBe('move_back') expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre E'].imageObject.scaleX).toBeLessThan(0) expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre W'].imageObject.scaleX).toBeGreaterThan(0) it 'positions sprites according to thang pos', -> expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre N'].imageObject.x).toBe(0) expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre N'].imageObject.y).toBeCloseTo(-60) expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre E'].imageObject.x).toBeCloseTo(80) expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre E'].imageObject.y).toBe(0) expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre W'].imageObject.x).toBe(-80) expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre W'].imageObject.y).toBeCloseTo(0) expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre S'].imageObject.x).toBe(0) expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre S'].imageObject.y).toBeCloseTo(60) it 'scales sprites according to thang scaleFactorX and scaleFactorY', -> expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre N'].imageObject.scaleX).toBe(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre N'].imageObject.baseScaleX * 1.5) expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre W'].imageObject.scaleY).toBe(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre N'].imageObject.baseScaleY * 1.5) it 'sets alpha based on thang alpha', -> expect(spriteBoss.sprites['Ogre E'].imageObject.alpha).toBe(0.5) it 'orders sprites in the layer based on thang pos.y\'s', -> container = spriteBoss.spriteLayers.Default.container l = container.children i1 = container.getChildIndex(_.find(container.children, (c) -> c.sprite.thang.id is 'Dying Ogre 1')) i2 = container.getChildIndex(_.find(container.children, (c) -> c.sprite.thang.id is 'Dying Ogre 2')) i3 = container.getChildIndex(_.find(container.children, (c) -> c.sprite.thang.id is 'Dying Ogre 3')) i4 = container.getChildIndex(_.find(container.children, (c) -> c.sprite.thang.id is 'Dying Ogre 4')) expect(i1).toBeGreaterThan(i2) expect(i2).toBeGreaterThan(i3) expect(i3).toBeGreaterThan(i4) it 'only contains children Sprites and SpriteContainers whose spritesheet matches the Layer', -> defaultLayerContainer = spriteBoss.spriteLayers.Default.container for c in defaultLayerContainer.children expect(c.spriteSheet).toBe(defaultLayerContainer.spriteSheet)