AnalyticsPerDay = require './AnalyticsPerDay' AnalyticsString = require './AnalyticsString' Campaign = require '../campaigns/Campaign' Level = require '../levels/Level' Handler = require '../commons/Handler' log = require 'winston' class AnalyticsPerDayHandler extends Handler modelClass: AnalyticsPerDay jsonSchema: require '../../app/schemas/models/analytics_perday' hasAccess: (req) -> req.user?.isAdmin() or false getByRelationship: (req, res, args...) -> return @sendForbiddenError res unless @hasAccess req return @getCampaignCompletionsBySlug(req, res) if args[1] is 'campaign_completions' return @getLevelCompletionsBySlug(req, res) if args[1] is 'level_completions' return @getLevelDropsBySlugs(req, res) if args[1] is 'level_drops' return @getLevelHelpsBySlugs(req, res) if args[1] is 'level_helps' return @getLevelSubscriptionsBySlugs(req, res) if args[1] is 'level_subscriptions' super(arguments...) getCampaignCompletionsBySlug: (req, res) -> # Send back an ordered array of level per-day starts and finishes # Parameters: # slug - campaign slug # startDay - Inclusive, optional, YYYYMMDD e.g. '20141214' # endDay - Exclusive, optional, YYYYMMDD e.g. '20141216' campaignSlug = req.query.slug or req.body.slug startDay = req.query.startDay or req.body.startDay endDay = req.query.endDay or req.body.endDay # log.warn "campaign_completions campaignSlug='#{campaignSlug}' startDay=#{startDay} endDay=#{endDay}" return @sendSuccess res, [] unless campaignSlug? # Cache results in app server memory for 1 day @campaignCompletionsCache ?= {} @campaignCompletionsCachedSince ?= new Date() if (new Date()) - @campaignCompletionsCachedSince > 86400 * 1000 @campaignCompletionsCache = {} @campaignCompletionsCachedSince = new Date() cacheKey = campaignSlug cacheKey += 's' + startDay if startDay? cacheKey += 'e' + endDay if endDay? return @sendSuccess res, completions if completions = @campaignCompletionsCache[cacheKey] getCompletions = (orderedLevelSlugs, levelStringIDSlugMap) => # 3. Send back an array of level starts and finishes # Input: # orderedLevelSlugs - Ordered list of level slugs, used for sorting results # levelStringIDSlugMap - Maps level string IDs to level slugs campaignLevelIDs = Object.keys(levelStringIDSlugMap) AnalyticsString.find({v: {$in: ['Started Level', 'Saw Victory', 'all']}}).exec (err, documents) => if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err for doc in documents startEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'Started Level' finishEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'Saw Victory' filterEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'all' return @sendSuccess res, [] unless startEventID? and finishEventID? and filterEventID? queryParams = {$and: [ {$or: [{e: startEventID}, {e: finishEventID}]}, {f: filterEventID}, {l: {$in: campaignLevelIDs}} ]} queryParams["$and"].push {d: {$gte: startDay}} if startDay? queryParams["$and"].push {d: {$lt: endDay}} if endDay? AnalyticsPerDay.find(queryParams).exec (err, documents) => if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err levelEventCounts = {} for doc in documents levelEventCounts[doc.l] ?= {} levelEventCounts[doc.l][doc.d] ?= {} levelEventCounts[doc.l][doc.d][doc.e] ?= 0 levelEventCounts[doc.l][doc.d][doc.e] += doc.c completions = [] for levelID of levelEventCounts days = {} for day of levelEventCounts[levelID] days[day] = started: levelEventCounts[levelID][day][startEventID] ? 0 finished: levelEventCounts[levelID][day][finishEventID] ? 0 completions.push level: levelStringIDSlugMap[levelID] days: days completions.sort (a, b) -> orderedLevelSlugs.indexOf(a.level) - orderedLevelSlugs.indexOf(b.level) @campaignCompletionsCache[cacheKey] = completions @sendSuccess res, completions getLevelData = (campaignLevels) => # 2. Get ordered level slugs and string ID to level slug mapping # Input: # campaignLevels - array of Level IDs queryParams = {original: {$in: campaignLevels}, "version.isLatestMajor": true, "version.isLatestMinor": true} Level.find(queryParams).exec (err, documents) => if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err # Save original level ID and slug in array for sorting campaignOriginalSlugs = [] for doc in documents campaignOriginalSlugs.push slug: _.str.slugify(doc.get('name')) original: doc.get('original').toString() # Sort slugs against original levels from campaign campaignOriginalSlugs.sort (a, b) -> if campaignLevels.indexOf(a.original) < campaignLevels.indexOf(b.original) then -1 else 1 # Lookup analytics string IDs for level slugs orderedLevelSlugs = [] orderedLevelSlugs.push item.slug for item in campaignOriginalSlugs AnalyticsString.find({v: {$in: orderedLevelSlugs}}).exec (err, documents) => if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err levelStringIDSlugMap = {} levelStringIDSlugMap[doc._id] = doc.v for doc in documents getCompletions orderedLevelSlugs, levelStringIDSlugMap # 1. Get campaign levels Campaign.find({slug: campaignSlug}).exec (err, documents) => if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err campaignLevels = [] campaignLevels.push level for level of doc.get('levels') for doc in documents getLevelData campaignLevels getLevelDropsBySlugs: (req, res) -> # Send back an array of level/drops # Drops - Number of unique users for which this was the last level they played # Parameters: # slugs - level slugs # startDay - Inclusive, optional, YYYYMMDD e.g. '20141214' # endDay - Exclusive, optional, YYYYMMDD e.g. '20141216' levelSlugs = req.query.slugs or req.body.slugs startDay = req.query.startDay or req.body.startDay endDay = req.query.endDay or req.body.endDay # log.warn "level_drops levelSlugs='#{levelSlugs}' startDay=#{startDay} endDay=#{endDay}" return @sendSuccess res, [] unless levelSlugs? # Cache results in app server memory for 1 day @levelDropsCache ?= {} @levelDropsCachedSince ?= new Date() if (new Date()) - @levelDropsCachedSince > 86400 * 1000 @levelDropsCache = {} @levelDropsCachedSince = new Date() cacheKey = levelSlugs.join '' cacheKey += 's' + startDay if startDay? cacheKey += 'e' + endDay if endDay? return @sendSuccess res, drops if drops = @levelDropsCache[cacheKey] AnalyticsString.find({v: {$in: ['User Dropped', 'all'].concat(levelSlugs)}}).exec (err, documents) => if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err levelStringIDSlugMap = {} for doc in documents droppedEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'User Dropped' filterEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'all' levelStringIDSlugMap[doc._id] = doc.v if doc.v in levelSlugs return @sendSuccess res, [] unless droppedEventID? and filterEventID? queryParams = {$and: [ {e: droppedEventID}, {f: filterEventID}, {l: {$in: Object.keys(levelStringIDSlugMap)}} ]} queryParams["$and"].push {d: {$gte: startDay}} if startDay? queryParams["$and"].push {d: {$lt: endDay}} if endDay? AnalyticsPerDay.find(queryParams).exec (err, documents) => if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err levelEventCounts = {} for doc in documents levelEventCounts[doc.l] ?= {} levelEventCounts[doc.l][doc.e] ?= 0 levelEventCounts[doc.l][doc.e] += doc.c drops = [] for levelID of levelEventCounts drops.push level: levelStringIDSlugMap[levelID] dropped: levelEventCounts[levelID][droppedEventID] ? 0 @levelDropsCache[cacheKey] = drops @sendSuccess res, drops getLevelCompletionsBySlug: (req, res) -> # Returns an array of per-day starts and finishes for given level # Parameters: # slug - level slug # startDay - Inclusive, optional, YYYYMMDD e.g. '20141214' # endDay - Exclusive, optional, YYYYMMDD e.g. '20141216' # TODO: Code is similar to getCampaignCompletionsBySlug levelSlug = req.query.slug or req.body.slug startDay = req.query.startDay or req.body.startDay endDay = req.query.endDay or req.body.endDay return @sendSuccess res, [] unless levelSlug? # log.warn "level_completions levelSlug='#{levelSlug}' startDay=#{startDay} endDay=#{endDay}" # Cache results in app server memory for 1 day @levelCompletionsCache ?= {} @levelCompletionsCachedSince ?= new Date() if (new Date()) - @levelCompletionsCachedSince > 86400 * 1000 @levelCompletionsCache = {} @levelCompletionsCachedSince = new Date() cacheKey = levelSlug cacheKey += 's' + startDay if startDay? cacheKey += 'e' + endDay if endDay? return @sendSuccess res, levelCompletions if levelCompletions = @levelCompletionsCache[cacheKey] AnalyticsString.find({v: {$in: ['Started Level', 'Saw Victory', 'all', levelSlug]}}).exec (err, documents) => if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err for doc in documents startEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'Started Level' finishEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'Saw Victory' filterEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'all' levelID = doc._id if doc.v is levelSlug return @sendSuccess res, [] unless startEventID? and finishEventID? and filterEventID? and levelID? queryParams = {$and: [{$or: [{e: startEventID}, {e: finishEventID}]},{f: filterEventID},{l: levelID}]} queryParams["$and"].push {d: {$gte: startDay}} if startDay? queryParams["$and"].push {d: {$lt: endDay}} if endDay? AnalyticsPerDay.find(queryParams).exec (err, documents) => if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err dayEventCounts = {} for doc in documents day = doc.get('d') eventID = doc.get('e') count = doc.get('c') dayEventCounts[day] ?= {} dayEventCounts[day][eventID] = count completions = [] for day of dayEventCounts started = 0 finished = 0 for eventID of dayEventCounts[day] eventID = parseInt eventID started = dayEventCounts[day][eventID] if eventID is startEventID finished = dayEventCounts[day][eventID] if eventID is finishEventID completions.push created: day started: started finished: finished @levelCompletionsCache[cacheKey] = completions @sendSuccess res, completions getLevelHelpsBySlugs: (req, res) -> # Send back an array of per-day level help buttons clicked and videos started # Parameters: # slugs - level slugs # startDay - Inclusive, optional, YYYYMMDD e.g. '20141214' # endDay - Exclusive, optional, YYYYMMDD e.g. '20141216' levelSlugs = req.query.slugs or req.body.slugs startDay = req.query.startDay or req.body.startDay endDay = req.query.endDay or req.body.endDay # log.warn "level_helps levelSlugs='#{levelSlugs}' startDay=#{startDay} endDay=#{endDay}" return @sendSuccess res, [] unless levelSlugs? # Cache results in app server memory for 1 day @levelHelpsCache ?= {} @levelHelpsCachedSince ?= new Date() if (new Date()) - @levelHelpsCachedSince > 86400 * 1000 @levelHelpsCache = {} @levelHelpsCachedSince = new Date() cacheKey = levelSlugs.join '' cacheKey += 's' + startDay if startDay? cacheKey += 'e' + endDay if endDay? return @sendSuccess res, helps if helps = @levelHelpsCache[cacheKey] findQueryParams = {v: {$in: ['Problem alert help clicked', 'Spell palette help clicked', 'Start help video', 'all'].concat(levelSlugs)}} AnalyticsString.find(findQueryParams).exec (err, documents) => if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err levelStringIDSlugMap = {} for doc in documents alertHelpEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'Problem alert help clicked' palettteHelpEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'Spell palette help clicked' videoHelpEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'Start help video' filterEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'all' levelStringIDSlugMap[doc._id] = doc.v if doc.v in levelSlugs return @sendSuccess res, [] unless alertHelpEventID? and palettteHelpEventID? and videoHelpEventID? and filterEventID? queryParams = {$and: [ {e: {$in: [alertHelpEventID, palettteHelpEventID, videoHelpEventID]}}, {f: filterEventID}, {l: {$in: Object.keys(levelStringIDSlugMap)}} ]} queryParams["$and"].push {d: {$gte: startDay}} if startDay? queryParams["$and"].push {d: {$lt: endDay}} if endDay? AnalyticsPerDay.find(queryParams).exec (err, documents) => if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err levelEventCounts = {} for doc in documents levelEventCounts[doc.l] ?= {} levelEventCounts[doc.l][doc.d] ?= {} levelEventCounts[doc.l][doc.d][doc.e] ?= 0 levelEventCounts[doc.l][doc.d][doc.e] += doc.c helps = [] for levelID of levelEventCounts for day of levelEventCounts[levelID] alertHelps = 0 paletteHelps = 0 videoStarts = 0 for eventID of levelEventCounts[levelID][day] alertHelps = levelEventCounts[levelID][day][eventID] if parseInt(eventID) is alertHelpEventID paletteHelps = levelEventCounts[levelID][day][eventID] if parseInt(eventID) is palettteHelpEventID videoStarts = levelEventCounts[levelID][day][eventID] if parseInt(eventID) is videoHelpEventID helps.push level: levelStringIDSlugMap[levelID] day: day alertHelps: alertHelps paletteHelps: paletteHelps videoStarts: videoStarts @levelHelpsCache[cacheKey] = helps @sendSuccess res, helps getLevelSubscriptionsBySlugs: (req, res) -> # Send back an array of level subscriptions shown and purchased counts # Parameters: # slugs - level slugs # startDay - Inclusive, optional, YYYYMMDD e.g. '20141214' # endDay - Exclusive, optional, YYYYMMDD e.g. '20141216' levelSlugs = req.query.slugs or req.body.slugs startDay = req.query.startDay or req.body.startDay endDay = req.query.endDay or req.body.endDay # log.warn "level_subscriptions levelSlugs='#{levelSlugs}' startDay=#{startDay} endDay=#{endDay}" return @sendSuccess res, [] unless levelSlugs? # Cache results in app server memory for 1 day @levelSubscriptionsCache ?= {} @levelSubscriptionsCachedSince ?= new Date() if (new Date()) - @levelSubscriptionsCachedSince > 86400 * 1000 @levelSubscriptionsCache = {} @levelSubscriptionsCachedSince = new Date() cacheKey = levelSlugs.join '' cacheKey += 's' + startDay if startDay? cacheKey += 'e' + endDay if endDay? return @sendSuccess res, subscriptions if subscriptions = @levelSubscriptionsCache[cacheKey] findQueryParams = {v: {$in: ['Show subscription modal', 'Finished subscription purchase', 'all'].concat(levelSlugs)}} AnalyticsString.find(findQueryParams).exec (err, documents) => if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err levelStringIDSlugMap = {} for doc in documents showSubEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'Show subscription modal' finishSubEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'Finished subscription purchase' filterEventID = doc._id if doc.v is 'all' levelStringIDSlugMap[doc._id] = doc.v if doc.v in levelSlugs return @sendSuccess res, [] unless showSubEventID? and finishSubEventID? and filterEventID? queryParams = {$and: [ {e: {$in: [showSubEventID, finishSubEventID]}}, {f: filterEventID}, {l: {$in: Object.keys(levelStringIDSlugMap)}} ]} queryParams["$and"].push {d: {$gte: startDay}} if startDay? queryParams["$and"].push {d: {$lt: endDay}} if endDay? AnalyticsPerDay.find(queryParams).exec (err, documents) => if err? then return @sendDatabaseError res, err levelEventCounts = {} for doc in documents levelEventCounts[doc.l] ?= {} levelEventCounts[doc.l][doc.e] ?= 0 levelEventCounts[doc.l][doc.e] += doc.c subscriptions = [] for levelID of levelEventCounts subsShown = 0 subsPurchased = 0 for eventID of levelEventCounts[levelID] subsShown = levelEventCounts[levelID][eventID] if parseInt(eventID) is showSubEventID subsPurchased = levelEventCounts[levelID][eventID] if parseInt(eventID) is finishSubEventID subscriptions.push level: levelStringIDSlugMap[levelID] shown: subsShown purchased: subsPurchased @levelSubscriptionsCache[cacheKey] = subscriptions @sendSuccess res, subscriptions module.exports = new AnalyticsPerDayHandler()