This commit is contained in:
AkaKaras 2015-10-11 09:15:28 -04:00
parent 71e8e8c5f5
commit f6217a5626

View file

@ -843,89 +843,89 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "繁體中文", englishDescription: "Chinese
last_played: "最後玩了"
leagues_explanation: "在部落裡與其他成員組成聯盟一起參加下面的多人競技場。"
# courses:
# course: "Course"
# courses: "courses"
# not_enrolled: "You are not enrolled in this course."
# visit_pref: "Please visit the"
# visit_suf: "page to enroll."
# select_class: "Select one of your classes"
# unnamed: "*unnamed*"
# select: "Select"
# unnamed_class: "Unnamed Class"
# edit_settings: "edit class settings"
# edit_settings1: "Edit Class Settings"
# progress: "Class Progress"
# add_students: "Add Students"
# stats: "Statistics"
# total_students: "Total students:"
# average_time: "Average level play time:"
# total_time: "Total play time:"
# average_levels: "Average levels completed:"
# total_levels: "Total levels completed:"
# furthest_level: "Furthest level completed:"
# concepts_covered: "Concepts Covered"
# students: "Students"
# students1: "students"
# expand_details: "Expand details"
# concepts: "Concepts"
# levels: "levels"
# played: "Played"
# play_time: "Play time:"
# completed: "Completed:"
# invite_students: "Invite students to join this class."
# enter_emails: "Enter student emails to invite, one per line"
# send_invites: "Send Invites"
# title: "Title"
# description: "Description"
# languages_available: "Select programming languages available to the class:"
# all_lang: "All Languages"
# show_progress: "Show student progress to everyone in the class"
# creating_class: "Creating class..."
# purchasing_course: "Purchasing course..."
# buy_course: "Buy Course"
# buy_course1: "Buy this course"
# create_class: "Create Class"
# select_all_courses: "Select 'All Courses' for a 50% discount!"
# all_courses: "All Courses"
# number_students: "Number of students"
# enter_number_students: "Enter the number of students you need for this class."
# name_class: "Name your class"
# displayed_course_page: "This will be displayed on the course page for you and your students. It can be changed later."
# buy: "Buy"
# purchasing_for: "You are purchasing a license for"
# creating_for: "You are creating a class for"
# for: "for" # Like in 'for 30 students'
# receive_code: "Afterwards you will receive an unlock code to distribute to your students, which they can use to enroll in your class."
# free_trial: "Free trial for teachers!"
# get_access: "to get individual access to all courses for evalutaion purposes."
# questions: "Questions?"
# faq: "Courses FAQ"
# question: "Q:" # Like in 'Question'
# question1: "What's the difference between these courses and the single player game?"
# answer: "A:" # Like in 'Answer'
# answer1: "The single player game is designed for individuals, while the courses are designed for classes."
# answer2: "The single player game has items, gems, hero selection, leveling up, and in-app purchases. Courses have classroom management features and streamlined student-focused level pacing."
# teachers_click: "Teachers Click Here"
# students_click: "Students Click Here"
# courses_on_coco: "Courses on CodeCombat"
# designed_to: "Courses are designed to introduce computer science concepts using CodeCombat's fun and engaging environment. CodeCombat levels are organized around key topics to encourage progressive learning, over the course of 5 hours."
# more_in_less: "Learn more in less time"
# no_experience: "No coding experience necesssary"
# easy_monitor: "Easily monitor student progress"
# purchase_for_class: "Purchase a course for your entire class. It's easy to sign up your students!"
# see_the: "See the"
# more_info: "for more information."
# choose_course: "Choose Your Course:"
# enter_code: "Enter an unlock code"
# enter_code1: "Enter unlock code"
# enroll: "Enroll"
# pick_from_classes: "Pick from your current classes"
# enter: "Enter"
# or: "Or"
# topics: "Topics"
# hours_content: "Hours of content:"
# get_free: "Get FREE course"
course: "課程"
courses: "課程"
not_enrolled: "您没有註冊這一節課"
visit_pref: "請到這個"
visit_suf: "網頁註冊"
select_class: "請選其中一門課堂"
unnamed: "*未命名*"
select: "選擇"
unnamed_class: "課堂未命名"
edit_settings: "編輯課堂設定"
edit_settings1: "編輯課堂設定"
progress: "課堂進度"
add_students: "添加學生"
stats: "統計"
total_students: "學生人數:"
average_time: "平均遊戲時間:"
total_time: "總計遊戲時間:"
average_levels: "平均完成關卡:"
total_levels: "總共完成關卡:"
furthest_level: "最高關卡完成:"
concepts_covered: "課目覆蓋"
students: "學生"
students1: "個學生。"
expand_details: "展開細節"
concepts: "課目"
levels: "關卡"
played: "已通關"
play_time: "遊戲時間:"
completed: "完成:"
invite_students: "邀請學生加入此課堂。"
enter_emails: "輸入學生電郵地址來邀請,每行一個。"
send_invites: "發送邀請"
title: "課堂名字"
description: "描述"
languages_available: "Select programming languages available to the class:"
all_lang: "所有編程語言"
show_progress: "向所有該課堂的人展示學生的進度"
creating_class: "課堂創建中···"
purchasing_course: "購買課程中···"
buy_course: "購買課程"
buy_course1: "購買這個課程"
create_class: "創建課堂"
select_all_courses: "可半價一次購買所有課程!"
all_courses: "所有課程"
number_students: "學生人數"
enter_number_students: "輪入該課堂的學生上限人數"
name_class: "命名您的課堂"
displayed_course_page: "這將會在課程頁面顯示,可被修改。"
buy: "購買"
purchasing_for: "You are purchasing a license for"
creating_for: "您正在創建一個課程為"
for: ",人數上限為" # Like in 'for 30 students'
receive_code: "然後您會收到一個解鎖碼,把它分發給你的學生用來註冊你的課堂。"
free_trial: "老師可免費試用!"
get_access: "to get individual access to all courses for evalutaion purposes."
questions: "Questions?"
faq: "課程FAQ"
question: "問:" # Like in 'Question'
question1: "What's the difference between these courses and the single player game?"
answer: "答:" # Like in 'Answer'
answer1: "The single player game is designed for individuals, while the courses are designed for classes."
answer2: "The single player game has items, gems, hero selection, leveling up, and in-app purchases. Courses have classroom management features and streamlined student-focused level pacing."
teachers_click: "老師點擊這裡"
students_click: "學生點擊這裡"
courses_on_coco: "CodeCombat上的課程"
designed_to: "Courses are designed to introduce computer science concepts using CodeCombat's fun and engaging environment. CodeCombat levels are organized around key topics to encourage progressive learning, over the course of 5 hours."
more_in_less: "以最少的時間學習最多的知識"
no_experience: "無需編程經驗"
easy_monitor: "容易監控學生的進程"
purchase_for_class: "Purchase a course for your entire class. It's easy to sign up your students!"
see_the: "詳細資訊請看"
more_info: ""
choose_course: "選擇您的課程:"
enter_code: "輸入一個解銷碼"
enter_code1: "輸入解銷碼"
enroll: "註冊"
pick_from_classes: "從目前的課程選擇"
enter: "輪入"
or: ""
topics: "題目"
hours_content: "內容時間:"
get_free: "取得免費課程!"
archmage_title: "大法師"