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synced 2025-02-17 17:02:18 -05:00
Merge branch 'master' into production
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 89 additions and 91 deletions
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{me} = require 'core/auth'
SuperModel = require 'models/SuperModel'
debugAnalytics = true
debugAnalytics = false
module.exports = class Tracker
constructor: ->
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese", translation:
slogan: "ゲームをプレイして学びましょう"
slogan: "ゲームをプレイしてコードを学びましょう"
no_ie: "大変申し訳ありませんが、ご利用のブラウザ(IE8以下)はサポートされていません。(ChromeやFirefoxをご利用ください)" # Warning that only shows up in IE8 and older
no_mobile: "CodeCombat は携帯端末向けに制作されていないため、動作しない可能性があります。" # Warning that shows up on mobile devices
play: "ゲームスタート" # The big play button that opens up the campaign view.
play: "ゲーム スタート" # The big play button that opens up the campaign view.
old_browser: "ご利用のブラウザはCodeCombatを動作させるには古すぎるようです" # Warning that shows up on really old Firefox/Chrome/Safari
old_browser_suffix: "このまま進めることもできますが、正常動作は保証されません"
# ipad_browser: "Bad news: CodeCombat doesn't run on iPad in the browser. Good news: our native iPad app is awaiting Apple approval."
@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
play: "ゲームスタート" # The top nav bar entry where players choose which levels to play
# community: "Community"
editor: "レベルエディタ"
community: "コミュニティー"
editor: "レベルエディター"
blog: "ブログ"
forum: "掲示板"
# account: "Account"
# profile: "Profile"
# stats: "Stats"
# code: "Code"
account: "アカウント"
profile: "プロフィール"
stats: "ステータス"
code: "コード"
admin: "管理" # Only shows up when you are an admin
home: "ホーム"
contribute: "貢献"
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
about: "CoCoについて"
contact: "お問い合わせ"
twitter_follow: "フォロー"
# teachers: "Teachers"
teachers: "教育関係者"
close: "閉じる"
@ -51,38 +51,38 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
# play_as: "Play As" # Ladder page
# spectate: "Spectate" # Ladder page
# players: "players" # Hover over a level on /play
# hours_played: "hours played" # Hover over a level on /play
# items: "Items" # Tooltip on item shop button from /play
# unlock: "Unlock" # For purchasing items and heroes
# confirm: "Confirm"
# owned: "Owned" # For items you own
# locked: "Locked"
# purchasable: "Purchasable" # For a hero you unlocked but haven't purchased
# available: "Available"
# skills_granted: "Skills Granted" # Property documentation details
# heroes: "Heroes" # Tooltip on hero shop button from /play
# achievements: "Achievements" # Tooltip on achievement list button from /play
# account: "Account" # Tooltip on account button from /play
# settings: "Settings" # Tooltip on settings button from /play
# next: "Next" # Go from choose hero to choose inventory before playing a level
# change_hero: "Change Hero" # Go back from choose inventory to choose hero
# choose_inventory: "Equip Items"
# buy_gems: "Buy Gems"
# subscription_required: "Subscription Required"
# free: "Free"
# subscribed: "Subscribed"
hours_played: "プレイ時間" # Hover over a level on /play
items: "アイテム" # Tooltip on item shop button from /play
unlock: "アンロック" # For purchasing items and heroes
confirm: "確認する"
owned: "所有品" # For items you own
locked: "ロック"
purchasable: "購入可能" # For a hero you unlocked but haven't purchased
available: "使用可能" #translated as "use is possible - as in available"
skills_granted: "スキルが追加された" # Property documentation details #translated as "skill added"
heroes: "ヒーロー" # Tooltip on hero shop button from /play
achievements: "実績" # Tooltip on achievement list button from /play
account: "アカウント" # Tooltip on account button from /play
settings: "設定" # Tooltip on settings button from /play
next: "次へ" # Go from choose hero to choose inventory before playing a level
change_hero: "ヒーロー選択" # Go back from choose inventory to choose hero
choose_inventory: "アイテムを装備"
buy_gems: "ジェムを購入"
subscription_required: "サブスクリプション必須"
free: "無料"
subscribed: "サブスクライブ"
# older_campaigns: "Older Campaigns"
# anonymous: "Anonymous Player"
anonymous: "無名プレイヤー" # Translates to "no name player"
level_difficulty: "難易度: "
campaign_beginner: "初心者のキャンペーン"
# awaiting_levels_adventurer_prefix: "We release five levels per week."
# awaiting_levels_adventurer: "Sign up as an Adventurer"
awaiting_levels_adventurer_prefix: "私たちは週に5つのレベルをリリースします" # "We release five levels per week."
awaiting_levels_adventurer: "冒険者として登録" #"Sign up as an Adventurer"
# awaiting_levels_adventurer_suffix: "to be the first to play new levels."
# adjust_volume: "Adjust volume"
choose_your_level: "レベル選択" # The rest of this section is the old play view at /play-old and isn't very important.
adventurer_prefix: "別のレベルに移動することができます。レベルについて議論するにはこちら: "
adventurer_forum: "冒険者の掲示板"
# adventurer_suffix: "."
# adventurer_suffix: "." #is this a period? as in "。"
# campaign_old_beginner: "Old Beginner Campaign"
campaign_old_beginner_description: "プログラミングの魔法を学びましょう"
campaign_dev: "いろんな難しいレベル"
@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
log_in: "ログイン"
logging_in: "ログイン中"
log_out: "ログアウト"
# forgot_password: "Forgot your password?"
# authenticate_gplus: "Authenticate G+"
# load_profile: "Load G+ Profile"
# load_email: "Load G+ Email"
# finishing: "Finishing"
# sign_in_with_facebook: "Sign in with Facebook"
# sign_in_with_gplus: "Sign in with G+"
# signup_switch: "Want to create an account?"
forgot_password: "パスワードをお忘れですか?"
authenticate_gplus: "Google+を認証する"
load_profile: "Google+プロフィールをロード" #"Load G+ Profile"
load_email: "Google+メールをロード" #"Load G+ Email"
# finishing: "Finishing" #finishing what? finish loading?
sign_in_with_facebook: "Facebookでログイン"
sign_in_with_gplus: "Google+でログイン"
signup_switch: "アカウントを作成しますか?" # translates as "Would you like to create accout?" if _switch, need to change 'create' to 'switch'.
email_announcements: "メールでお知らせを受け取る"
@ -114,21 +114,21 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
sign_up: "アカウント登録"
log_in: "パスワードでログイン"
social_signup: "あるいはFacebookやGoogle+でログイン:"
# required: "You need to log in before you can go that way."
# login_switch: "Already have an account?"
required: "ログインする必要があります"
login_switch: "すでにアカウントをお持ちですか?"
recover_account_title: "パスワードを忘れた場合"
send_password: "送信する"
# recovery_sent: "Recovery email sent."
send_password: "パスワードを送信する"
recovery_sent: "復旧メールが送信されました"
# items:
# primary: "Primary"
# secondary: "Secondary"
# armor: "Armor"
# accessories: "Accessories"
# misc: "Misc"
# books: "Books"
primary: "武器" #translated as 'weapon' to match with icon and better translation.
secondary: "防具" #translated as 'protective gear' to match with icon and better translation.
armor: "鎧"
accessories: "アクセサリー"
misc: "その他"
books: "書物"
loading: "ロード中"
@ -199,36 +199,36 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "日本語", englishDescription: "Japanese",
# ranger: "Ranger"
# wizard: "Wizard"
# units:
# second: "second"
# seconds: "seconds"
# minute: "minute"
# minutes: "minutes"
# hour: "hour"
# hours: "hours"
# day: "day"
# days: "days"
# week: "week"
# weeks: "weeks"
# month: "month"
# months: "months"
# year: "year"
# years: "years"
second: "秒"
seconds: "秒"
minute: "分"
minutes: "分"
hour: "時"
hours: "時"
day: "日"
days: "日"
week: "週"
weeks: "週"
month: "月"
months: "月"
year: "年"
years: "年"
done: "完了"
home: "ホーム" # Not used any more, will be removed soon.
# level: "Level" # Like "Level: Dungeons of Kithgard"
# skip: "Skip"
# game_menu: "Game Menu"
level: "ゲームレベル" # Like "Level: Dungeons of Kithgard" # "translates as game level
skip: "スキップ"
game_menu: "ゲームメニュー"
guide: "ガイド"
restart: "再始動"
goals: "目標"
# goal: "Goal"
goal: "目標"
# running: "Running..."
# success: "Success!"
# incomplete: "Incomplete"
# timed_out: "Ran out of time"
success: "成功!" #"Success!"
incomplete: "不完全" #"Incomplete"
timed_out: "時間切れ" #"Ran out of time"
# failing: "Failing"
action_timeline: "アクション・タイムライン"
click_to_select: "ユニットを左クリックで選択してください"
@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ block content
a(href="http://scotterickson.info") Scott Erickson
h4.team_name Scott Erickson
| Programmer
@ -110,7 +109,8 @@ block content
@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ module.exports = class InventoryModal extends ModalView
@onScrollUnequipped true
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'store:item-purchased', item: item, itemSlug: item.get('slug')
@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ module.exports = class InventoryModal extends ModalView
#- Dynamic portrait loading
onScrollUnequipped: ->
onScrollUnequipped: (forceLoadAll=false) ->
# dynamically load visible items when the user scrolls enough to see them
return if @destroyed
nanoContent = @$el.find('#unequipped .nano-content')
@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ module.exports = class InventoryModal extends ModalView
threshold = nanoContent.height() + 100
for itemEl in items
itemEl = $(itemEl)
if itemEl.position().top < threshold
if itemEl.position().top < threshold or forceLoadAll
item = @items.get(itemEl.data('item-id'))
itemEl.find('img').attr('src', item.getPortraitURL())
@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ coco_path = os.getenv("COCO_DIR",os.path.join(current_directory,os.pardir))
nodemon_path = coco_path + os.sep + "node_modules" + os.sep + ".bin" + os.sep + "nodemon"
call(nodemon_path + " . --ext \".coffee|.js\" --watch server --watch server_config.js --watch server_setup.coffee --watch app" + os.sep + "schemas",shell=True,cwd=coco_path)
@ -92,4 +92,3 @@ mongo_arguments = [mongo_executable + u" --setParameter textSearchEnabled=true -
if 'fork' in sys.argv: mongo_arguments[0] += " --fork --logpath ./mongodb.log"
@ -20,26 +20,26 @@
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
$mongoDbPath = "C:\MongoDB"
$mongoDbConfigPath = "$mongoDbPath\mongod.cfg"
$url = "http://downloads.mongodb.org/win32/mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-2.8.0-rc4.zip"
$url = "http://downloads.mongodb.org/win32/mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-2.6.4.zip"
$zipFile = "$mongoDbPath\mongo.zip"
$unzippedFolderContent ="$mongoDbPath\mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-2.8.0-rc4.zip"
$unzippedFolderContent ="$mongoDbPath\mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-2.6.4.zip"
if ((Test-Path -path $mongoDbPath) -eq $True)
Reference in a new issue