Tweaked SpriteParser to be smarter about finding root MovieClips and shifting their bounds.

This commit is contained in:
Scott Erickson 2014-12-10 11:22:41 -08:00
parent 87c34e81c6
commit e870de6146

View file

@ -37,14 +37,7 @@ module.exports = class SpriteParser
blocks = @findBlocks ast, source
containers = _.filter blocks, {kind: 'Container'}
movieClips = _.filter blocks, {kind: 'MovieClip'}
if movieClips.length
# First movie clip is root, so do it last
movieClips = movieClips[1 ... movieClips.length].concat([movieClips[0]])
# first container isn't necessarily root... actually the last one is root in blue-cart
# else if containers.length
# # First container is root, so do it last
# containers = containers[1 ... containers.length].concat([containers[0]])
mainClip = _.last(movieClips) ? _.last(containers)
@animationName =
for container, index in containers
@ -69,17 +62,24 @@ module.exports = class SpriteParser
continue unless container.bounds and instructions.length
@addContainer {c: instructions, b: container.bounds},
childrenMovieClips = []
for movieClip, index in movieClips
if index is 0
for bounds in movieClip.frameBounds
bounds[0] -= @width / 2
bounds[1] -= @height / 2
movieClip.bounds[0] -= @width / 2
movieClip.bounds[1] -= @height / 2
lastBounds = null
# fill in bounds which are null...
for bounds, boundsIndex in movieClip.frameBounds
if not bounds
movieClip.frameBounds[boundsIndex] = _.clone(lastBounds)
lastBounds = bounds
localGraphics = @getGraphicsFromBlock(movieClip, source)
[shapeKeys, localShapes] = @getShapesFromBlock movieClip, source
localContainers = @getContainersFromMovieClip movieClip, source, true
localAnimations = @getAnimationsFromMovieClip movieClip, source, true
for animation in localAnimations
localTweens = @getTweensFromMovieClip movieClip, source, localShapes, localContainers, localAnimations
@addAnimation {
shapes: localShapes
@ -90,6 +90,14 @@ module.exports = class SpriteParser
bounds: movieClip.bounds
frameBounds: movieClip.frameBounds
for movieClip in movieClips
if not in childrenMovieClips
for bounds in movieClip.frameBounds
bounds[0] -= @width / 2
bounds[1] -= @height / 2
movieClip.bounds[0] -= @width / 2
movieClip.bounds[1] -= @height / 2
return movieClips[0]?.name