diff --git a/app/core/Router.coffee b/app/core/Router.coffee
index 13c6de310..a6c42752b 100644
--- a/app/core/Router.coffee
+++ b/app/core/Router.coffee
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ module.exports = class CocoRouter extends Backbone.Router
'Courses': go('courses/CoursesView') # , { studentsOnly: true })
'courses/students': redirect('/courses')
'courses/teachers': redirect('/teachers/classes')
- 'courses/purchase': redirect('/teachers/enrollments')
- 'courses/enroll(/:courseID)': redirect('/teachers/enrollments')
+ 'courses/purchase': redirect('/teachers/licenses')
+ 'courses/enroll(/:courseID)': redirect('/teachers/licenses')
'courses/update-account': go('courses/CoursesUpdateAccountView')
'courses/:classroomID': go('courses/ClassroomView') #, { studentsOnly: true })
'courses/:courseID/:courseInstanceID': go('courses/CourseDetailsView')
@@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ module.exports = class CocoRouter extends Backbone.Router
'teachers/classes/:classroomID': go('courses/TeacherClassView') #, { teachersOnly: true })
'teachers/courses': go('courses/TeacherCoursesView')
'teachers/demo': go('teachers/RequestQuoteView')
- 'teachers/enrollments': go('courses/EnrollmentsView') #, { teachersOnly: true })
+ 'teachers/enrollments': redirect('/teachers/licenses')
+ 'teachers/licenses': go('courses/EnrollmentsView') #, { teachersOnly: true })
'teachers/freetrial': go('teachers/RequestQuoteView')
'teachers/quote': go('teachers/RequestQuoteView')
'teachers/signup': ->
diff --git a/app/locale/en.coffee b/app/locale/en.coffee
index 55a5383d1..504663152 100644
--- a/app/locale/en.coffee
+++ b/app/locale/en.coffee
@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@
signup_with: "Sign up with:"
connect_with: "Connect with:"
conversion_warning: "WARNING: Your current account is a Student Account. Once you submit this form, your account will be updated to a Teacher Account."
- learn_more_modal: "Teacher accounts on CodeCombat have the ability to monitor student progress, assign enrollments and manage classrooms. Teacher accounts cannot be a part of a classroom - if you are currently enrolled in a class using this account, you will no longer be able to access it once you update to a Teacher Account."
+ learn_more_modal: "Teacher accounts on CodeCombat have the ability to monitor student progress, assign licenses and manage classrooms. Teacher accounts cannot be a part of a classroom - if you are currently enrolled in a class using this account, you will no longer be able to access it once you update to a Teacher Account." # {change}
create_account: "Create a Teacher Account"
create_account_subtitle: "Get access to teacher-only tools for using CodeCombat in the classroom. Set up a class, add your students, and monitor their progress!"
convert_account_title: "Update to Teacher Account"
@@ -1114,13 +1114,13 @@
get_free: "Get FREE course"
enroll_paid: "Enroll Students in Paid Courses"
you_have1: "You have"
- you_have2: "unused paid enrollments"
- use_one: "Use 1 paid enrollment for"
- use_multiple: "Use paid enrollments for the following students:"
+ you_have2: "unused student licenses" # {change}
+ use_one: "Use 1 student license for" # {change}
+ use_multiple: "Use licenses for the following students:" # {change}
already_enrolled: "already enrolled"
licenses_remaining: "licenses remaining:"
- insufficient_enrollments: "insufficient paid enrollments"
- get_enrollments: "Get Enrollments" # {change}
+ insufficient_enrollments: "insufficient student licenses" # {change}
+ get_enrollments: "Get More Licenses" # {change}
change_language: "Change Course Language"
keep_using: "Keep Using"
switch_to: "Switch To"
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
back_courses: "Back to my courses"
edit_details: "Edit class details"
enrolled_courses: "enrolled in paid courses:"
- purchase_enrollments: "Purchase Enrollments"
+ purchase_enrollments: "Purchase Student Licenses" # {change}
remove_student: "remove student"
assign: "Assign"
to_assign: "to assign paid courses."
@@ -1201,10 +1201,10 @@
return_to_course_man: "Return to course management."
students_not_enrolled: "students not enrolled"
total_all_classes: "Total Across All Classes"
- how_many_enrollments: "How many additional paid enrollments do you need?"
+ how_many_enrollments: "How many additional student licenses do you need?" # {change}
each_student_access: "Each student in a class will get access to Courses 2-4 once they are enrolled in paid courses. You may assign each course to each student individually."
purchase_now: "Purchase Now"
- enrollments: "enrollments"
+ enrollments: "licenses" # {change}
remove_student1: "Remove Student"
are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to remove this student from this class?"
remove_description1: "Student will lose access to this classroom and assigned classes. Progress and gameplay is NOT lost, and the student can be added back to the classroom at any time."
@@ -1232,20 +1232,6 @@
getting_started_1: "Create a new class by clicking the green 'Create New Class' button below."
getting_started_2: "Once you've created a class, click the blue 'Add Students' button."
getting_started_3: "You'll see student's progress below as they sign up and join your class."
- additional_resources: "Additional Resources"
- additional_resources_1_pref: "Download/print our"
- additional_resources_1_mid: "Course 1"
- additional_resources_1_mid2: "and"
- additional_resources_1_mid3: "Course 2"
- additional_resources_1_suff: "teacher's guides with solutions for each level."
- additional_resources_2_pref: "Complete our"
- additional_resources_2_suff: "to get two free enrollments for the rest of our paid courses."
- additional_resources_3_pref: "Visit our"
- additional_resources_3_mid: "Teacher Forums"
- additional_resources_3_suff: "to connect to fellow educators who are using CodeCombat."
- additional_resources_4_pref: "Check out our"
- additional_resources_4_mid: "Schools Page"
- additional_resources_4_suff: "to learn more about CodeCombat's classroom offerings."
educator_wiki_pref: "Or check out our new"
educator_wiki_mid: "educator wiki"
educator_wiki_suff: "to browse the guide online."
@@ -1253,8 +1239,8 @@
no_classes: "No classes yet!"
create_new_class1: "create new class"
available_courses: "Available Courses"
- unused_enrollments: "Unused enrollments available:"
- students_access: "All students get access to Introduction to Computer Science for free. One enrollment per student is required to assign them to paid CodeCombat courses. A single student does not need multiple enrollments to access all paid courses."
+ unused_enrollments: "Unused licenses available:" # {change}
+ students_access: "All students get access to Introduction to Computer Science for free. One license per student is required to assign them to paid CodeCombat courses. A single student does not need multiple licenses to access all paid courses." # {change}
active_courses: "active courses"
no_students: "No students yet!"
add_students1: "add students"
@@ -1273,7 +1259,7 @@
view_guide_online: "View Guide Online (PDF)"
last_updated: "Last updated:"
grants_lifetime_access: "Grants access to all Courses."
- enrollment_credits_available: "Enrollment Credits Available:"
+ enrollment_credits_available: "Licenses Available:" # {change}
description: "Description" # ClassroomSettingsModal
language_select: "Select a language"
language_cannot_change: "Language cannot be changed once students join a class."
@@ -1334,8 +1320,8 @@
teacher_dashboard: "Teacher Dashboard" # Navbar
my_classes: "My Classes"
- courses: "Courses"
- enrollments: "Enrollments"
+ courses: "Course Guides" # {change}
+ enrollments: "Student Licenses" # {change}
resources: "Resources"
help: "Help"
students: "Students" # Shared
@@ -1346,7 +1332,7 @@
teacher_account_required: "A teacher account is required to access this content."
create_teacher_account: "Create Teacher Account"
what_is_a_teacher_account: "What's a Teacher Account?"
- teacher_account_explanation: "A CodeCombat Teacher account allows you to set up classrooms, monitor students’ progress as they work through courses, manage enrollments and access resources to aid in your curriculum-building."
+ teacher_account_explanation: "A CodeCombat Teacher account allows you to set up classrooms, monitor students’ progress as they work through courses, manage licenses and access resources to aid in your curriculum-building." # {change}
current_classes: "Current Classes"
archived_classes: "Archived Classes"
archived_classes_blurb: "Classes can be archived for future reference. Unarchive a class to view it in the Current Classes list again."
@@ -1398,14 +1384,14 @@
enroll_the_following_students: "Enroll the following students"
all_students: "All Students"
enroll_students: "Enroll Students"
- not_enough_enrollments: "Not enough Enrollments available."
- enrollments_blurb_1: "Students taking Computer Science" # Enrollments page
- enrollments_blurb_2: "require enrollments to access the courses."
- credits_available: "Credits Available"
- total_unique_students: "Total Students (unique)" # {change}
- total_enrolled_students: "Total Enrolled" # {change}
+ not_enough_enrollments: "Not enough licenses available." # {change}
+ enrollments_blurb_1: "Students taking Computer Science" # {change}
+ enrollments_blurb_2: "require a license to access the courses." # {change}
+ credits_available: "Licenses Available" # {change}
+ total_unique_students: "Total Students" # {change}
+ total_enrolled_students: "Enrolled Students" # {change}
unenrolled_students: "Unenrolled Students"
- add_enrollment_credits: "Add Enrollment Credits"
+ add_enrollment_credits: "Add Licenses" # {change}
purchasing: "Purchasing..."
purchased: "Purchased!"
purchase_now: "Purchase Now"
@@ -1422,12 +1408,12 @@
enter_new_password_below: "Enter new password below:"
change_password: "Change Password"
changed: "Changed"
- available_credits: "Available Credits"
- pending_credits: "Pending Credits"
- credits: "credits"
+ available_credits: "Available Licenses" # {change}
+ pending_credits: "Pending Licenses" # {change}
+ credits: "licenses" # {change}
start_date: "start date:"
end_date: "end date:"
- num_enrollments_needed: "Number of enrollments needed:"
+ num_enrollments_needed: "Number of licenses needed:" # {change}
get_enrollments_blurb: " We'll help you build a solution that meets the needs of your class, school or district."
enroll_request_sent_blurb1: "Thanks! Your request has been sent."
enroll_request_sent_blurb2: "Our classroom success team will be in touch shortly to help you find the best solution for your students' needs!"
diff --git a/app/templates/admin/administer-user-modal.jade b/app/templates/admin/administer-user-modal.jade
index 0e0c8d202..00b55b972 100644
--- a/app/templates/admin/administer-user-modal.jade
+++ b/app/templates/admin/administer-user-modal.jade
@@ -7,9 +7,51 @@ block modal-header-content
h4 #{view.user.get('name') || 'Unnamed'} / #{view.user.get('email')}
span= view.user.id
block modal-body-content
+ h3.m-t-3 Grant Student Licenses
+ #prepaid-form.form
+ if view.state === 'creating-prepaid'
+ .progress.progress-striped.active
+ .progress-bar(style="width: 100%")
+ else if view.state === 'made-prepaid'
+ .alert.alert-success Licenses created!
+ else
+ .form-group
+ label Number of Licenses
+ input#seats-input.form-control(type="number", name="maxRedeemers")
+ .form-group
+ label Start Date
+ input.form-control(type="date" name="startDate" value=moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'))
+ .form-group
+ label End Date
+ input.form-control(type="date" name="endDate" value=moment().add(1, 'year').format('YYYY-MM-DD')))
+ .form-group
+ button#add-seats-btn.btn.btn-primary Add Licenses
+ if view.prepaids.size()
+ h3.m-t-3 Existing Prepaids
+ table.table.table-condensed
+ tr
+ th ID
+ th Type
+ th Start
+ th End
+ th Used
+ for prepaid in view.prepaids.models
+ tr
+ td= prepaid.id
+ td= prepaid.get('type')
+ td
+ if prepaid.get('startDate')
+ = moment(prepaid.get('startDate')).utc().format('lll')
+ td
+ if prepaid.get('endDate')
+ = moment(prepaid.get('endDate')).utc().format('lll')
+ td #{(prepaid.get('redeemers') || []).length} / #{prepaid.get('maxRedeemers') || 0}
h3 Stripe Benefit
@@ -34,50 +76,5 @@ block modal-body-content
for coupon in view.coupons.models
option(value=coupon.id selected=coupon.id===view.currentCouponID)= coupon.formatString()
button#save-changes.btn.btn-primary Save Changes
- if view.prepaids.size()
- h3.m-t-3 Existing Prepaids
- table.table.table-condensed
- tr
- th ID
- th Type
- th Start
- th End
- th Used
- for prepaid in view.prepaids.models
- tr
- td= prepaid.id
- td= prepaid.get('type')
- td
- if prepaid.get('startDate')
- = moment(prepaid.get('startDate')).utc().format('lll')
- td
- if prepaid.get('endDate')
- = moment(prepaid.get('endDate')).utc().format('lll')
- td #{(prepaid.get('redeemers') || []).length} / #{prepaid.get('maxRedeemers') || 0}
- h3.m-t-3 Grant Prepaid for Courses
- #prepaid-form.form
- if view.state === 'creating-prepaid'
- .progress.progress-striped.active
- .progress-bar(style="width: 100%")
- else if view.state === 'made-prepaid'
- .alert.alert-success Prepaid created!
- else
- .form-group
- label Seats
- input#seats-input.form-control(type="number", name="maxRedeemers")
- .form-group
- label Start Date
- input.form-control(type="date" name="startDate" value=moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'))
- .form-group
- label End Date
- input.form-control(type="date" name="endDate" value=moment().add(1, 'year').format('YYYY-MM-DD')))
- .form-group
- button#add-seats-btn.btn.btn-primary Add Seats
-block modal-footer
+block modal-footer
diff --git a/app/templates/admin/analytics.jade b/app/templates/admin/analytics.jade
index e67d95d4d..51dc0c100 100644
--- a/app/templates/admin/analytics.jade
+++ b/app/templates/admin/analytics.jade
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ block content
h3 Classroom Monthly Active Users 365 days
- h3 Enrollments Issued and Redeemed 90 days
+ h3 Licenses Issued and Redeemed 90 days
@@ -282,14 +282,14 @@ block content
each eventName in eventNames
td= activeUser.events[eventName] || 0
- h1#enrollments-table Enrollments
+ h1#enrollments-table Licenses
th Day
- th Paid Enrollments Issued
- th Paid Enrollments Redeemed
- th Trial Enrollments Issued
- th Trial Enrollments Redeemed
+ th Paid Licenses Issued
+ th Paid Licenses Redeemed
+ th Trial Licenses Issued
+ th Trial Licenses Redeemed
each day in view.enrollmentDays
td= day
diff --git a/app/templates/courses/activate-licenses-modal.jade b/app/templates/courses/activate-licenses-modal.jade
index 8d88ae36d..2509cbf20 100644
--- a/app/templates/courses/activate-licenses-modal.jade
+++ b/app/templates/courses/activate-licenses-modal.jade
@@ -70,6 +70,6 @@ block modal-body-content
- a#get-more-licenses-btn.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary-alt(href="/teachers/enrollments", data-i18n="courses.get_enrollments")
+ a#get-more-licenses-btn.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary-alt(href="/teachers/licenses", data-i18n="courses.get_enrollments")
block modal-footer-content
diff --git a/app/templates/courses/teacher-dashboard-nav.jade b/app/templates/courses/teacher-dashboard-nav.jade
index 164aea924..6ee1bb32b 100644
--- a/app/templates/courses/teacher-dashboard-nav.jade
+++ b/app/templates/courses/teacher-dashboard-nav.jade
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
li(class= path.indexOf('/teachers/courses') === 0 ? 'active' : '')
- li(class= path.indexOf('/teachers/enrollments') === 0 ? 'active' : '')
- a(href='/teachers/enrollments')
+ li(class= path.indexOf('/teachers/licenses') === 0 ? 'active' : '')
+ a(href='/teachers/licenses')
//- li(class= path.indexOf('TODO') === 0 ? 'active' : '')
//- a(href='TODO')
diff --git a/app/views/courses/ActivateLicensesModal.coffee b/app/views/courses/ActivateLicensesModal.coffee
index 28345d1a7..a1bf8afa5 100644
--- a/app/views/courses/ActivateLicensesModal.coffee
+++ b/app/views/courses/ActivateLicensesModal.coffee
@@ -116,4 +116,4 @@ module.exports = class ActivateLicensesModal extends ModalView
@trigger 'redeem-users', @state.get('selectedUsers')
onClickGetMoreLicensesButton: ->
- @hide?() # In case this is opened in /teachers/enrollments itself, otherwise the button does nothing
+ @hide?() # In case this is opened in /teachers/licenses itself, otherwise the button does nothing
diff --git a/app/views/teachers/TeachersContactModal.coffee b/app/views/teachers/TeachersContactModal.coffee
index 5e2c1a183..57ee0bc58 100644
--- a/app/views/teachers/TeachersContactModal.coffee
+++ b/app/views/teachers/TeachersContactModal.coffee
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module.exports = class TeachersContactModal extends ModalView
Your Name: #{props.name || ''}
Enrollments Needed: #{@enrollmentsNeeded}
- Message: Hi CodeCombat! I want to learn more about the Classroom experience and get enrollments so that my students can access Computer Science 2 and on.
+ Message: Hi CodeCombat! I want to learn more about the Classroom experience and get licenses so that my students can access Computer Science 2 and on.
email = props.email or me.get('email') or ''
@state.set('formValues', { email, message })
diff --git a/server/middleware/prepaids.coffee b/server/middleware/prepaids.coffee
index 14742fc04..09593e050 100644
--- a/server/middleware/prepaids.coffee
+++ b/server/middleware/prepaids.coffee
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module.exports =
redeem: wrap (req, res) ->
if not req.user?.isTeacher()
- throw new errors.Forbidden('Must be a teacher to use enrollments')
+ throw new errors.Forbidden('Must be a teacher to use licenses')
prepaid = yield database.getDocFromHandle(req, Prepaid)
if not prepaid
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module.exports =
if prepaid._id.getTimestamp().getTime() < cutoffDate.getTime()
throw new errors.Forbidden('Cannot redeem from prepaids older than November 11, 2015')
unless prepaid.get('creator').equals(req.user._id)
- throw new errors.Forbidden('You may not redeem enrollments from this prepaid')
+ throw new errors.Forbidden('You may not redeem licenses from this prepaid')
if prepaid.get('redeemers')? and _.size(prepaid.get('redeemers')) >= prepaid.get('maxRedeemers')
throw new errors.Forbidden('This prepaid is exhausted')
unless prepaid.get('type') is 'course'
diff --git a/spec/server/functional/level.spec.coffee b/spec/server/functional/level.spec.coffee
index d97a68919..27cfc9783 100644
--- a/spec/server/functional/level.spec.coffee
+++ b/spec/server/functional/level.spec.coffee
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ describe 'GET /db/level/:handle/session', ->
- it 'returns 402 if the user\'s enrollment is expired', utils.wrap (done) ->
+ it 'returns 402 if the user\'s license is expired', utils.wrap (done) ->
coursePrepaid: {
_id: {}
diff --git a/spec/server/functional/prepaid.spec.coffee b/spec/server/functional/prepaid.spec.coffee
index e528a8c70..4baacae41 100644
--- a/spec/server/functional/prepaid.spec.coffee
+++ b/spec/server/functional/prepaid.spec.coffee
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ describe 'POST /db/prepaid/:handle/redeemers', ->
yield utils.loginUser(@otherTeacher)
[res, body] = yield request.postAsync({uri: @url, json: { userID: @student.id } })
- expect(res.body.message).toBe('You may not redeem enrollments from this prepaid')
+ expect(res.body.message).toBe('You may not redeem licenses from this prepaid')
it 'returns 403 if the prepaid is expired', utils.wrap (done) ->
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ describe 'POST /db/prepaid/:handle/redeemers', ->
- it 'updates the user if their enrollment is expired', utils.wrap (done) ->
+ it 'updates the user if their license is expired', utils.wrap (done) ->
yield utils.loginUser(@admin)
prepaid = yield utils.makePrepaid({
creator: @teacher.id
diff --git a/test/app/views/courses/EnrollmentsView.spec.coffee b/test/app/views/courses/EnrollmentsView.spec.coffee
index eb6c59a27..75ba21deb 100644
--- a/test/app/views/courses/EnrollmentsView.spec.coffee
+++ b/test/app/views/courses/EnrollmentsView.spec.coffee
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ describe 'EnrollmentsView', ->
if @view.$('#actions-col').length isnt 1
fail('There should be an #action-col, other tests depend on it.')
- describe '"Get Enrollments" area', ->
+ describe '"Get Licenses" area', ->
describe '"Contact Us" button', ->
- it 'opens a TeachersContactModal, passing in the number of enrollments', ->
+ it 'opens a TeachersContactModal, passing in the number of licenses', ->
spyOn(@view, 'openModalView')
@view.state.set('numberOfStudents', 20)
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ describe 'EnrollmentsView', ->
if not @view.$('#request-sent-btn').length
fail('Request button not found.')
if not @view.$('#enrollment-request-sent-blurb').length
- fail('Enrollment request sent blurb not found.')
+ fail('License request sent blurb not found.')
# TODO: Figure out why this fails in Travis. Seems like it's not loading en locale
# if not @view.$('a[href="mailto:schools@codecombat.com"]').length
# fail('Mailto: link not found.')
diff --git a/test/app/views/teachers/ActivateLicensesModal.spec.coffee b/test/app/views/teachers/ActivateLicensesModal.spec.coffee
index 2fb905456..2d7ee2d2a 100644
--- a/test/app/views/teachers/ActivateLicensesModal.spec.coffee
+++ b/test/app/views/teachers/ActivateLicensesModal.spec.coffee
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ describe 'ActivateLicensesModal', ->
it 'should fire off one request when clicked'
- describe 'when the teacher has enough enrollments', ->
+ describe 'when the teacher has enough licenses', ->
beforeEach ->
selected = @modal.state.get('selectedUsers')
@@ -103,12 +103,12 @@ describe 'ActivateLicensesModal', ->
if request.url.indexOf(@prepaidThatExpiresLater.id) is -1
fail('The second prepaid should be the prepaid that expires later')
- describe 'when the teacher doesn\'t have enough enrollments', ->
+ describe 'when the teacher doesn\'t have enough licenses', ->
it 'should be disabled', ->
describe 'the Purchase More button', ->
- it 'should redirect to the enrollment purchasing page'
+ it 'should redirect to the license purchasing page'
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ describe 'ActivateLicensesModal', ->
# it 'should display the correct total number of credits', ->
# expect(@modal.$('#total-available').html()).toBe('2')
- # it 'should be disabled when teacher doesn\'t have enough enrollments', ->
+ # it 'should be disabled when teacher doesn\'t have enough licenses', ->
# expect(@modal.$('#total-available').html()).toBe('2')