mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 19:06:59 -05:00
Hid world map level icons for now. Hid play counts when fewer than 20 players. Disabled Zatanna for now until it can stop doing this.this.moveRight()(). Disabled hover debugger for new hero levels for now. Fixed bug with victory modal not allowing replay of completed non-hero levels.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 27 additions and 21 deletions
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
a(href=level.type == 'hero' ? '#' : level.disabled ? "/play" : "/play/#{level.levelPath || 'level'}/#{level.id}", disabled=level.disabled, data-level-id=level.id, data-level-path=level.levelPath || 'level', data-level-name=level.name)
div(style="left: #{level.x}%; bottom: #{level.y}%", class="level-shadow" + (next ? " next" : "") + " " + levelStatusMap[level.id] || "")
if level.image
img.level-image(src="#{level.image}", alt="#{level.name}")
img.level-image(src="/images/generic-icon.png", alt="#{level.name}")
//if level.image
// img.level-image(src="#{level.image}", alt="#{level.name}")
// img.level-image(src="/images/generic-icon.png", alt="#{level.name}")
div(class="level-info " + (levelStatusMap[level.id] || ""))
h3= level.name + (level.disabled ? " (Coming soon!)" : "")
.level-description= level.description
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
each i in Array(level.difficulty)
- var playCount = levelPlayCountMap[level.id]
if playCount
if playCount && playCount > 20
span.spr #{playCount.sessions}
span(data-i18n="play.players") players
@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ hero = [
name: 'The Final Kithmaze'
type: 'hero'
difficulty: 2
difficulty: 1
id: 'the-final-kithmaze'
image: '/file/db/level/526bda3fe79aefde2a003e36/mobile_artillery_icon.png'
description: 'To escape you must find your way through an Elder Kithman\'s maze.'
@ -49,11 +49,14 @@ module.exports = class LevelLoadingView extends CocoView
startUnveiling: (e) ->
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:loading-view-unveiling', {}
_.delay @onClickStartLevel, 1000 # If they never mouse-up for the click (or a modal shows up and interrupts the click), do it anyway.
onClickStartLevel: (e) ->
onClickStartLevel: (e) =>
return if @destroyed
unveil: ->
return if @$el.hasClass 'unveiled'
@$el.addClass 'unveiled'
loadingDetails = @$el.find('.loading-details')
duration = parseFloat loadingDetails.css 'transition-duration'
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ module.exports = class PlayLevelView extends RootView
onLevelStarted: ->
return unless @surface?
if window.currentModal and not window.currentModal.destroyed
if window.currentModal and not window.currentModal.destroyed and window.currentModal.constructor isnt VictoryModal
return Backbone.Mediator.subscribeOnce 'modal:closed', @onLevelStarted, @
if @otherSession and @level.get('type', true) isnt 'hero'
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module.exports = class Spell
@source = sessionSource
@thangs = {}
if @canRead() # We can avoid creating these views if we'll never use them.
@view = new SpellView {spell: @, session: @session, worker: @worker}
@view = new SpellView {spell: @, level: options.level, session: @session, worker: @worker}
@view.render() # Get it ready and code loaded in advance
@tabView = new SpellListTabEntryView spell: @, supermodel: @supermodel, language: @language
@ -100,11 +100,11 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
@toggleControls null, @writable
@aceSession.selection.on 'changeCursor', @onCursorActivity
$(@ace.container).find('.ace_gutter').on 'click', '.ace_error, .ace_warning, .ace_info', @onAnnotationClick
@zatanna = new Zatanna @ace,
liveCompletion: aceConfig.liveCompletion ? true
keywords: false
# TODO: restore Zatanna when it totally stops the this.this.moveRight()(); problem
#@zatanna = new Zatanna @ace,
# liveCompletion: aceConfig.liveCompletion ? true
# completers:
# keywords: false
createACEShortcuts: ->
@aceCommands = aceCommands = []
@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
addZatannaSnippets: (e) ->
return unless @zatanna
snippetEntries = []
for owner, props of e.propGroups
for prop in props
@ -250,6 +251,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
createDebugView: ->
return if @options.level.get('type', true) is 'hero' # We'll turn this on later, maybe, but not yet.
@debugView = new SpellDebugView ace: @ace, thang: @thang, spell:@spell
@$el.append @debugView.render().$el.hide()
@ -258,7 +260,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
@$el.append @toolbarView.render().$el
onMouseOut: (e) ->
@debugView.onMouseOut e
@debugView?.onMouseOut e
getSource: ->
@ace.getValue() # could also do @firepad.getText()
@ -269,7 +271,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
@thang = thang
@spellThang = @spell.thangs[@thang.id]
@createDebugView() unless @debugView
@debugView.thang = @thang
@debugView?.thang = @thang
@toolbarView?.toggleFlow false
@updateAether false, false
# @addZatannaSnippets()
@ -589,7 +591,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
@decoratedGutter[row] = ''
if not executed.length or (@spell.name is 'plan' and @spellThang.castAether.metrics.statementsExecuted < 20)
@toolbarView?.toggleFlow false
@debugView.setVariableStates {}
@debugView?.setVariableStates {}
lastExecuted = _.last executed
@toolbarView?.toggleFlow true
@ -606,7 +608,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
marked[start.row] = true
markerType = 'fullLine'
@debugView.setVariableStates state.variables
@debugView?.setVariableStates state.variables
gotVariableStates = true
markerType = 'text'
markerRange = new Range start.row, start.col, end.row, end.col
@ -618,7 +620,7 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
@aceSession.removeGutterDecoration start.row, @decoratedGutter[start.row] if @decoratedGutter[start.row] isnt ''
@aceSession.addGutterDecoration start.row, clazz
@decoratedGutter[start.row] = clazz
@debugView.setVariableStates {} unless gotVariableStates
@debugView?.setVariableStates {} unless gotVariableStates
highlightComments: ->
@ -676,12 +678,12 @@ module.exports = class SpellView extends CocoView
@ace.setDisplayIndentGuides aceConfig.indentGuides # default false
@ace.setShowInvisibles aceConfig.invisibles # default false
@ace.setKeyboardHandler @keyBindings[aceConfig.keyBindings ? 'default']
@zatanna.set 'liveCompletion', (aceConfig.liveCompletion ? false)
@zatanna?.set 'liveCompletion', (aceConfig.liveCompletion ? false)
onChangeLanguage: (e) ->
return unless @spell.canWrite()
@aceSession.setMode @editModes[e.language]
# @zatanna.set 'language', @editModes[e.language].substr('ace/mode/')
# @zatanna?.set 'language', @editModes[e.language].substr('ace/mode/')
wasDefault = @getSource() is @spell.originalSource
@spell.setLanguage e.language
@reloadCode true if wasDefault
@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ module.exports = class TomeView extends CocoView
spectateView: @options.spectateView
spectateOpponentCodeLanguage: @options.spectateOpponentCodeLanguage
levelID: @options.levelID
level: @options.level
for thangID, spellKeys of @thangSpells
thang = world.getThangByID thangID
Reference in a new issue