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synced 2025-03-14 07:00:01 -04:00
Update school counts page
Exclude HoC users via course instances Include teacher/students via trial requests without NCES data
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 250 additions and 65 deletions
@ -370,3 +370,103 @@ module.exports.findNextLevel = (levels, currentIndex, needsPractice) ->
module.exports.needsPractice = (playtime=0, threshold=2) ->
playtime / 60 > threshold
module.exports.usStateCodes =
# https://github.com/mdzhang/us-state-codes
# generated by js2coffee 2.2.0
stateNamesByCode =
'AL': 'Alabama'
'AK': 'Alaska'
'AZ': 'Arizona'
'AR': 'Arkansas'
'CA': 'California'
'CO': 'Colorado'
'CT': 'Connecticut'
'DE': 'Delaware'
'DC': 'District of Columbia'
'FL': 'Florida'
'GA': 'Georgia'
'HI': 'Hawaii'
'ID': 'Idaho'
'IL': 'Illinois'
'IN': 'Indiana'
'IA': 'Iowa'
'KS': 'Kansas'
'KY': 'Kentucky'
'LA': 'Louisiana'
'ME': 'Maine'
'MD': 'Maryland'
'MA': 'Massachusetts'
'MI': 'Michigan'
'MN': 'Minnesota'
'MS': 'Mississippi'
'MO': 'Missouri'
'MT': 'Montana'
'NE': 'Nebraska'
'NV': 'Nevada'
'NH': 'New Hampshire'
'NJ': 'New Jersey'
'NM': 'New Mexico'
'NY': 'New York'
'NC': 'North Carolina'
'ND': 'North Dakota'
'OH': 'Ohio'
'OK': 'Oklahoma'
'OR': 'Oregon'
'PA': 'Pennsylvania'
'RI': 'Rhode Island'
'SC': 'South Carolina'
'SD': 'South Dakota'
'TN': 'Tennessee'
'TX': 'Texas'
'UT': 'Utah'
'VT': 'Vermont'
'VA': 'Virginia'
'WA': 'Washington'
'WV': 'West Virginia'
'WI': 'Wisconsin'
'WY': 'Wyoming'
stateCodesByName = _.invert(stateNamesByCode)
# normalizes case and removes invalid characters
# returns null if can't find sanitized code in the state map
sanitizeStateCode = (code) ->
code = if _.isString(code) then code.trim().toUpperCase().replace(/[^A-Z]/g, '') else null
if stateNamesByCode[code] then code else null
# returns a valid state name else null
getStateNameByStateCode = (code) ->
stateNamesByCode[sanitizeStateCode(code)] or null
# normalizes case and removes invalid characters
# returns null if can't find sanitized name in the state map
sanitizeStateName = (name) ->
if !_.isString(name)
return null
# bad whitespace remains bad whitespace e.g. "O hi o" is not valid
name = name.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z\s]/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
tokens = name.split(/\s+/)
tokens = _.map(tokens, (token) ->
token.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + token.slice(1)
# account for District of Columbia
if tokens.length > 2
tokens[1] = tokens[1].toLowerCase()
name = tokens.join(' ')
if stateCodesByName[name] then name else null
# returns a valid state code else null
getStateCodeByStateName = (name) ->
stateCodesByName[sanitizeStateName(name)] or null
return {
sanitizeStateCode: sanitizeStateCode
getStateNameByStateCode: getStateNameByStateCode
sanitizeStateName: sanitizeStateName
getStateCodeByStateName: getStateCodeByStateName
@ -6,16 +6,30 @@ block content
if !me.isAdmin()
div You must be logged in as an admin to view this page.
else if !view.countryGraphs || !view.countryGraphs['USA']
h3 Loading...
p CodeCombat is now in #{view.totalSchools} schools with #{view.totalStudents} students [and #{view.totalTeachers} teachers] [in #{view.totalStates} states]
p Students not attached to NCES data: #{view.untriagedStudents}
div CodeCombat is now in #{view.countryGraphs['USA'].totalSchools} schools with #{view.countryGraphs['USA'].totalStudents} students [and #{view.countryGraphs['USA'].totalTeachers} teachers] [in #{view.countryGraphs['USA'].totalStates} states] in the USA
div Untriaged students: #{view.untriagedStudents}
div Untriaged teachers: #{view.untriagedTeachers}
.small Teacher: owns a classroom or has a teacher role
.small Student: member of a classroom or has schoolName set
.small States, Districts, Schools are from NCES
.small Student: member of a classroom or has schoolName set, not in HoC course instance
.small +3 USA states are GU, PR, DC
h2 State Counts
if view.stateCounts
a(href="#usaStates") USA States
a(href="#usaDistrictsByState") USA Districts by State
a(href="#countries") Countries
h2 USA States
if view.countryGraphs['USA'].stateCounts
th State
@ -23,7 +37,7 @@ block content
th Schools
th Teachers
th Students
each stateCount in view.stateCounts
each stateCount in view.countryGraphs['USA'].stateCounts
td= stateCount.state
td= stateCount.districts
@ -31,8 +45,9 @@ block content
td= stateCount.teachers
td= stateCount.students
h2 District Counts by State
if view.districtCounts
h2 USA Districts by State
if view.countryGraphs['USA'].districtCounts
th State
@ -40,10 +55,26 @@ block content
th Schools
th Teachers
th Students
each districtCount in view.districtCounts
each districtCount in view.countryGraphs['USA'].districtCounts
td= districtCount.state
td= districtCount.district
td= districtCount.schools
td= districtCount.teachers
td= districtCount.students
h2 Countries
if view.countryCounts
th Country
th Schools
th Teachers
th Students
each countryCount in view.countryCounts
td= countryCount.country
td= countryCount.schools
td= countryCount.teachers
td= countryCount.students
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
RootView = require 'views/core/RootView'
CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection'
Classroom = require 'models/Classroom'
CourseInstance = require 'models/CourseInstance'
TrialRequest = require 'models/TrialRequest'
User = require 'models/User'
utils = require 'core/utils'
# TODO: trim orphaned students: course instances != Single Player, hourOfCode != true
# TODO: match anonymous trial requests with real users via email
module.exports = class SchoolCountsView extends RootView
@ -15,6 +16,8 @@ module.exports = class SchoolCountsView extends RootView
return super() unless me.isAdmin()
@classrooms = new CocoCollection([], { url: "/db/classroom/-/users", model: Classroom })
@supermodel.loadCollection(@classrooms, 'classrooms', {cache: false})
@courseInstances = new CocoCollection([], { url: "/db/course_instance/-/non-hoc", model: CourseInstance})
@supermodel.loadCollection(@courseInstances, 'course-instances', {cache: false})
@students = new CocoCollection([], { url: "/db/user/-/students", model: User })
@supermodel.loadCollection(@students, 'students', {cache: false})
@teachers = new CocoCollection([], { url: "/db/user/-/teachers", model: User })
@ -30,41 +33,44 @@ module.exports = class SchoolCountsView extends RootView
teacherMap = {} # Used to make sure teachers and students only counted once
studentMap = {} # Used to make sure teachers and students only counted once
studentNonHocMap = {} # Used to exclude HoC users
teacherStudentMap = {} # Used to link students to their teacher locations
orphanedSchoolStudentMap = {} # Used to link student schoolName to teacher Nces data
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap = {} # Data graph
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), 'Processing classrooms...')
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "Processing #{@courseInstances.models.length} course instances...")
for courseInstance in @courseInstances.models
studentNonHocMap[courseInstance.get('ownerID')] = true
studentNonHocMap[studentID] = true for studentID in courseInstance.get('members') ? []
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "Processing #{@classrooms.models.length} classrooms...")
for classroom in @classrooms.models
teacherID = classroom.get('ownerID')
teacherMap[teacherID] ?= {}
teacherMap[teacherID] = true
teacherStudentMap[teacherID] ?= {}
for studentID in classroom.get('members')
continue unless studentNonHocMap[studentID]
studentMap[studentID] = true
teacherStudentMap[teacherID][studentID] = true
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), 'Processing teachers...')
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "Processing #{@teachers.models.length} teachers...")
for teacher in @teachers.models
teacherMap[teacher.id] ?= {}
delete studentMap[teacher.id]
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), 'Processing students...')
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "Processing #{@students.models.length} students...")
for student in @students.models when not teacherMap[student.id]
continue unless studentNonHocMap[student.id]
schoolName = student.get('schoolName')
studentMap[student.id] = true
orphanedSchoolStudentMap[schoolName] ?= {}
orphanedSchoolStudentMap[schoolName][student.id] = true
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), 'Processing trial requests...')
# TODO: this step is crazy slow
orphanSchoolsMatched = 0
orphanStudentsMatched = 0
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "Processing trial #{@trialRequests.models.length} requests...")
for trialRequest in @trialRequests.models
teacherID = trialRequest.get('applicant')
unless teacherMap[teacherID]
# E.g. parents
# console.log("Skipping non-teacher #{teacherID} trial request #{trialRequest.id}")
props = trialRequest.get('properties')
if props.nces_id and props.country and props.state
country = props.country
@ -78,27 +84,43 @@ module.exports = class SchoolCountsView extends RootView
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school].teachers[teacherID] = true
for studentID, val of teacherStudentMap[teacherID]
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school].students[studentID] = true
for orphanSchool, students of orphanedSchoolStudentMap
if school is orphanSchool or school.replace(/unified|elementary|high|district|#\d+|isd|unified district|school district/ig, '').trim() is orphanSchool.trim()
for studentID, val of students
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school].students[studentID] = true
delete orphanedSchoolStudentMap[school]
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), "#{orphanSchoolsMatched} orphanSchoolsMatched #{orphanStudentsMatched} orphanStudentsMatched")
else if not _.isEmpty(props.country)
country = props.country
country = country[0].toUpperCase() + country.substring(1).toLowerCase()
country = 'UK' if /uk|united kingdom|england/ig.test(country.trim())
country = 'USA' if /^u\.s\.?(\.a)?\.?$|^us$|america|united states|usa/ig.test(country.trim())
state = props.state ? 'unknown'
if country is 'USA'
stateName = utils.usStateCodes.sanitizeStateName(state)
state = utils.usStateCodes.getStateCodeByStateName(stateName) if stateName
state = utils.usStateCodes.sanitizeStateCode(state) ? state
district = 'unknown'
school = props.organiziation ? 'unknown'
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country] ?= {}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state] ?= {}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district] ?= {}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school] ?= {students: {}, teachers: {}}
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school].teachers[teacherID] = true
for studentID, val of teacherStudentMap[teacherID]
countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap[country][state][district][school].students[studentID] = true
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), 'Building graph...')
@totalSchools = 0
@totalStudents = 0
@totalTeachers = 0
@totalStates = 0
@stateCounts = []
stateCountsMap = {}
@districtCounts = []
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), 'Building country graphs...')
@countryGraphs = {}
@countryCounts = []
totalStudents = 0
totalTeachers = 0
for country, stateDistrictSchoolCountsMap of countryStateDistrictSchoolCountsMap
continue unless /usa/ig.test(country)
@countryGraphs[country] =
districtCounts: []
stateCounts: []
stateCountsMap: {}
totalSchools: 0
totalStates: 0
totalStudents: 0
totalTeachers: 0
for state, districtSchoolCountsMap of stateDistrictSchoolCountsMap
if utils.usStateCodes.sanitizeStateCode(state)? or ['GU', 'PR'].indexOf(state) >= 0
stateData = {state: state, districts: 0, schools: 0, students: 0, teachers: 0}
for district, schoolCountsMap of districtSchoolCountsMap
@ -106,39 +128,64 @@ module.exports = class SchoolCountsView extends RootView
for school, counts of schoolCountsMap
studentCount = Object.keys(counts.students).length
teacherCount = Object.keys(counts.teachers).length
@totalStudents += studentCount
@totalTeachers += teacherCount
@countryGraphs[country].totalStudents += studentCount
@countryGraphs[country].totalTeachers += teacherCount
stateData.students += studentCount
stateData.teachers += teacherCount
districtData.students += studentCount
districtData.teachers += teacherCount
stateCountsMap[state] = stateData
@untriagedStudents = Object.keys(studentMap).length - @totalStudents
@countryGraphs[country].stateCountsMap[state] = stateData
country: country
schools: @countryGraphs[country].totalSchools
students: @countryGraphs[country].totalStudents
teachers: @countryGraphs[country].totalTeachers
totalStudents += @countryGraphs[country].totalSchools
totalTeachers += @countryGraphs[country].totalTeachers
@untriagedStudents = Object.keys(studentMap).length - totalStudents
@untriagedTeachers = Object.keys(teacherMap).length - totalTeachers
@stateCounts.sort (a, b) ->
return -1 if a.students > b.students
return 1 if a.students < b.students
return -1 if a.teachers > b.teachers
return 1 if a.teachers < b.teachers
return -1 if a.districts > b.districts
return 1 if a.districts < b.districts
@districtCounts.sort (a, b) ->
if a.state isnt b.state
return -1 if stateCountsMap[a.state].students > stateCountsMap[b.state].students
return 1 if stateCountsMap[a.state].students < stateCountsMap[b.state].students
return -1 if stateCountsMap[a.state].teachers > stateCountsMap[b.state].teachers
return 1 if stateCountsMap[a.state].teachers < stateCountsMap[b.state].teachers
for country, graph of @countryGraphs
graph.stateCounts.sort (a, b) ->
return -1 if a.students > b.students
return 1 if a.students < b.students
return -1 if a.teachers > b.teachers
return 1 if a.teachers < b.teachers
return -1 if a.schools > b.schools
return 1 if a.schools < b.schools
return -1 if a.districts > b.districts
return 1 if a.districts < b.districts
graph.districtCounts.sort (a, b) ->
if a.state isnt b.state
return -1 if graph.stateCountsMap[a.state].students > graph.stateCountsMap[b.state].students
return 1 if graph.stateCountsMap[a.state].students < graph.stateCountsMap[b.state].students
return -1 if graph.stateCountsMap[a.state].teachers > graph.stateCountsMap[b.state].teachers
return 1 if graph.stateCountsMap[a.state].teachers < graph.stateCountsMap[b.state].teachers
return -1 if graph.stateCountsMap[a.state].schools > graph.stateCountsMap[b.state].schools
return 1 if graph.stateCountsMap[a.state].schools < graph.stateCountsMap[b.state].schools
return -1 if a.students > b.students
return 1 if a.students < b.students
return -1 if a.teachers > b.teachers
return 1 if a.teachers < b.teachers
return -1 if a.schools > b.schools
return 1 if a.schools < b.schools
@countryCounts.sort (a, b) ->
return -1 if a.students > b.students
return 1 if a.students < b.students
return -1 if a.teachers > b.teachers
return 1 if a.teachers < b.teachers
return -1 if a.schools > b.schools
return 1 if a.schools < b.schools
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), 'Done...')
@ -163,3 +163,9 @@ module.exports =
students: (user.toObject({req: req}) for user in users)
prepaids: (prepaid.toObject({req: req}) for prepaid in prepaids)
fetchNonHoc: wrap (req, res) ->
throw new errors.Unauthorized('You must be an administrator.') unless req.user?.isAdmin()
query = {$and: [{name: {$ne: 'Single Player'}}, {hourOfCode: {$ne: true}}]}
courseInstances = yield CourseInstance.find(query, { members: 1, ownerID: 1}).lean()
@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ module.exports.setup = (app) ->
app.get('/db/course/:handle', mw.rest.getByHandle(Course))
app.get('/db/course/:handle/levels/:levelOriginal/next', mw.courses.fetchNextLevel)
app.get('/db/course_instance/-/non-hoc', mw.auth.checkHasPermission(['admin']), mw.courseInstances.fetchNonHoc)
app.post('/db/course_instance/-/recent', mw.auth.checkHasPermission(['admin']), mw.courseInstances.fetchRecent)
app.get('/db/course_instance/:handle/levels/:levelOriginal/sessions/:sessionID/next', mw.courseInstances.fetchNextLevel)
app.post('/db/course_instance/:handle/members', mw.auth.checkLoggedIn(), mw.courseInstances.addMembers)
Reference in a new issue