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synced 2024-12-11 16:21:08 -05:00
Update campaign next level algorithm for practice levels
Don’t show not-started unlocked levels if previous incomplete practice level is available Yellow arrow points at adventurer levels too now Closes #3882
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 112 additions and 62 deletions
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ module.exports = class CampaignView extends RootView
context.levels = _.reject context.levels, slug: reject
if me.isOnFreeOnlyServer()
context.levels = _.reject context.levels, 'requiresSubscription'
@annotateLevel level for level in context.levels
count = @countLevels context.levels
context.levelsCompleted = count.completed
context.levelsTotal = count.total
@ -278,51 +278,55 @@ module.exports = class CampaignView extends RootView
return me.getCampaignAdsGroup() is 'leaderboard-ads'
annotateLevel: (level) ->
level.position ?= { x: 10, y: 10 }
level.locked = not me.ownsLevel level.original
level.locked = true if level.slug is 'kithgard-mastery' and @calculateExperienceScore() is 0
level.locked = false if @levelStatusMap[level.slug] in ['started', 'complete']
level.locked = false if @editorMode
level.locked = false if @campaign?.get('name') in ['Auditions', 'Intro']
level.locked = false if me.isInGodMode()
#level.locked = false if level.slug is 'robot-ragnarok'
level.disabled = true if level.adminOnly and @levelStatusMap[level.slug] not in ['started', 'complete']
level.disabled = false if me.isInGodMode()
level.color = 'rgb(255, 80, 60)'
if level.requiresSubscription
level.color = 'rgb(80, 130, 200)'
if level.adventurer
level.color = 'rgb(200, 80, 200)'
if unlocksHero = _.find(level.rewards, 'hero')?.hero
level.unlocksHero = unlocksHero
if level.unlocksHero
level.purchasedHero = level.unlocksHero in (me.get('purchased')?.heroes or [])
annotateLevels: (orderedLevels) ->
previousIncompletePracticeLevel = false # Lock owned levels if there's a earlier incomplete practice level to play
for level in orderedLevels
level.position ?= { x: 10, y: 10 }
level.locked = not me.ownsLevel(level.original) or previousIncompletePracticeLevel
level.locked = true if level.slug is 'kithgard-mastery' and @calculateExperienceScore() is 0
level.locked = false if @levelStatusMap[level.slug] in ['started', 'complete']
level.locked = false if @editorMode
level.locked = false if @campaign?.get('name') in ['Auditions', 'Intro']
level.locked = false if me.isInGodMode()
#level.locked = false if level.slug is 'robot-ragnarok'
level.disabled = true if level.adminOnly and @levelStatusMap[level.slug] not in ['started', 'complete']
level.disabled = false if me.isInGodMode()
level.color = 'rgb(255, 80, 60)'
level.color = 'rgb(80, 130, 200)' if level.requiresSubscription
level.color = 'rgb(200, 80, 200)' if level.adventurer
if unlocksHero = _.find(level.rewards, 'hero')?.hero
level.unlocksHero = unlocksHero
if level.unlocksHero
level.purchasedHero = level.unlocksHero in (me.get('purchased')?.heroes or [])
if window.serverConfig.picoCTF
if problem = _.find(@picoCTFProblems or [], pid: level.picoCTFProblem)
level.locked = false if problem.unlocked or level.slug is 'digital-graffiti'
#level.locked = false # Testing to see all levels
level.description = """
### #{problem.name}
#{level.description or problem.description}
if window.serverConfig.picoCTF
if problem = _.find(@picoCTFProblems or [], pid: level.picoCTFProblem)
level.locked = false if problem.unlocked or level.slug is 'digital-graffiti'
#level.locked = false # Testing to see all levels
level.description = """
### #{problem.name}
#{level.description or problem.description}
#{problem.category} - #{problem.score} points
level.color = 'rgb(80, 130, 200)' if problem.solved
#{problem.category} - #{problem.score} points
level.color = 'rgb(80, 130, 200)' if problem.solved
level.hidden = level.locked
if level.concepts?.length
level.displayConcepts = level.concepts
maxConcepts = 6
if level.displayConcepts.length > maxConcepts
level.displayConcepts = level.displayConcepts.slice -maxConcepts
if level.practice and not level.locked and @levelStatusMap[level.slug] isnt 'complete' and
(not level.requiresSubscription or level.adventurer or not @requiresSubscription)
previousIncompletePracticeLevel = true
level.hidden = level.locked
if level.concepts?.length
level.displayConcepts = level.concepts
maxConcepts = 6
if level.displayConcepts.length > maxConcepts
level.displayConcepts = level.displayConcepts.slice -maxConcepts
countLevels: (levels) ->
count = total: 0, completed: 0
for level, levelIndex in levels
@annotateLevel level unless level.locked? # Annotate if we haven't already.
continue if level.practice
@annotateLevels(levels) unless level.locked? # Annotate if we haven't already.
unless level.disabled
unlockedInSameCampaign = levelIndex < 5 # First few are always counted (probably unlocked in previous campaign)
for otherLevel in levels when not unlockedInSameCampaign and otherLevel isnt level
@ -336,34 +340,42 @@ module.exports = class CampaignView extends RootView
leaderboardModal = new LeaderboardModal supermodel: @supermodel, levelSlug: levelSlug
@openModalView leaderboardModal
determineNextLevel: (levels) ->
foundNext = false
determineNextLevel: (orderedLevels) ->
dontPointTo = ['lost-viking', 'kithgard-mastery'] # Challenge levels we don't want most players bashing heads against
subscriptionPrompts = [{slug: 'boom-and-bust', unless: 'defense-of-plainswood'}]
for level in levels
findNextLevel = (nextLevels, practiceOnly) =>
for nextLevelOriginal in nextLevels
nextLevel = _.find orderedLevels, original: nextLevelOriginal
continue if not nextLevel or nextLevel.locked
continue if practiceOnly and not nextLevel.practice
# If it's a challenge level, we efficiently determine whether we actually do want to point it out.
if nextLevel.slug is 'kithgard-mastery' and not @levelStatusMap[nextLevel.slug] and @calculateExperienceScore() >= 3
unless (timesPointedOut = storage.load("pointed-out-#{nextLevel.slug}") or 0) > 3
# We may determineNextLevel more than once per render, so we can't just do this once. But we do give up after a couple highlights.
dontPointTo = _.without dontPointTo, nextLevel.slug
storage.save "pointed-out-#{nextLevel.slug}", timesPointedOut + 1
# Should we point this level out?
if not nextLevel.disabled and @levelStatusMap[nextLevel.slug] isnt 'complete' and nextLevel.slug not in dontPointTo and
not nextLevel.replayable and (
me.isPremium() or not nextLevel.requiresSubscription or nextLevel.adventurer or
_.any(subscriptionPrompts, (prompt) => nextLevel.slug is prompt.slug and not @levelStatusMap[prompt.unless])
nextLevel.next = true
return true
foundNext = false
for level in orderedLevels
# Iterate through all levels in order and look to find the first unlocked one that meets all our criteria for being pointed out as the next level.
level.nextLevels = (reward.level for reward in level.rewards ? [] when reward.level)
unless foundNext
for nextLevelOriginal in level.nextLevels
nextLevel = _.find levels, original: nextLevelOriginal
break if foundNext = findNextLevel(level.nextLevels, true) # Check practice levels first
break if foundNext = findNextLevel(level.nextLevels, false)
# If it's a challenge level, we efficiently determine whether we actually do want to point it out.
if nextLevel and nextLevel.slug is 'kithgard-mastery' and not nextLevel.locked and not @levelStatusMap[nextLevel.slug] and @calculateExperienceScore() >= 3
unless (timesPointedOut = storage.load("pointed-out-#{nextLevel.slug}") or 0) > 3
# We may determineNextLevel more than once per render, so we can't just do this once. But we do give up after a couple highlights.
dontPointTo = _.without dontPointTo, nextLevel.slug
storage.save "pointed-out-#{nextLevel.slug}", timesPointedOut + 1
# Should we point this level out?
if nextLevel and not nextLevel.locked and not nextLevel.disabled and @levelStatusMap[nextLevel.slug] isnt 'complete' and nextLevel.slug not in dontPointTo and not nextLevel.replayable and (
me.isPremium() or not nextLevel.requiresSubscription or
_.any(subscriptionPrompts, (prompt) => nextLevel.slug is prompt.slug and not @levelStatusMap[prompt.unless])
nextLevel.next = true
foundNext = true
if not foundNext and levels[0] and not levels[0].locked and @levelStatusMap[levels[0].slug] isnt 'complete'
levels[0].next = true
if not foundNext and orderedLevels[0] and not orderedLevels[0].locked and @levelStatusMap[orderedLevels[0].slug] isnt 'complete'
orderedLevels[0].next = true
calculateExperienceScore: ->
adultPoint = me.get('ageRange') in ['18-24', '25-34', '35-44', '45-100'] # They have to have answered the poll for this, likely after Shadow Guard.
@ -411,6 +423,7 @@ module.exports = class CampaignView extends RootView
@particleMan.attach @$el.find('.map')
for level in @campaign.renderedLevels ? {}
continue if level.practice
terrain = @terrain.replace('-branching-test', '').replace(/(campaign-)?(game|web)-dev-\d/, 'forest').replace('intro', 'dungeon')
particleKey = ['level', terrain]
particleKey.push level.type if level.type and not (level.type in ['hero', 'course']) # Would use isType, but it's not a Level model
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
factories = require 'test/app/factories'
CampaignView = require 'views/play/CampaignView'
Levels = require 'collections/Levels'
describe 'CampaignView', ->
describe 'when 4 earned levels', ->
beforeEach ->
@campaignView = new CampaignView()
@campaignView.levelStatusMap = {}
levels = new Levels(_.times(4, -> factories.makeLevel()))
@campaignView.campaign = factories.makeCampaign({}, {levels})
@levels = (level.toJSON() for level in levels.models)
earned = me.get('earned') or {}
earned.levels ?= []
earned.levels.push(level.original) for level in @levels
me.set('earned', earned)
describe 'and 3rd one is practice', ->
beforeEach ->
@levels[2].practice = true
it 'hides next levels if there are practice levels to do', ->
describe 'and 2nd rewards a practice a non-practice level', ->
beforeEach ->
@campaignView.levelStatusMap[@levels[0].slug] = 'complete'
@campaignView.levelStatusMap[@levels[1].slug] = 'complete'
@levels[1].rewards = [{level: @levels[2].original}, {level: @levels[3].original}]
@levels[2].practice = true
it 'points at practice level first', ->
Reference in a new issue