diff --git a/app/assets/images/common/lang-nl/button-background-ideal-active-border.png b/app/assets/images/common/lang-nl/button-background-ideal-active-border.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b05443243
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/assets/images/common/lang-nl/button-background-ideal-active-border.png differ
diff --git a/app/assets/images/pages/play/modal/lang-nl/buy-gems-background-NL.png b/app/assets/images/pages/play/modal/lang-nl/buy-gems-background-NL.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a1a2576f9
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/assets/images/pages/play/modal/lang-nl/buy-gems-background-NL.png differ
diff --git a/app/styles/play/modal/lang-nl/buy-gems-modal-nl.sass b/app/styles/play/modal/lang-nl/buy-gems-modal-nl.sass
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b01b39cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/styles/play/modal/lang-nl/buy-gems-modal-nl.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+@import "app/styles/mixins"
+  //- Header
+  h1
+    position: absolute
+    left: 325px
+    top: -70px
+    margin: 0
+    width: 612px
+    text-align: center
+    color: rgb(254,188,68)
+    font-size: 38px
+    text-shadow: black 4px 4px 0, black -4px -4px 0, black 4px -4px 0, black -4px 4px 0, black 4px 0px 0, black 0px -4px 0, black -4px 0px 0, black 0px 4px 0
+  //- Clear modal defaults
+  .modal-dialog
+    margin: 150px auto 0 auto
+    padding: 0
+    width: 1300px
+    height: 460px
+    background: none
+  //- Background
+  #buy-gems-background
+    position: absolute
+    top: -157px
+    left: -2px
+  //- Close modal button
+  #close-modal
+    position: absolute
+    left: 1005px
+    top: -80px
+    width: 60px
+    height: 60px
+    color: white
+    text-align: center
+    font-size: 30px
+    padding-top: 15px
+    cursor: pointer
+    @include rotate(-3deg)
+    &:hover
+      color: yellow
+  //- Products
+  #products
+    position: absolute
+    left: 55px
+    top: 242px
+    width: 1300px
+    height: 140px
+    .product
+      width: 228px
+      height: 136px
+      float: left
+      text-align: center
+      margin-right: 12px
+      position: relative
+      h4
+        font-size: 20px
+        color: rgb(22,16,5)
+      h3
+        margin-top: 10px
+        text-transform: uppercase
+        color: rgb(22,16,5)
+      button
+        position: absolute
+        width: 80%
+        left: 10%
+        bottom: -30px
+      .btn-ideal
+        border-image: url(/images/common/lang-nl/button-background-ideal-active-border.png) 14 20 20 fill round
+        color: #f2f2f2
+      a
+        color: #f2f2f2
+        text-decoration: none
+  //- Errors
+  .alert
+    position: absolute
+    left: 10%
+    width: 80%
+    top: 20px
+    border: 5px solid gray
diff --git a/app/templates/play/modal/buy-gems-modal.jade b/app/templates/play/modal/buy-gems-modal.jade
index 261fa9e41..e5c603a28 100644
--- a/app/templates/play/modal/buy-gems-modal.jade
+++ b/app/templates/play/modal/buy-gems-modal.jade
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
-  .modal-content
+  .modal-content 
     if view.state === 'purchasing'
     else if view.state === 'retrying'
-      img(src="/images/pages/play/modal/buy-gems-background.png")#buy-gems-background
-      h1(data-i18n="play.buy_gems")
+      if (me.get('preferredLanguage',true) || 'en-US').split('-')[0] == 'nl'
+        img(src="/images/pages/play/modal/lang-nl/buy-gems-background-NL.png")#buy-gems-background)
+      else
+        img(src="/images/pages/play/modal/buy-gems-background.png")#buy-gems-background 
+      h1(data-i18n="play.buy_gems") 
         for product in view.products.models
@@ -19,6 +22,16 @@
               span= product.get('priceString')
+        if (me.get('preferredLanguage',true) || 'en-US').split('-')[0] == 'nl'
+          .product
+            h4.subscription-gem-amount x{{gems}} / mo
+            h3 
+              | 1, 3, 6 OF 12 
+              br
+              | MAANDEN
+            a(href="http://www.codecombat.nl/kopen", target="_blank")
+              button.btn.btn-ideal.btn-illustrated.btn-lg.btn-succes PREPAID CODES
           h4.subscription-gem-amount x{{gems}} / mo
diff --git a/app/views/play/modal/BuyGemsModal.coffee b/app/views/play/modal/BuyGemsModal.coffee
index 3ec531ee1..816715cce 100644
--- a/app/views/play/modal/BuyGemsModal.coffee
+++ b/app/views/play/modal/BuyGemsModal.coffee
@@ -6,7 +6,11 @@ SubscribeModal = require 'views/core/SubscribeModal'
 Products = require 'collections/Products'
 module.exports = class BuyGemsModal extends ModalView
-  id: 'buy-gems-modal'
+  id: 
+    if (me.get('preferredLanguage',true) || 'en-US').split('-')[0] == 'nl'
+      'buy-gems-modal-nl'
+    else
+      'buy-gems-modal'
   template: template
   plain: true