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synced 2025-03-14 07:00:01 -04:00
Updates to require/restrict level logic.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 81 additions and 64 deletions
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ elementAcceptsKeystrokes = (el) ->
# not radio, checkbox, range, or color
return (tag is 'textarea' or (tag is 'input' and type in textInputTypes) or el.contentEditable in ['', 'true']) and not (el.readOnly or el.disabled)
COMMON_FILES = ['/images/pages/base/modal_background.png', '/images/level/popover_background.png'] #'/images/level/code_palette_wood_background.png', , '/images/level/code_editor_background.png'
COMMON_FILES = ['/images/pages/base/modal_background.png', '/images/level/popover_background.png', '/images/level/code_palette_wood_background.png', '/images/level/code_editor_background_border.png']
preload = (arrayOfImages) ->
$(arrayOfImages).each ->
$('<img/>')[0].src = @
@ -186,6 +186,9 @@ $gameControlMargin: 30px
z-index: 2
display: none
display: none
position: absolute
@ -93,16 +93,30 @@ module.exports = class InventoryModal extends ModalView
locked = not (item.get('original') in me.items())
#locked = false if me.get('slug') is 'nick'
required = item.get('original') in _.flatten(_.values(@options.level.get('requiredGear') ? {}))
restricted = item.get('original') in _.flatten(_.values(@options.level.get('restrictedGear') ? {}))
allRestrictedGear = _.flatten(_.values(@options.level.get('restrictedGear') ? {}))
restricted = item.get('original') in allRestrictedGear
# TODO: make this re-use result of computation of updateLevelRequiredItems, which we can only do after heroClass is ready...
requiredToPurchase = false
if requiredGear = @options.level.get('requiredGear')
inCampaignView = $('#campaign-view').length
unless gearSlugs[item.get('original')] is 'tarnished-bronze-breastplate' and inCampaignView and @options.level.get('slug') is 'the-raised-sword'
for slot in item.getAllowedSlots()
continue unless requiredItems = requiredGear[slot]
continue if @equipment[slot] and @equipment[slot] not in allRestrictedGear
# Point out that they must buy it if they haven't bought any of the required items for that slot, and it's the first one.
if item.get('original') is requiredItems[0] and not _.find(requiredItems, (requiredItem) -> me.ownsItem requiredItem)
requiredToPurchase = true
placeholder = not item.getFrontFacingStats().props.length and not _.size(item.getFrontFacingStats().stats)
if placeholder and locked # The item is not complete, so don't put it into a collection.
else if locked and required
else if locked and requiredToPurchase
item.classes.push 'locked'
@itemGroups.requiredPurchaseItems.add item
else if locked and item.get('slug') isnt 'simple-boots'
else if locked
item.classes.push 'locked'
if item.isSilhouettedItem() or not item.get('gems')
# Don't even load/show these--don't add to a collection. (Bandwidth optimization.)
@ -363,66 +377,66 @@ module.exports = class InventoryModal extends ModalView
requireLevelEquipment: ->
# This is temporary, until we have a more general way of awarding items and configuring required/restricted items per level.
requiredGear = @options.level.get('requiredGear') ? {}
restrictedGear = @options.level.get('restrictedGear') ? {}
if @inserted
if @supermodel.finished()
equipment = @getCurrentEquipmentConfig() # Make sure @equipment is updated
equipment = @equipment
hadRequired = @remainingRequiredEquipment?.length
@remainingRequiredEquipment = []
inWorldMap = $('#world-map-view').length
if @supermodel.finished() and heroClass = @selectedHero?.get('heroClass')
for slot, item of _.clone equipment
itemModel = @items.findWhere original: item
unless itemModel and heroClass in itemModel.classes
console.log 'Unequipping', itemModel.get('heroClass'), 'item', itemModel.get('name'), 'from slot due to class restrictions.'
@unequipItemFromSlot @$el.find(".item-slot[data-slot='#{slot}']")
delete equipment[slot]
for slot, items of restrictedGear
items = [items] if _.isString items
for item in items
item = gear[item] unless item.length is 24 # Temp: until migration to DB data is done
equipped = equipment[slot]
if equipped and equipped is item
console.log 'Unequipping restricted item', equipped, 'for', slot, 'before level', @options.level.get('slug')
@unequipItemFromSlot @$el.find(".item-slot[data-slot='#{slot}']")
delete equipment[slot]
for slot, items of requiredGear
items = [items] if _.isString items # Temp: until migration to arrays is done
item = items[0] # TODO: look for the last one that they own, or the first one if they don't own any.
# TODO: require them to have one of the given items, not just either the item or anything except all these exceptions.
slug = gearSlugs[item]
if item.length isnt 24 # Temp: until migration to DB data is done
[item, slug] = [gear[item], item]
#console.log 'requiring', item, slug, 'for', slot, 'and have', equipment[slot]
if (slot in ['right-hand', 'left-hand', 'head', 'torso']) and not (heroClass is 'Warrior' or
(heroClass is 'Ranger' and @options.level.get('slug') in ['swift-dagger', 'shrapnel']) or
(heroClass is 'Wizard' and @options.level.get('slug') in ['touch-of-death', 'bonemender'])) and not (slug in ['crude-builders-hammer', 'wooden-builders-hammer'])
# After they switch to a ranger or wizard, we stop being so finicky about class-specific gear.
continue if slug is 'tarnished-bronze-breastplate' and inWorldMap and @options.level.get('slug') is 'the-raised-sword' # Don't tell them they need it until they need it in the level
# This is called frequently to make sure the player isn't using any restricted items and knows she must equip any required items.
return unless @inserted
equipment = if @supermodel.finished() then @getCurrentEquipmentConfig() else @equipment # Make sure we're using latest equipment.
hadRequired = @remainingRequiredEquipment?.length
@remainingRequiredEquipment = []
@unequipClassRestrictedItems equipment
@unequipLevelRestrictedItems equipment
@updateLevelRequiredItems equipment
if hadRequired and not @remainingRequiredEquipment.length
@highlightElement '#play-level-button', duration: 5000
$('#play-level-button').prop('disabled', @remainingRequiredEquipment.length > 0)
unequipClassRestrictedItems: (equipment) ->
return unless @supermodel.finished() and heroClass = @selectedHero?.get 'heroClass'
for slot, item of _.clone equipment
itemModel = @items.findWhere original: item
unless itemModel and heroClass in itemModel.classes
console.log 'Unequipping', itemModel.get('heroClass'), 'item', itemModel.get('name'), 'from slot due to class restrictions.'
@unequipItemFromSlot @$el.find(".item-slot[data-slot='#{slot}']")
delete equipment[slot]
unequipLevelRestrictedItems: (equipment) ->
return unless restrictedGear = @options.level.get 'restrictedGear'
for slot, items of restrictedGear
for item in items
equipped = equipment[slot]
continue if equipped and not (
(slug is 'crude-builders-hammer' and equipped in [gear['simple-sword'], gear['long-sword'], gear['sharpened-sword'], gear['roughedge']]) or
(slug in ['simple-sword', 'long-sword', 'roughedge', 'sharpened-sword'] and equipped is gear['crude-builders-hammer']) or
(slug is 'leather-boots' and equipped is gear['simple-boots']) or
(slug is 'simple-boots' and equipped is gear['leather-boots'])
itemModel = @items.findWhere {slug: slug}
continue unless itemModel
availableSlotSelector = "#unequipped .item[data-item-id='#{itemModel.id}']"
@highlightElement availableSlotSelector, delay: 500, sides: ['right'], rotation: Math.PI / 2
@$el.find(availableSlotSelector).addClass 'should-equip'
@$el.find("#equipped div[data-slot='#{slot}']").addClass 'should-equip'
@remainingRequiredEquipment.push slot: slot, item: item
if hadRequired and not @remainingRequiredEquipment.length
@highlightElement '#play-level-button', duration: 5000
$('#play-level-button').prop('disabled', @remainingRequiredEquipment.length > 0)
if equipped and equipped is item
console.log 'Unequipping restricted item', equipped, 'for', slot, 'before level', @options.level.get('slug')
@unequipItemFromSlot @$el.find(".item-slot[data-slot='#{slot}']")
delete equipment[slot]
updateLevelRequiredItems: (equipment) ->
return unless requiredGear = @options.level.get 'requiredGear'
return unless heroClass = @selectedHero?.get 'heroClass'
for slot, items of requiredGear when items.length
equipped = equipment[slot]
continue if equipped in items
continue if equipped # Actually, just let them play if they have equipped anything in that slot (and we haven't unequipped it due to restrictions).
items = (item for item in items when heroClass in (@items.findWhere(original: item)?.classes ? []))
continue unless items.length # If the required items are for another class, then let's not be finicky.
# We will point out the last (best) element that they own and can use, otherwise the first (cheapest).
bestOwnedItem = _.findLast items, (item) -> me.ownsItem item
item = bestOwnedItem ? items[0]
# For the Tarnished Bronze Breastplate only, don't tell them they need it until they need it in the level, so we can show how to buy it.
slug = gearSlugs[item]
inCampaignView = $('#campaign-view').length
continue if slug is 'tarnished-bronze-breastplate' and inCampaignView and @options.level.get('slug') is 'the-raised-sword'
# Now we're definitely requiring and pointing out an item.
itemModel = @items.findWhere {original: item}
availableSlotSelector = "#unequipped .item[data-item-id='#{itemModel.id}']"
@highlightElement availableSlotSelector, delay: 500, sides: ['right'], rotation: Math.PI / 2
@$el.find(availableSlotSelector).addClass 'should-equip'
@$el.find("#equipped div[data-slot='#{slot}']").addClass 'should-equip'
@remainingRequiredEquipment.push slot: slot, item: item
setHero: (@selectedHero) ->
if @selectedHero.loading
Reference in a new issue