mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 22:49:51 -04:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 182 additions and 145 deletions
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "čeština", englishDescription: "Czech", tr
title: "Pomozte přeložit CodeCombat!"
sub_heading: "Potřebujeme vaše dovednosti."
pitch_body: "Vyvíjíme CodeCombat v angličtině, ale máme spoustu hráčů z celého světa. Mnozí z nich by hráli v češtině, protože neumí anglicky, takže pokud anglicky umíte, přihlaště se prosím jako Diplomata pomozte v překladu webu i jednotlivých úrovní."
pitch_body: "Vyvíjíme CodeCombat v angličtině, ale máme spoustu hráčů z celého světa. Mnozí z nich by si rádi zahráli česky, neboť anglicky neumí, takže pokud anglicky umíte, přihlašte se prosím jako Diplomat a pomozte nám v překladu webu i jednotlivých úrovní."
missing_translations: "Dokud nebude vše přeloženo, bude se vám na zatím nepřeložených místech zobrazovat text anglicky."
learn_more: "Dozvědět se více o Diplomatech"
subscribe_as_diplomat: "Přihlásit se jako Diplomat"
@ -149,112 +149,111 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "čeština", englishDescription: "Czech", tr
gravatar_accounts: "Jak zobrazeno na"
gravatar_profile_link: "Účet Gravatar"
# play_level:
# level_load_error: "Level could not be loaded."
# done: "Done"
# grid: "Grid"
# customize_wizard: "Customize Wizard"
# home: "Home"
# guide: "Guide"
# multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
# restart: "Restart"
# goals: "Goals"
# action_timeline: "Action Timeline"
# click_to_select: "Click on a unit to select it."
# reload_title: "Reload All Code?"
# reload_really: "Are you sure you want to reload this level back to the beginning?"
# reload_confirm: "Reload All"
# victory_title_prefix: ""
# victory_title_suffix: " Complete"
# victory_sign_up: "Sign Up to Save Progress"
# victory_sign_up_poke: "Want to save your code? Create a free account!"
# victory_rate_the_level: "Rate the level: "
# victory_play_next_level: "Play Next Level"
# victory_go_home: "Go Home"
# victory_review: "Tell us more!"
# victory_hour_of_code_done: "Are You Done?"
# victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Yes, I'm finished with my Hour of Code!"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Settings"
# multiplayer_link_description: "Give this link to anyone to have them join you."
# multiplayer_hint_label: "Hint:"
# multiplayer_hint: " Click the link to select all, then press ⌘-C or Ctrl-C to copy the link."
# multiplayer_coming_soon: "More multiplayer features to come!"
# guide_title: "Guide"
# tome_minion_spells: "Your Minions' Spells"
# tome_read_only_spells: "Read-Only Spells"
# tome_other_units: "Other Units"
# tome_cast_button_castable: "Cast"
# tome_cast_button_casting: "Casting"
# tome_cast_button_cast: "Spell Cast"
# tome_autocast_delay: "Autocast Delay"
# tome_select_spell: "Select a Spell"
# tome_select_a_thang: "Select Someone for "
# tome_available_spells: "Available Spells"
# hud_continue: "Continue (press shift-space)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
level_load_error: "Úroveň se nepodařilo otevřít."
done: "Hotovo"
grid: "Mřížka"
customize_wizard: "Upravit Kouzelníka"
home: "Domů"
guide: "Průvodce"
multiplayer: "Multiplayer"
restart: "Restartovat"
goals: "Cíl"
action_timeline: "Časová osa"
click_to_select: "Vyberte kliknutím."
reload_title: "Znovunačíst veškerý kód?"
reload_really: "Opravdu chcete resetovt tuto úroveň do počátečního stavu?"
reload_confirm: "Znovunačíst vše"
victory_title_prefix: ""
victory_title_suffix: " Hotovo"
victory_sign_up: "Přihlásit se pro uložení postupu"
victory_sign_up_poke: "Chcete uložit váš kód? Vytvořte si účet zdarma!"
victory_rate_the_level: "Ohodnoťte tuto úroveň: "
victory_play_next_level: "Hrát další úroveň"
victory_go_home: "Přejít domů"
victory_review: "Připomínky!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "Skončili jste?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "Ano, pro dnešek jsem skončil!"
multiplayer_title: "Nastavení Multiplayeru"
multiplayer_link_description: "Sdílejte tento odkaz s lidmi, kteří se k vám mohou přídat ve hře."
multiplayer_hint_label: "Tip:"
multiplayer_hint: " Klikněte na odkaz pro jeho výběr, poté stiskněte ⌘-C nebo Ctrl-C pro kopírování odkazu."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "Další vlastnosti multiplayeru jsou na cestě!"
guide_title: "Průvodce"
tome_minion_spells: "Vaše oblíbená kouzla"
tome_read_only_spells: "Kouzla jen pro čtení"
tome_other_units: "Ostatní jednotky"
tome_cast_button_castable: "Spustit"
tome_cast_button_casting: "Spouštění"
tome_cast_button_cast: "Spustit Kouzlo"
tome_autocast_delay: "Prodleva Autospouštení"
tome_select_spell: "Zvolte Kouzlo"
tome_select_a_thang: "Zvolte někoho pro "
tome_available_spells: "Dostupná kouzla"
hud_continue: "Pokračovat (stiskněte shift-mezera)"
spell_saved: "Kouzlo uloženo"
# admin:
# av_title: "Admin Views"
# av_entities_sub_title: "Entities"
# av_entities_users_url: "Users"
# av_entities_active_instances_url: "Active Instances"
# av_other_sub_title: "Other"
# av_other_debug_base_url: "Base (for debugging base.jade)"
# u_title: "User List"
# lg_title: "Latest Games"
av_title: "Administrátorský pohled"
av_entities_sub_title: "Entity"
av_entities_users_url: "Uživatelé"
av_entities_active_instances_url: "Aktivní instance"
av_other_sub_title: "Ostatní"
av_other_debug_base_url: "Base (pro debugování base.jade)"
u_title: "Seznam uživatelů"
lg_title: "Poslední hry"
# editor:
# main_title: "CodeCombat Editors"
# main_description: "Build your own levels, campaigns, units and educational content. We provide all the tools you need!"
# article_title: "Article Editor"
# article_description: "Write articles that give players overviews of programming concepts which can be used across a variety of levels and campaigns."
# thang_title: "Thang Editor"
# thang_description: "Build units, defining their default logic, graphics and audio. Currently only supports importing Flash exported vector graphics."
# level_title: "Level Editor"
# level_description: "Includes the tools for scripting, uploading audio, and constructing custom logic to create all sorts of levels. Everything we use ourselves!"
# security_notice: "Many major features in these editors are not currently enabled by default. As we improve the security of these systems, they will be made generally available. If you'd like to use these features sooner, "
# contact_us: "contact us!"
# hipchat_prefix: "You can also find us in our"
# hipchat_url: "HipChat room."
# level_some_options: "Some Options?"
# level_tab_thangs: "Thangs"
# level_tab_scripts: "Scripts"
# level_tab_settings: "Settings"
# level_tab_components: "Components"
# level_tab_systems: "Systems"
# level_tab_thangs_title: "Current Thangs"
# level_tab_thangs_conditions: "Starting Conditions"
# level_tab_thangs_add: "Add Thangs"
# level_settings_title: "Settings"
# level_component_tab_title: "Current Components"
# level_component_btn_new: "Create New Component"
# level_systems_tab_title: "Current Systems"
# level_systems_btn_new: "Create New System"
# level_systems_btn_add: "Add System"
# level_components_title: "Back to All Thangs"
# level_components_type: "Type"
# level_component_edit_title: "Edit Component"
# level_system_edit_title: "Edit System"
# create_system_title: "Create New System"
# new_component_title: "Create New Component"
# new_component_field_system: "System"
main_title: "Editory CodeCombatu"
main_description: "Vytvořte vlastní úrovně, campaně, jednotky a vzdělávací obsah. My vám poskytujeme všechny potřebné nástroje!"
article_title: "Editor článků"
article_description: "Napište články, které objasní hráčům koncepty programování využitelné v úrovních a kampaních."
thang_title: "Editor Thangů - objektů"
thang_description: "Vytvořte jednotky, definujte jejich logiku, vlastnosti, grafiku a zvuk. Momentálně jsou podporovány pouze importy vektorové grafiky exportované z Flashe."
level_title: "Editor úrovní"
level_description: "Zahrnuje pomůcky pro skriptování, nahrávání audia a tvorbu vlastní logiky pro vytvoření vlastních úrovní. Obsahuje vše, čeho využíváme k tvorbě úrovní my!"
security_notice: "Velké množství důležitých funkcí těchto editorů je standardně vypnuto. Jak postupem času vylepšujeme bezečnost celého systému, jsou tyto funkce uvolňovány k veřejnému použití. Potřebujete-li některé funkce dříve, "
contact_us: "kontaktujte nás!"
hipchat_prefix: "Můžete nás také najít v naší"
hipchat_url: "HipChat diskusní místnosti."
level_some_options: "Volby?"
level_tab_thangs: "Thangy"
level_tab_scripts: "Scripty"
level_tab_settings: "Nastavení"
level_tab_components: "Komponenty"
level_tab_systems: "Systémy"
level_tab_thangs_title: "Současné Thangy"
level_tab_thangs_conditions: "Výchozí prostředí"
level_tab_thangs_add: "Přidat Thangy"
level_settings_title: "Nastavení"
level_component_tab_title: "Současné komponenty"
level_component_btn_new: "Vytvořit novou komponentu"
level_systems_tab_title: "Současné systémy"
level_systems_btn_new: "Vytvořit nový systém"
level_systems_btn_add: "Přidat systém"
level_components_title: "Zpět na všechny Thangy"
level_components_type: "Druh"
level_component_edit_title: "Editovat komponentu"
level_system_edit_title: "Editovat systém"
create_system_title: "Vytvořit nový systém"
new_component_title: "Vytvořit novou komponentu"
new_component_field_system: "Systém"
edit_btn_preview: "Náhled"
edit_article_title: "Editovat článek"
# article:
# edit_btn_preview: "Preview"
# edit_article_title: "Edit Article"
# general:
# and: "and"
# name: "Name"
# body: "Body"
# version: "Version"
# commit_msg: "Commit Message"
# version_history_for: "Version History for: "
# results: "Results"
# description: "Description"
# or: "or"
# email: "Email"
# message: "Message"
and: "a"
name: "Jméno"
body: "Tělo"
version: "Verze"
commit_msg: "Popisek ukládání"
version_history_for: "Verze historie pro: "
results: "Výsledky"
description: "Popis"
or: "nebo"
email: "Email"
message: "Zpráva"
# about:
# who_is_codecombat: "Who is CodeCombat?"
@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
save_version_title: "Neue Version speichern"
new_major_version: "Neue Hauptversion"
# cla_prefix: "Damit Änderungen gespeichert werden können, musst du unsere ... akzeptieren " # To save changes, first you must agree to our" ...
# cla_url: "CLA" ? What is this?
cla_suffix: "."
cla_agree: "Ich akzeptiere" # die Bestimmungen / I agree the rules
cla_prefix: "Damit Änderungen gespeichert werden können, musst du unsere Lizenzbedingungen (" # To save changes, first you must agree to our ...
cla_url: "CLA" # ? CLA: What is this? -> CodeCombat Individual Contributor License Agreement
cla_suffix: ") akzeptieren."
cla_agree: "Ich stimme zu" # die Bestimmungen / I agree the rules
sign_up: "Registrieren"
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
choose_your_level: "Wähle dein Level"
adventurer_prefix: "Du kannst zu jedem Level springen oder diskutiere die Level "
adventurer_forum: "im Abenteurerforum"
# adventurer_suffix: "."
adventurer_suffix: "."
campaign_beginner: "Anfängerkampagne"
campaign_beginner_description: "... in der Du die Zauberei der Programmierung lernst."
campaign_dev: "Beliebiges schwierigeres Level"
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
contribute_prefix: "Wenn Du Interesse hast, uns zu unterstützen dann sieh dir die "
contribute_page: "Unterstützer Seite"
contribute_suffix: " an!"
forum_prefix: "Für alle öffentlichen Themen, benutze "
forum_prefix: "Für alle öffentlichen Themen, benutze stattdessen "
forum_page: "unser Forum"
forum_suffix: " stattdessen."
forum_suffix: "."
send: "Sende Feedback"
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
title: "Zauberer Einstellungen"
customize_avatar: "Individualisiere dein Avatar"
customize_avatar: "Individualisiere deinen Avatar"
title: "Accounteinstellungen"
@ -115,16 +115,15 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
password_tab: "Passwort"
emails_tab: "Emails"
gravatar_select: "Wähle ein Gravatar Bild aus"
gravatar_add_photos: "Füge Vorschaubilder und Fotos zu Deinem Gravatar Account (für Deine Email) hinzu um ein Bild auswählen zu können"
gravatar_add_photos: "Füge Vorschaubilder und Fotos zu Deinem Gravatar Account (für Deine Email) hinzu, um ein Bild auswählen zu können"
gravatar_add_more_photos: "Füge mehr Fotos bei deinem Gravatar Account hinzu, um hier mehr Bilder wählen zu können"
wizard_color: "Die Farbe der Kleidung des Zauberers"
new_password: "Neues Passwort"
new_password_verify: "Passwort verifizieren"
email_subscriptions: "Email Abonnements"
email_announcements: "Ankündigungen"
# email_notifications_description: "Get periodic notifications for your account."
email_announcements_description: "Bekomme die aktuellesten Nachrichten und Entwicklungen bei CodeCombat."
contributor_emails: "Untersützer Emails"
email_announcements_description: "Erhalte regelmäßig Mitteilungen für deinen Account."
contributor_emails: "Unterstützer Email"
contribute_prefix: "Wir suchen nach Leuten, die mitmachen! Schau dir die"
contribute_page: "Unterstützer Seite"
contribute_suffix: " an um mehr zu erfahren."
@ -191,7 +190,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
tome_select_a_thang: "Wähle jemanden aus, um "
tome_available_spells: "Verfügbare Zauber"
hud_continue: "Weiter (drücke Shift + Leertaste)"
# spell_saved: "Spell Saved"
spell_saved: "Zauber gespeichert"
av_title: "Administrator Übersicht"
@ -217,7 +216,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
hipchat_prefix: "Besuche uns auch in unserem"
hipchat_url: "HipChat room."
level_some_options: "Einige Einstellungsmöglichkeiten?"
# level_tab_thangs: "Thangs" # Things?
# level_tab_thangs: "Thangs" # Things? # <= no Thangs are the components of the level. Check the editor if you're not sure what it is.
level_tab_scripts: "Skripte"
level_tab_settings: "Einstellungen"
level_tab_components: "Komponenten"
@ -249,7 +248,7 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
body: "Inhalt"
version: "Version"
commit_msg: "Commit Nachricht"
# version_history_for: "Version History for: "
version_history_for: "Versionsgeschichte für: "
results: "Ergebnisse"
description: "Beschreibung"
email: "Email"
@ -278,32 +277,32 @@ module.exports = nativeDescription: "Deutsch", englishDescription: "German", tra
# jeremy_description: "Customer support mage, usability tester, and community organizer; you've probably already spoken with Jeremy."
# michael_description: "Programmer, sys-admin, and undergrad technical wunderkind, Michael is the person keeping our servers online."
# legal:
# page_title: "Legal"
# opensource_intro: "CodeCombat is free to play and completely open source."
# opensource_description_prefix: "Check out "
# github_url: "our GitHub"
# opensource_description_center: "and help out if you like! CodeCombat is built on dozens of open source projects, and we love them. See "
# archmage_wiki_url: "our Archmage wiki"
# opensource_description_suffix: "for a list of the software that makes this game possible."
# practices_title: "Respectful Best Practices"
# practices_description: "These are our promises to you, the player, in slightly less legalese."
# privacy_title: "Privacy"
# privacy_description: "We will not sell any of your personal information. We intend to make money through recruitment eventually, but rest assured we will not distribute your personal information to interested companies without your explicit consent."
# security_title: "Security"
# security_description: "We strive to keep your personal information safe. As an open source project, our site is freely open to anyone to review and improve our security systems."
# email_title: "Email"
# email_description_prefix: "We will not inundate you with spam. Through"
# email_settings_url: "your email settings"
# email_description_suffix: "or through links in the emails we send, you can change your preferences and easily unsubscribe at any time."
# cost_title: "Cost"
# cost_description: "Currently, CodeCombat is 100% free! One of our main goals is to keep it that way, so that as many people can play as possible, regardless of place in life. If the sky darkens, we might have to charge subscriptions or for some content, but we'd rather not. With any luck, we'll be able to sustain the company with:"
# recruitment_title: "Recruitment"
# recruitment_description_prefix: "Here on CodeCombat, you're going to become a powerful wizard–not just in the game, but also in real life."
# url_hire_programmers: "No one can hire programmers fast enough"
# recruitment_description_suffix: "so once you've sharpened your skills and if you agree, we will demo your best coding accomplishments to the thousands of employers who are drooling for the chance to hire you. They pay us a little, they pay you"
# recruitment_description_italic: "a lot"
# recruitment_description_ending: "the site remains free and everybody's happy. That's the plan."
page_title: "Rechtliches"
opensource_intro: "CodeCombat ist Free-to-Play und vollständig Open Source."
opensource_description_prefix: "Schau dir "
github_url: "unsere GitHub-Seite"
opensource_description_center: " an und mach mit wenn Du möchtest! CodeCombat baut auf duzenden Open Source Projekten auf, und wir lieben sie. Schau dir die Liste in "
archmage_wiki_url: "unserem Erzmagier-Wiki"
opensource_description_suffix: " an, welche Software dieses Spiel möglich macht."
practices_title: "Best Practices"
practices_description: "Dies sind unsere Versprechen an dich, den Spieler, in weniger Fachchinesisch."
privacy_title: "Datenschutz"
privacy_description: "Wir werden deine persönlichen Daten nicht verkaufen. Letztenendes beabsichtigen wir, durch Vermittlung von Jobs zu verdienen, aber sei versichert, dass wir nicht deine persönlichen Daten ohne deine ausdrückliche Einwilligung interessierten Firmen zur Verfügung stellen werden."
security_title: "Datensicherheit"
security_description: "Wir streben an, deine persönlichen Daten sicher zu verwahren. Als Open Source Projekt ist unsere Site frei zugänglich für jedermann, auch um unsere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in Augenschein zu nehmen und zu verbessern."
email_title: "Email"
email_description_prefix: "Wir werden dich nicht mit Spam überschwemmen. Mittels"
email_settings_url: "deiner Emaileinstellungen"
email_description_suffix: "oder durch von uns gesendete Links kannst du jederzeit deine Einstellungen ändern und Abonnements kündigen."
cost_title: "Kosten"
cost_description: "CodeCombat ist zur Zeit 100% kostenlos! Eines unserer Hauptziele ist, es dabei zu belassen, so dass es so viele Leute wie möglich spielen können, unabhängig davon in welcher Lebenssituation sie sich befinden. Falls dunkle Wolken aufziehen, könnten wir manche Inhalte im Rahmen eines Abonnements anbieten, aber lieber nicht. Mit etwas Glück können wir die Firma erhalten durch:"
recruitment_title: "Recruiting"
recruitment_description_prefix: "Hier bei CodeCombat kannst du ein mächtiger Zauberer werden, nicht nur Spiel, sondern auch in der Realität."
url_hire_programmers: "Niemand kann schnell genug Programmierer einstellen."
recruitment_description_suffix: "So wenn du deine Fähigkeiten entwickelt hast und zustimmst, werden wir deine besten Leistungen den tausenden Arbeitgebern demonstrieren, welche nur auf die Gelegentheit warten, dich einzustellen. Sie bezahlen uns ein bisschen, und sie bezahlen dir "
recruitment_description_italic: "jede Menge"
recruitment_description_ending: ", die Seite bleibt kostenlos und jeder ist glücklich. So der Plan."
# copyrights_title: "Copyrights and Licenses"
# contributor_title: "Contributor License Agreement"
# contributor_description_prefix: "All contributions, both on the site and on our GitHub repository, are subject to our"
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
$mongoDbPath = "C:\MongoDB"
$mongoDbConfigPath = "$mongoDbPath\mongod.cfg"
$url = "http://downloads.mongodb.org/win32/mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-2.4.9.zip"
$zipFile = "$mongoDbPath\mongo.zip"
$unzippedFolderContent ="$mongoDbPath\mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-2.4.9"
if ((Test-Path -path $mongoDbPath) -eq $True)
write-host "Seems you already installed MongoDB"
md $mongoDbPath
md "$mongoDbPath\log"
md "$mongoDbPath\data"
md "$mongoDbPath\data\db"
[System.IO.File]::AppendAllText("$mongoDbConfigPath", "dbpath=C:\MongoDB\data\db`r`n")
[System.IO.File]::AppendAllText("$mongoDbConfigPath", "logpath=C:\MongoDB\log\mongo.log`r`n")
[System.IO.File]::AppendAllText("$mongoDbConfigPath", "smallfiles=true`r`n")
[System.IO.File]::AppendAllText("$mongoDbConfigPath", "noprealloc=true`r`n")
$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$shellApp = New-Object -com shell.application
$destination = $shellApp.namespace($mongoDbPath)
Copy-Item "$unzippedFolderContent\*" $mongoDbPath -recurse
Remove-Item $unzippedFolderContent -recurse -force
Remove-Item $zipFile -recurse -force
& $mongoDBPath\bin\mongod.exe --config $mongoDbConfigPath --install
& net start mongodb
Reference in a new issue