mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 10:55:19 -04:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 39 additions and 27 deletions
@ -14,30 +14,33 @@ block content
span Play
span= team.name
th(colspan=3, style="color: #{team.primaryColor}")
span= team.name
span Leaderboard
th Score
th Name
for session in team.leaderboard.topPlayers.models
- var myRow = session.get('creator') == me.id
tr(class=myRow ? "success" : "")
td.score-cell= session.get('totalScore').toFixed(2)
td= session.get('creatorName')
td= session.get('creatorName') || "Anonymous"
a(href="/play/level/#{level.get('slug') || level.id}/?team=#{team.otherTeam}&opponent=#{session.id}") COMPETE
a(href="/play/level/#{level.get('slug') || level.id}/?team=#{team.otherTeam}&opponent=#{session.id}") Compete!
a(href="/play/ladder/#{levelID}/team/#{team.id}") View details
unless me.attributes.anonymous
button.btn.btn-warning.btn-lg.highlight#simulate-button(style="margin-bottom:10px;") Simulate Games!
p(style="display:inline; margin-left:10px;")
p(id="simulationStatusText", style="display:inline; margin-left:10px;")
if simulationStatus
| #{simulationStatus}
| By simulating games you can get your game ranked faster!
if me.isAdmin()
button.btn.btn-warning.btn-lg.highlight#simulate-all-button(style="margin-bottom:10px; float: right;") RESET AND SIMULATE GAMES
button.btn.btn-danger.btn-lg.highlight#simulate-all-button(style="margin-bottom:10px; float: right;") RESET AND SIMULATE GAMES
@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
if me.get('anonymous')
p Sign in or create an account and get your solution on the leaderboard!
#submit-session-button.btn.btn-primary Update Ladder Score
a#go-to-leaderboard-button.btn.btn-primary(href="/play/ladder/#{levelSlug}/team/#{team}") Go to the leaderboard!
p You can submit your game to be ranked from the leaderboard page.
a(href='#', data-dismiss="modal", aria-hidden="true", data-i18n="modal.close").btn.btn-primary Close
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module.exports = class LadderView extends RootView
@simulationStatus += "..."
catch e
console.log "There was a problem with the named simulation status: #{e}"
$("#simulationStatusText").text @simulationStatus
constructor: (options, @levelID) ->
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module.exports = class MultiplayerModal extends View
'click textarea': 'onClickLink'
'change #multiplayer': 'updateLinkSection'
'click #submit-session-button': 'submitSession'
constructor: (options) ->
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ module.exports = class MultiplayerModal extends View
'?session=' +
c.multiplayer = @session.get('multiplayer')
c.team = @session.get 'team'
c.levelSlug = @level?.get('slug')
c.playableTeams = @playableTeams
c.ladderGame = @level?.get('name') is 'Project DotA' and not me.get('isAnonymous')
@ -41,13 +43,6 @@ module.exports = class MultiplayerModal extends View
la.toggle Boolean(multiplayer)
submitSession: ->
$.ajax('/queue/scoring', {
method: 'POST'
session: @session.id
onHidden: ->
multiplayer = Boolean(@$el.find('#multiplayer').prop('checked'))
@session.set('multiplayer', multiplayer)
@ -26,23 +26,26 @@ connectToScoringQueue = ->
module.exports.createNewTask = (req, res) ->
requestSessionID = req.body.session
if isUserAnonymous req then return errors.forbidden res, "You need to be logged in to be added to the leaderboard"
return errors.badInput res, "The session ID is invalid" unless typeof requestSessionID is "string"
validatePermissions req, requestSessionID, (error, permissionsAreValid) ->
if err? then return errors.serverError res, "There was an error validating permissions"
unless permissionsAreValid then return errors.forbidden res, "You do not have the permissions to submit that game to the leaderboard"
fetchSessionToSubmit requestSessionID, (err, sessionToSubmit) ->
if err? then return errors.serverError res, "There was an error finding the given session."
return errors.badInput res, "The session ID is invalid" unless typeof requestSessionID is "string"
updateSessionToSubmit sessionToSubmit, (err, data) ->
if err? then return errors.serverError res, "There was an error updating the session"
fetchSessionToSubmit requestSessionID, (err, sessionToSubmit) ->
if err? then return errors.serverError res, "There was an error finding the given session."
fetchSessionsToRankAgainst (err, sessionsToRankAgainst) ->
if err? then return errors.serverError res, "There was an error fetching the sessions to rank against"
updateSessionToSubmit sessionToSubmit, (err, data) ->
if err? then return errors.serverError res, "There was an error updating the session"
taskPairs = generateTaskPairs(sessionsToRankAgainst, sessionToSubmit)
sendEachTaskPairToTheQueue taskPairs, (taskPairError) ->
if taskPairError? then return errors.serverError res, "There was an error sending the task pairs to the queue"
fetchSessionsToRankAgainst (err, sessionsToRankAgainst) ->
if err? then return errors.serverError res, "There was an error fetching the sessions to rank against"
sendResponseObject req, res, {"message":"All task pairs were succesfully sent to the queue"}
taskPairs = generateTaskPairs(sessionsToRankAgainst, sessionToSubmit)
sendEachTaskPairToTheQueue taskPairs, (taskPairError) ->
if taskPairError? then return errors.serverError res, "There was an error sending the task pairs to the queue"
sendResponseObject req, res, {"message":"All task pairs were succesfully sent to the queue"}
module.exports.dispatchTaskToConsumer = (req, res) ->
if isUserAnonymous(req) then return errors.forbidden res, "You need to be logged in to simulate games"
@ -95,6 +98,14 @@ module.exports.processTaskResult = (req, res) ->
console.log "Sending response object"
sendResponseObject req, res, {"message":"The scores were updated successfully!"}
validatePermissions = (req, sessionID, callback) ->
if isUserAnonymous req then return callback null, false
if isUserAdmin req then return callback null, true
LevelSession.findOne(_id:sessionID).select('creator submittedCode code').lean().exec (err, retrievedSession) ->
if err? then return callback err, retrievedSession
code = retrievedSession.code
submittedCode = retrievedSession.submittedCode
callback null, (retrievedSession.creator is req.user?.id and not _.isEqual(code, submittedCode))
addMatchToSessions = (clientResponseObject, newScoreObject, callback) ->
matchObject = {}
@ -175,6 +186,8 @@ getUserIDFromRequest = (req) -> if req.user? then return req.user._id else retur
isUserAnonymous = (req) -> if req.user? then return req.user.get('anonymous') else return true
isUserAdmin = (req) -> return Boolean(req.user?.isAdmin())
parseTaskQueueMessage = (req, res, message) ->
if typeof message.getBody() is "object" then return message.getBody()
Reference in a new issue