Merge pull request #479 from jayant1992/proposed-editor-bugfix

Minor bugfix for freezing editor due to out of bounds frame index
This commit is contained in:
Nick Winter 2014-03-05 12:50:09 -08:00
commit b84c2d301a

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@ -502,6 +502,7 @@ module.exports = Surface = class Surface extends CocoClass
# Skip some frame updates unless we're playing and not at end (or we haven't drawn much yet)
frameAdvanced = (@playing and @currentFrame < @world.totalFrames) or @totalFramesDrawn < 2
@currentFrame += @world.frameRate / @options.frameRate if frameAdvanced and @playing
@currentFrame = Math.min(@currentFrame, @world.totalFrames - 1)
newWorldFrame = Math.floor @currentFrame
worldFrameAdvanced = newWorldFrame isnt oldWorldFrame
if worldFrameAdvanced